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[#1] 用咩amp推KEF LS50好?    
如題,用audiolab 8200a 效果好嗎?

最後修改時間: 2012-12-23 01:43:53
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-12-23 01:43
[#2] 用咩amp推KEF LS50好?    
Hi CHing,

I want to know too. Which one is better ?

Marantz PM-KI-Pearlite or
Yamaha AS2000

Any more similar range 2-channel amp suitable ?

Also, I use surround receiver amp where I can adjust the distance from the speaker to the listener; do I need to do so with these 2-channel amps ?

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-12-23 16:41
[#3] 用咩amp推KEF LS50好?    
8200A 小弟並唔知。但小弟正是 A-S2000 的用家,那我當然想投它一票。而另一部價格在 similar range 的畢直機,我想我會投那個大六忠臣的奇力 S-300i 水貨...... :p
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-12-23 19:25
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