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[#221] Transformer Volume Control preamp 我都不太明白 吾好意思, 因不太懂電子零件的關係, 想請問各位ching, 無源前級究竟有那幾款? |
cj8437![]() 49.xxx.xxx.104 |
2024-09-25 11:36 | |
[#222] 無源前級 Transformer Volume Control preamp 定話有玩開無源前級嘅師兄分享一下你嗰部無源前級嘅資料。 最後修改時間: 2024-09-26 09:33:32 |
cj8437![]() 49.xxx.xxx.253 |
2024-09-26 09:21 |
[#223] 無源前級 Transformer Volume Control preamp #222 I was using the preamp/ volume control of the DAC (Audiolab MDAC+). Then I added a Hattor The Big passive preamp 10k pot with AMRG resistors found the soundstage was larger and could hear more nuances. One issue with the resistor based passive preamp is the potential impedance mismatch with your power amp ( in my case, a pair of active speakers with 10kohm) resulting in rolling off the high frequencies. I then added a Jensen 2:1 step down transformer after the preamp to lower the output impedance of the preamp. Some argue with the step down transformer I am not achieving unity gain even at max volume but I never listened to max volume and the DAC output is 6V and Zout is 3ohm so more than enough to drive. With the Hattor you can add an active stage with +3, +6, +9db of gain. With the active stage engaged the music is more intimate, forward and dynamic. In passive mode the soundstage is larger, more recessed and relaxed. I prefer the passive mode. Build quality is superb and comes with a separate LPS. I do want to try a TVC as it does not have the impedance mismatch issue. The output Z goes up and down as the volume. |
MichaelWittmann![]() 220.xxx.xxx.51 |
2024-09-27 09:08 |
[#224] 無源前級 Transformer Volume Control preamp 想請教各位ching, 這兩隻火牛擺放位置會否太近?磁場會否影響對方? 吾該晒各位! ![]() |
cj8437![]() 49.xxx.xxx.75 |
2024-11-08 09:48 |
[#225] 無源前級 Transformer Volume Control preamp 方向需要如下擺放,否則造成互相干擾! ![]() |
LaLaLam![]() 42.xxx.xxx.5 |
2024-11-08 11:42 |
[#226] 無源前級 Transformer Volume Control preamp #222 我用了幾年呢間 icon4Pro full balance input output https://www.passivepreamp.com/ https://www.hiendy.com/hififorum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=136965 當年新機賣兩皮幾港紙,现在........ |
PhantomGTR![]() 158.xxx.xxx.231 |
2024-11-12 12:19 |
[#227] 無源前級 Transformer Volume Control preamp #224 中間可用金屬片間開佢 我D机有需要時會剪銅片包住D牛 |
伊雲士![]() 14.xxx.xxx.60 |
2024-11-12 13:21 |