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[#21] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
from arthur salvatore reviewing the reviewers:


1. Never anger any protected audio industry entity, such as:

A. An important current, or potential, advertiser; including manufacturers, distributors or retailers, or...

B. Any other audio establishment which has a "personal relationship" with you.

2. Delay acknowledging any serious problems with a "protected" component until you give another rave review to the "updated" model which replaces it and "corrects" the problems.

3. Avoid making any direct comparisons with a "protected" component, but if you have to, follow these "Solutions":

A. Compare the component only to older and/or obsolete models, especially from the same manufacturer. (See Rule #2 above).

B. If Solution "A" is not possible, compare the component to "competitors" costing either MUCH more or MUCH less.

C. If both Solutions "A" or "B" are not possible, "neglect" to mention the actual names and model numbers of the rival components that you compare it to in the review.

D. If Solutions "A", "B" or "C" are all not feasible, and you must compare the model to a current, similarly priced (and "protected") competitor that you must name, then you must be:

1. As ambiguous as possible, and you must also...
2. Never describe any problem as "serious" (See Rule #3.E)
3. Never proclaim one model to be clearly superior to the other(s). In short...
4. Both (or all) of the components must be seen as equally desirable and of similar value.

E. Problems or imperfections that aren't obvious (such as no bass below 40 Hz with small speakers), may be described as "serious" (easy to hear) only when using Solutions "A", "B" or "C".

However, any problems described when using Solution "D" must always be "subtle" and "difficult to hear", or even described as an "advancement" if possible.

4. You must never inform readers if an "audiophile" accessory or tweak is also available in a generic form at a fraction of the price that the "protected" manufacturer is charging (Blue Tac and RFI rings etc.).

5. Any and all "transactions" between you and any of the parties mentioned in Rule #1 must always be kept strictly Confidential. Accordingly...

A. You must never divulge the actual price, if any, you paid to "purchase" your reference components or accessories, or any extra costs you paid, if any, to have those same components updated, modified, repaired, replaced etc.

B. You must never divulge any "gifts", "favors" or "perks" that you received from the "protected" audio entities, or those with whom you have a "personal relationship".

6. You must never mention the actual costs, even at retail prices, of the parts that are used to manufacture the component.

7. Further to Rules #4 & #6, you must never state, or even imply, that any component or accessory is "over-priced".

8. The more corrupt your magazine is, the more you shall proclaim your honesty.

9. Magazines shall never divulge the actual percentage of their advertising revenues to their total revenues.

10. OVERRIDE CLAUSE- Some of the preceding rules (#1, #2 & #3) may be ignored only in the event of either a serious (and apparently indefinite) breach of the "personal relationship" between the audio company and reviewer/magazine, and/or the termination, or non-payment, of their advertising contract.

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 19:59
[#22] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
早十多年前,我投既稿都被這本雜誌刊登過,對器材讚既文句就一字不漏如實刊登,但不足之處就問都無問過我 全部刪除;從此我就再無買過哩本不折不扣既[廣告雜誌]!
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 20:04
[#23] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
arthur salvatore is very critical, and he wrote an detailed article analysing the relationships between Advertisement and Hifi magazines. In particular, he criticised Stereophile for increasing the number of good products in their annual reviews after taking ads - oh yes, Stereophile used to be ad-free magazines many years ago, and the annual recommended gears are just a few, and after taking ads, the annual recommendation list have dozens and every piece of gears seem to have merits. Arthur Salvatore suggests that it is due to advertising.

It is a very persuasive article using quantitative analysis method.

The relationship between ads and reviews of gears ais a very paradoxical one. I think HK mags are the extreme case, which lets ads almost totally taking over critical attitudes. Stereophiles, however, are still informative. It may be less critical, subtle and relative in judging gears, but many reviewers still try to write between the lines and express their critical attitudes about mainstream products (marginal products are ignored - a undeniable fact); sometimes after very wordy reports criticisms are found in the middle or the end of the reviews, with one or two paragraphs. Lastly their archive offers some of the best technical discussions about Hifi gears, and every now and then they still do.

