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[#1] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 圖中文件的兩個安裝spu 唱頭的有效長度326/329,安装孔326為314mm、安裝孔329為316mm。 請問有無c兄知道怎樣將支唱臂由326增長至329mm。 謝謝! ![]() |
as09899![]() 49.xxx.xxx.45 |
2023-03-26 10:43 | |
[#2] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 or https://www.maplatine.com/en/headshells/1317-ortofon-spu-apj-1-adapter.html |
cornercube![]() 14.xxx.xxx.88 |
2023-03-26 15:04 |
[#3] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 #1 What cartridge u be using for that arm? Spu.. Or.. Others? 最後修改時間: 2023-03-26 15:56:12 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.192 |
2023-03-26 15:55 |
[#4] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 #2 唔係要比A用,是常規格SPU。 先說明一下,Rs-309d日本使用有效長度326已包括安裝SpU唱頭所須要長度。歐式使用有效長度329已包括安裝sPU唱頭長度。 但唱臂廠方只提供326款有效長度。 問題係支臂本身是否可以改变個長度,如果不能,多出的3mm從何而來。如果得又要點先做到329個長度裝sPU唱頭。 還是有些spU唱頭是稍長的,装在326長度時可達329呢? 如有可以指出是那個型號的spu。 谢謝 |
as09899![]() 49.xxx.xxx.225 |
2023-03-26 15:59 |
[#5] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 唔通有兩款, 有沒實際量度過, 官網有上載推薦安裝方案, 可以同時滿足 SPU 及 SME hs 的規格 SPU 連殼由於不能調整參數, 掛在 RS-309D 的有效長度已是 329mm SME headshell 就調到 326.5mm, 可符合常用的 Baerwald alignment https://www.ortofon.com/media/15220/recommendations_for_rs_and_as_tonearms.pdf ![]() |
info2k![]() 124.xxx.xxx.208 |
2023-03-26 16:14 |
[#6] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 This is the specs from Japanese factory. your mounting distance based on Japanese geometry is 311mm, effective length 326mm and overhang 15mm https://www.ortofon.com/media/151312/rs-212d-and-rs-309d-userguide.pdf ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-03-26 16:16:21 |
bambino![]() 210.xxx.xxx.231 |
2023-03-26 16:15 |
[#7] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 #5 is the recommendations by Ortofon Denmark, following the more conventional Baerwald geometry. Note that mounting distance becomes 314mm (vs Jap 311mm) Effective length 326.5 (vs Jap 326mm) Overhang 12.5 (vs Jap 15mm) All these numbers are based on cartridge mounting on headshell, installing SPU-G cartridge does not meant to change mounting distance. ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-03-26 16:25:15 |
bambino![]() 210.xxx.xxx.231 |
2023-03-26 16:18 |
[#8] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 if it is about those fixed SPU what downhunter said can be quite wrong............... or it can be quite right if he made a mod for his particular SPU or using a NAKED SPU ? there indeed a possibility to get an outcome similar to longer effective length , but it is by shorter mounting distance and a small change of offset angle ,or a very specific mounting distance , angle of the arm to spindle and offset angle, however it is almost impossible to get things right for a certain FIXED type of SPU without altering the offset angle or a particular user feel better or prefer the sound with a new set of compromise , as pivot arm is always a compromise for tracking error 最後修改時間: 2023-03-26 17:02:45 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.192 |
2023-03-26 16:58 |
[#9] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 原廠的有效長度326能直接裝上多3mm的Spu唱頭,這點可理解?,用Hs殻都正確326~329。 但問題又從回到#1圖內文件題到326 for spu,又係咩一回事?如果是裝顆體SpU可以理解,但如果是一體的spU就唔能夠理解,怎樣去減少多出的3mm。 |
as09899![]() 49.xxx.xxx.225 |
2023-03-26 18:04 |
[#10] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 first of all, effective length is measured from tonearm pivot point to the stylus tip. there's no way to adjust this number when you plug in a SPU-G cartridge to the tonearm. having said that, with the above set-up, you can manipulate mounting distance and thus overhang to achieve different geometry. personally i won't bother with what's said in #1. 最後修改時間: 2023-03-26 18:52:21 |
bambino![]() 210.xxx.xxx.231 |
2023-03-26 18:45 |
[#11] ortofon rs-309d 有效長度一問。 here's the tracking distortion chart based on Ortofon Denmark's recommendation in #7 (yellow line), together with 3 conventional geometries (Lofgren A / Baerwald, Lofgren B & Stevenson). clearly, the yellow & blue lines pretty much overlap and this verify that Ortofon Denmark's recommendation is indeed Baerwald geometry. ![]() this chart is plotted based on Japanese geometry (yellow line again) and compare with 3 other geometries. in general, Jap geometry tends to produce higher distortion except the inner & outer most grooves. ![]() 最後修改時間: 2023-03-26 20:02:55 |
bambino![]() 210.xxx.xxx.231 |
2023-03-26 19:56 |
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