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[#1] 外置硬碟同NAS攞歌    
我依家在外置硬碟和NAS有同一套音樂檔案。呢幾日嘗試比較硬碟(經Curious USB線)同由NAS経PPV switch V2、 Lan 線 入Mac Mini 去DAC。聽落硬碟嘅動態勁啲同"行"的、結象緊啲。由NAS入就鬆啲同音樂感舒服啲。絕對係同一套音樂檔案。

個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-01 13:58
[#2] 外置硬碟同NAS攞歌    
NAS is much better in my case.

Silence in addition to all the good sound attributes.

最後修改時間: 2019-08-01 14:23:25
個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-01 14:21
[#3] 外置硬碟同NAS攞歌    
I have been listening A-B. The files are identical (basically I use the HDD as a back up for my NAS so files are copied from NAS to HDD). Supposedly the music files are buffered in the computer before sending to process in the DAC (so the DAC should be playing from the Mac Mini's RAM and not from either HDD or NAS), what are causing the differences. In my system it seems the HDD sounds better. I am wondering if it is because my NAS and router are on switching power supply that came with the units. Before I spend more money and time on LPS's since it may not seem to worth it, I would appreciate more from thoughts the community.
個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-01 18:03
[#4] 外置硬碟同NAS攞歌    
It is reasonable that the sound from local HDD is better then those streaming from NAS. The main reason is that our home networking is basically a non-deterministic network structure. The network time response is variable (uncertain). For audiophile/professional audio application, deterministic network (eg AES67) is the only way to achieve an acceptable result.

個人訊息 會員
2019-08-01 20:04
[#5] 外置硬碟同NAS攞歌    
I never audition any NAS that can sound good honestly!
個人訊息 會員
2019-08-01 20:39
[#6] 外置硬碟同NAS攞歌    
Sounds like unless you absolutely need to retrieve music files from the network (including NAS), you are better off saving the files on a HDD and play the music from it.

個人訊息 正式會員
2019-08-01 22:51
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