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[#66] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? Haha hing.. thanks for sharing ^^ |
i-walker![]() 103.xxx.xxx.131 |
2024-05-06 22:06 | |
[#65] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? 早幾年我個朋友 好似係八千 or 12k 蚊放咗出去 P8, 我同佢一齊玩咗幾個星期, 覺得幾好 好嘅原因就證明咗咁輕量都可以做得好 但係萬幾蚊嘅重盤我都玩過some, 又係幾好 各有各好... For random music application.. Both approach seem workable, hard to know which one better, may be it s down to individual execution As a LP user... After set up, no funny mechanical feedback noise due to couple the supporting structure etc.. No excessive reasonate, due to serious mis match of the cartridge and the tone arm Then hard to know the rest why it is better and difficult to know why different.. As it is really a lot of variable To eliminate the source of micro level or nano level of vibration..., make more asense to separate the motor unit to the main chassis... However It is quite an integrate sturture.. That desicion is quite funny too Easy of use, easy to set up may be one of the core goal too External source of vibration. Can always eliminate by external method too.. There are people truely appreciate simplicity too 最後修改時間: 2024-05-06 21:25:14 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.47 |
2024-05-06 21:11 |
[#64] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? I don’t expect / need any scientific evidence / report / research on this subject and just want to know the feedback from genuine users / Audiophiles :p |
i-walker![]() 86.xxx.xxx.179 |
2024-05-06 20:59 |
[#63] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? Yoyoyo 我相信你問這個問題是沒有真正的答案的, even 10 out of 10 physic professors, for that turntable application, they may not know the turth but speculation, however all should not have sufficient data for that particular and very difficult wide frequency spectrum device..., they may have their belief or preference It is easy to answer for some device with very narrow application range... But music turntable is a an quite a complex and random frequency application device This is why...some heavy weight table is so good Some light weight is also so good too 做咗一千幾百年嘅 利用共振出嚟嘅樂器, 都還未有全面嘅科學分析點解有一啲 so much better or pleasant to most human ear.. But some not.. 何況只有 唔夠100年歷史嘅唱盤... 還未涉及到心理影響判斷的問題 Blind test for turntable system set up.. Is quite difficult to set a "control" too 最後修改時間: 2024-05-06 18:55:44 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.47 |
2024-05-06 18:49 |
[#62] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? 片中約 8 分鐘左右有提 Rega 的設計理念及所謂「實驗」 ^^! |
i-walker![]() 103.xxx.xxx.131 |
2024-05-06 17:45 |
[#61] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? 小弟最近都想玩黑膠,見不同廠家都有不同的設計理念,如Rega 就用最少及輕(但堅硬)的物料以減低諧振的影響,另一理念如Nottingham Analogue 就用重物料來減震⋯ 請問邊個方法較好效果呢? 先謝謝! |
i-walker![]() 103.xxx.xxx.131 |
2024-05-06 17:43 |
[#60] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? #58, Well....well, a good stuff. |
rcywong![]() 112.xxx.xxx.221 |
2024-04-13 10:49 |
[#59] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? Oh.. I love to have an old verider too |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.202 |
2024-04-12 23:57 |
[#58] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? #55 This is what I use. A battery power pack. One charge for tt alone can last for few weeks. No voltage or Hz fluctuation. My tt is Verdier, it is an older model, it does benefit from it. Sorry for the sideway photo. ![]() |
W.lo.bc![]() 64.xxx.xxx.225 |
2024-04-12 23:11 |
[#57] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? Haha Wong hing 睇完你幅相搞到我心思思想開箱 haha |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.202 |
2024-04-12 16:38 |
[#56] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? Haha Wong hing Seem I should not be lazy haha Haha |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.202 |
2024-04-12 16:20 |
[#55] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? Haha hing, A good question. I wish to get a clean DC power to drive the motor. It is quite convenient and works well for several hours in operation. So easy job......ha. |
rcywong![]() 112.xxx.xxx.221 |
2024-04-12 16:19 |
[#54] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? That one is better And it is a luxman belt drive.. Phone app is good enough for me to understand some before and after Anything more sophisticated.., must be doing what 長長影子 suggest Oh I do have those equipment and test LP too... Why I am. So lazy haha Those simple graph does tell a lot of thing haha Also a well services Lenco is better too, and I love lenco, especially lenco havea. Big community.. And a lot of real upgrade parts too (some of those not snake oil) ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-04-12 16:21:43 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.202 |
2024-04-12 16:16 |
[#53] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? Look closer It is. Not that good.. But it can be better after soem. Services The best best I have seem so far.. Was a good LP12 ![]() |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.202 |
2024-04-12 16:15 |
[#52] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? 但我覺得剩係睇轉速唔準,最好都係播放訊號碟,可以同時睇到轉速器介入校正嘅變化週期。 ![]() |
長長影子![]() 165.xxx.xxx.80 |
2024-04-12 15:57 |
[#51] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? That was from 2 days ago A jvc Tt81 .. Great table for rock music or any music with bass... Haha ![]() |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.202 |
2024-04-12 15:52 |
[#50] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? yooyoyoyyoo Wong hing can you share...why u prefer battery...but not just a LPS ? i may use one of my Simon Yorke... Wonder..shall i battery. ( long time ago..i had a panasonic car battery for it )..or LPS ( I have a cheap 12V LPS...) haha David there are someone at HK seem to be quite an expert for technic SP10 , for 30K...u should get one fully "renew" electronicly i am now quite careful for buying old vintage japanese table...i do check can i still get those special IC and read those service manual before i consider i really do not mind if i come across a Kenwood L-07D at ok price.. 最後修改時間: 2024-04-12 15:39:14 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.202 |
2024-04-12 15:33 |
[#49] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? 可準確調節33及45轉。 |
rcywong![]() 112.xxx.xxx.221 |
2024-04-12 13:28 |
[#48] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? #47師兄,請問你的DC摩打轉速穩定准確嗎? |
kongkin55![]() 219.xxx.xxx.165 |
2024-04-12 12:15 |
[#47] 小弟想買一部黑膠唱盤,但心想買二手定係同等價錢買新的呢? 冇問題喎! 80年代後期買的唱盤用了幾十年個Motor 同Controller 於幾年前己壞了。及後改為外置Motor及12 Volts 义電池運作又可用多幾十年。 ![]() |
rcywong![]() 112.xxx.xxx.221 |
2024-04-12 11:42 |