Are independent review always the best? Not necessarily, The Audio Critic is an indpendent magazine (http://www.theaudiocritic.com/) Its view of Hifi is however a particular band of 'objectivist' - believing all gears tend to be the same in terms of spec and ignore the fact that some aspects of hifi experience still can't be measured by existing spec.

The relationship ad and reviews are an interesting and complex topic!
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 20:13
[#24] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    

就算呇a講真說話都冇用,D機下下都5皮/10皮以上,我唔信有咁多人個個都比十幾萬買hifi law.

D 兩萬以下既products,呇a係唔cover既.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 20:20
[#25] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    

me too....but now seems no space to store more of this magazine loo, I keep this magazine from 1986...haha
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 20:28
[#26] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
stereo sound 本書ok架,需然有時呢班日本仔偏向用日本器材,但整体評論算專業,學到野!
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 20:58
[#27] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
"""I keep this magazine from 1986."""

wow is this a joke?

bigger joke is that xx technique not even conduct its own testing of frequency response and publish the graphs, and the magazine is titled 'technique"

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 21:09
[#28] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 21:28
[#29] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
u tell me

he has been around many years

perhaps one day he will join r33 to defend his points of view
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 22:52
[#30] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
Melody 1688本身開聲已然有世界頂級水準,它靚聲到我不敢有作任何改善它的意圖(更換真空管試聲的工作要留給膽痴們去嘗試了),但整體而言,我認為Melody 1688已達到最高的調聲水準,摩機友己沒有什麼改良的餘地。


唔知糧︰adis JPL同部野即場A/B比較!呀陳生會唔會為坌J謊言而汗顏呢?
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 22:59
[#31] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
的寫膳槁要人信服是要在一百句實話中加一句善意大話先有人信服!你睇下the absoulte sound 同架仔的stero sound人地膳左咁多年都.............
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 23:04
[#32] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
唔知糧︰adis JPL同部野即場A/B比較!呀陳生會唔會為坌J謊言而汗顏呢?

唔使用Jadis JPL金晒嗎??
用部舊ARC 都除時KO.
用過部SP3MK2 真正比坒漲.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 23:04
[#33] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
i can reply for mr chan

jadis represents european sound, melody is china sounding. incomparable.

or pre amp needs to match with power amp. if matched properly you wont believe how good the sounding is

or you need to select proper interconnect cables, power cables to bring up good sound

or your ears have problems. mine is golden
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 23:22
[#34] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 23:44
[#35] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
i can reply for mr chan

jadis represents european sound, melody is china sounding. incomparable.

or pre amp needs to match with power amp. if matched properly you wont believe how good the sounding is

or you need to select proper interconnect cables, power cables to bring up good sound

or your ears have problems. mine is golden
至於坅YGolden Ear.............哈哈哈,我諗呢度除左呀茂呢個廢柴外,大把白金耳啦
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-08 23:55
[#36] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
how much is jpl? and how much is melody? incomparable

mr chan should put in a proviso claiming that melody is the best within its price range. as he did not do so just open up lots of attacks.

he will learn next time but whether you can teach an old dog new tricks is questionable lol
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-09 00:12
[#37] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
0尼本0野所講0既同我所聽到0既有好大差異, 正所謂道不同,不相為謀..冇睇好耐都慳番0吾少 (:P
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-09 01:51
[#38] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    

i will believe you if you are a medical doctor and done hearing check ups for them.

there are lots they think they can hear but actually out from their imagination :-)
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-09 01:52
[#39] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    
Melody 1688本身開聲已然有世界頂級水準,

應該馬上定高國寶級, 為國爭光. 外國做到的, 我們做得更好, 超英趕美.

只在小雜誌亂吹. 太浪費.

應上報中聯辦, 國務院跟進. 飛起特區政府.


個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-09 16:21
[#40] 好誇張評論........有史以來最好聲...    

部部机聽過世, +世部聽唔完, 一屋都係. 對上一百部聽過世的前後係點處理.

外國品牌唔洗做. 執左妧. 咁猛競爭對手.

但好似二手2-3 千港紙?????

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-02-09 16:58
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