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[#1] Oppo 95 and Cambridge audio Azur 751BD It seems the Cambridge 751BD is a OEM product that shares the same design of Oppo 95. I want to buy either one of them. Which one is better? |
jimmyihv![]() 118.xxx.xxx.245 |
2011-12-14 20:28 | |
[#2] Oppo 95 and Cambridge audio Azur 751BD Hi jimmyihv hing, I want to buy one of these machine too. I went to test them intensively in MK last week, and have the following findings: Audio section: Cambridge win at least 30% over Oppo 95. 95 sounds like a $4k CDP only. It's a shame that the 95 has no way to win Cambridge even with XLR connection and far more advance DAC! Video section: Oppo is sharper and more solid than Cambridge. At least 20% difference in here. The saleman told me that Oppo has faster FW upgrade. But ISO and FLAC reading capability can also be found in Cambridge. Hope this can help..... |
Royal Horse![]() 218.xxx.xxx.229 |
2011-12-15 10:06 |
[#3] Oppo 95 and Cambridge audio Azur 751BD Royal Horse Hing, Your comments are very valuable to me. Thanks, |
jimmyihv![]() 118.xxx.xxx.245 |
2011-12-15 11:52 |
[#4] Oppo 95 and Cambridge audio Azur 751BD Hi jimmyihv, I think if for BD video, it's better to buy 93. That's I'm considering currently. That $5k extra for 95 is enough for u to buy a separated CDP. Alternatively u can save that money for future DAC upgrade. If we don't care about the tone, 95 is OK to handle slow and simple music like 蔡琴. However when playback complex music with high dynamics, 95 was totally collapsed (which is also a common problem for most sub $5k CDP). The representation of 95 is totally messy without detail. I specially requested the salesman to playback Telarc Round Up, 95 was totally defeated by Cambridge down the dirt! But I won't consider Cambridge either since the picture is too soft for my taste (typical European picture tuning). The different can be noticed even in a 46" LCD TV! 最後修改時間: 2011-12-15 12:06:49 |
Royal Horse![]() 218.xxx.xxx.229 |
2011-12-15 12:04 |
[#5] Oppo 95 and Cambridge audio Azur 751BD Ching, my friend also want to buy Azur 751 or Nuforce NXE 93 too,where to audition, but he don't want to upgarde too expensive Hifi equipment to enjoy the music. |
Steric![]() 59.xxx.xxx.66 |
2011-12-15 13:04 |
[#6] Oppo 95 and Cambridge audio Azur 751BD It's difficult to choose either one. |
jimmyihv![]() 118.xxx.xxx.245 |
2011-12-15 15:36 |
[#7] Oppo 95 and Cambridge audio Azur 751BD chings, What is the price of 751? thanks |
stephen![]() 61.xxx.xxx.57 |
2011-12-15 15:38 |
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