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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
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[#1] Transformer Volume Control preamp 本星期一開始研究DIY做一部TVC無源前級 訂購了2隻火牛0至-60db 30級抽頭次級每級2dB 初級XLR Balance 10k輸入 約3600 圈 100mA 用EI 114 x 44mm Z6 Hi-B 牛 日本ALP 4刀33 selector ![]() |
drchan![]() 112.xxx.xxx.184 |
2014-07-30 17:22 | |
[#2] Transformer Volume Control preamp 接線後相片 ![]() |
drchan![]() 124.xxx.xxx.35 |
2014-07-30 18:12 |
[#3] Transformer Volume Control preamp C-hing build one more and sell it to me la ! .... (he he) |
MOSbill![]() 223.xxx.xxx.72 |
2014-07-30 18:20 |
[#4] Transformer Volume Control preamp How a TVC Works A typical volume control is a cheap variable resistor. A resistor’s job is to take the energy of an electrical signal and convert some of that energy to heat, thus making a smaller signal. A TVC, on the other hand, uses a transformer instead of a resistor to decrease voltage. A transformer takes a high-voltage, low-current signal and converts it into a low-voltage, highcurrent signal of essentially the same energy. This creates a decrease in voltage at lower volumes without sacrificing any of the signal’s energy. A TVC is designed to match the input impedance of a source (i.e., CD player) with the output impedance of the amplifier. By matching voltage and current without adding noise, grunge, etc., the signal remains intact. This maximizes voltage transfer and presents a much easier load to your amp. I am using DAC supplied by Tianyu recently with 4.2Volt balance output which usually too high for power amp, the TVC will transfer high impedance, high voltange low current into low impedance, low voltage and high current, and no power lost in the volume control. I designed to use Balance input terminal and RCA single ended output terminal in order to match my tube power amp. What is the sound quality you will expect? Dr. Chan ![]() |
drchan![]() 183.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-07-30 21:49 |
[#5] Transformer Volume Control preamp Mosbill, You better listen to the end result before you decided to buy one seriously made Transformer Volume Control preamp. Dr. Chan |
drchan![]() 183.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-07-30 21:53 |
[#6] Transformer Volume Control preamp right... invite me to listen yours (when you finish) hehe.. Bill |
MOSbill![]() 223.xxx.xxx.72 |
2014-07-31 10:08 |
[#7] Transformer Volume Control preamp Dr 你果然係西飛利,遲D等冇咁忙一定要去見識下 :-) |
SAMLUI![]() 203.xxx.xxx.160 |
2014-07-31 11:03 |
[#8] Transformer Volume Control preamp 靚機殼訂了未到 先用臨時一試 開左聲2日 越來越靚聲 決定將其他前級出售 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2014-07-31 17:07:02 |
drchan![]() 203.xxx.xxx.51 |
2014-07-31 17:04 |
[#9] Transformer Volume Control preamp 這部新做的TVC無源前級比我曾經用過的前級 包括Mark 32, 26, MBL6019D, Krell Evolution 202 ...... 好聲得多 據說這隻TVC火牛最小要200個小時才能煲熟 相信越來越好聲 我決定比多D耐性 多謝有幾個Ching今個星期六來寒舍試聽 記得自帶試音CD Dr. Chan 最後修改時間: 2014-07-31 21:37:23 |
drchan![]() 183.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-07-31 21:28 |
[#10] Transformer Volume Control preamp 難得買到隻日本ALP 4刀33擇制 成條鴨寮街只找到一隻 ![]() |
drchan![]() 183.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-07-31 21:52 |
[#11] Transformer Volume Control preamp Tomorrow afternoon HiFi party equipment: Tanyu CD Transport + Tanyu External Clock + Tanyu DAC + DIY Transformer Volume control + Audio Space 300B power amp + DIY 833a booster power amp + DIY 15inches Full range speaker |
drchan![]() 183.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-08-01 17:35 |
[#12] Transformer Volume Control preamp RCA833a tubes used in the power booster amplifier ![]() |
drchan![]() 183.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-08-01 17:37 |
[#13] Transformer Volume Control preamp 多謝DR Chan讓我見識你的TVC前級,質感和力感絕非一般無源前級能及,還有其超大型833a後後級亦令我大開眼和耳界。 |
fi2![]() 223.xxx.xxx.202 |
2014-08-02 20:51 |
[#14] Transformer Volume Control preamp 多謝drchan兄無私的分享 ! |
Pak![]() 59.xxx.xxx.134 |
2014-08-02 21:45 |
[#15] Transformer Volume Control preamp 日本ALP 4刀33擇制 ------------------ 佛山做的,這款焊片是兩年前舊款,新款是鍍金柱。 |
simon62![]() 120.xxx.xxx.10 |
2014-08-02 22:16 |
[#16] Transformer Volume Control preamp 今天有㡬位發燒友到寒舍玩了大半天 大家都盡興 但同時發現TVC的輸入直流阻抗比較低約500 ohm 對DAC產生harmonic distortion 需要在TVC輸入部分作出修補 完成後再報告成果 |
drchan![]() 183.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-08-03 00:10 |
[#17] Transformer Volume Control preamp TVC我自己聽過幾過牌子.等你改好輸入部分作出修補.可否到訪. 本人覺比美製好.日本ALP 4刀33擇制,己出新款.改良了33檔接觸片. 另外 可否知道這对牛多小$ 謝謝 最後修改時間: 2014-08-03 02:07:15 |
cityguy![]() 61.xxx.xxx.87 |
2014-08-03 01:40 |
[#18] Transformer Volume Control preamp drchan兄, > 但同時發現TVC的輸入直流阻抗比較低約500 ohm 對DAC產生harmonic distortion < 是TVC 的 Primary inductance 太高,試試並支10K~4.7K / 0.5W電阻在火牛primary winding. 好有興趣想知道,你是如何發現對DAC產生harmonic distortion ? |
daniel-chui![]() 118.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-08-03 06:14 |
[#19] Transformer Volume Control preamp 另一原因:TVC的Primary winding 出現 self resonant,分分鐘搞壞dac output |
daniel-chui![]() 118.xxx.xxx.190 |
2014-08-03 12:01 |
[#20] Transformer Volume Control preamp CD 輸出 幾多V? 幾多 mA ? 有冇可能令隻咁大隻牛Resonant ? 訊號流向 : CD > Passive amp > 後級 >喇叭 不如話分分鐘搞壞隻手,又振壞埋您個腦啦! 唔識好亂吹 ! |
HIFIMAN888![]() 203.xxx.xxx.64 |
2014-08-03 13:07 |