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[#86] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
#85 钟意还钟意,钟意后生既靓女,好多上咗年纪既男人都想,但现实就係现实,想个后生靓女痴住你,点可以$3000呀,10年前都未必够啦,而加就更加无可能。2、5、8都已成绝响好多年啦!
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-03-23 17:02
[#85] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
50 幾歲人鍾意咗個20 歲「骨妹」

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-03-23 15:43
[#84] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
依家冇再提話 大灣區買樓「一齊去住」啦

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-03-23 15:25
[#83] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
#82 都係10年前嗰个骨女,咁就无可能仲收10前既价啦!每年都要计番折旧率至啱。
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-03-23 15:14
[#82] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    

最後修改時間: 2020-03-23 12:38:12
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-03-23 12:36
[#81] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
10年前$3000而加仲係$3000? 乜都加咗价啦!点解唔知米贵呀,唔通真係不食人间烟火?
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-03-23 12:10
[#80] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-03-23 11:51
[#79] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    


Expensive version is different from 3k cable
個人訊息 會員
2020-03-23 09:22
[#77] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
normal wear and tear u may need to absorb it. in general u may prepare to loan out your stock say half a dozen demo cables depending on demand and sell those demo stock at a discount before they severely wear out.

u can design a scheme. eg

full box unopened sell at full price
demo cables sell at less 10% of full
used sell at 70% of full price
3 day return refund full less 3%
14 day return refund full less 6%
acquire used ones refund at half of full price

or any alternate scheme

個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 18:51
[#76] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
Hi All C Hing, I agreed that if the dealer can offer trial would be the best. I was introduced by a friend's friend that they are producing very good cables in USA. Because of by introduce,they let me test their cables and finally I bought 2 IC and 1 speaker cable. The cable designer ask me to promote their cables in HK. If any C Hing interest to have a test on the cables for a few days which I can borrow them to try but the thing is how I can make sure the cables will return without damaged ? Any C Hing can give a suggestion ? You can PM to me then I can give you my phone number to discussion. Here is the link : http://www.echole.com/ I'm trying to fit in those C Hing love to trial first !
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 18:04
[#75] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 16:46
[#74] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
in some western countries there are better consumer protection laws. hk is a bit outdated.

個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 16:40
[#73] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
>>> In US and Europe they tend to give customers free trial or money back guarantee. Here in Hong Kong we are seldom given such service. So, every trial means money to us.

Not every store will give free trail in usa/canada.

Money back guarantee on some mail order company or big chain store selling electronics (not hi end store).

Once you tried it and liked it, you buy it. money back guarantee is therefore not needed as you tried before you buy.

In general, it's true that a lot of stores in north america will allow you to audition the equipment/cables/accessories at your home. However, once must remember that you can't find brand names in north america like in hk. You go to mk/central and you find all the brands in the world. Most of the time, you find only some brands in one store and they do not have stock. You have to wait for the store to order the item and wait for a few days to a few weeks.
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 13:56
[#72] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
>>> In US and Europe they tend to give customers free trial or money back guarantee. Here in Hong Kong we are seldom given such service. So, every trial means money to us.

I seem to remember Silver Ribbon did offer me money back guarantee. Cable needs to be paid in full. Take home to test for a month. Goods can be returned without questions. I think this should be the way to go. Silver Ribbon can do this, I think, because they sell what they produce, and they can afford the cost.

個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 12:32
[#71] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
Dear Leoking,

I am not sure if I understand your message correctly. The point I am trying to make is that we should be given the opportunity for a home trial before buying. It is very risky to base on the representation of the shop or even the manufacturer for the matter.

Personally, I did not set a limit as to the absolute amount of a cable. Instead, I would rather set a percentage. If my CD player costs HK$40,000, I will pay around 7%-10% (i.e. HK$2,800 -HK$4,000) on the power cable for the CD player. I will probably spend roughly the same amount for the interconnects. In my case, I manage to borrow a couple of power cables and interconnects from a reputable shop in Yau Shing for a home trial. Of course, I paid them in full (around HK$30,000 in total) via my credit card
before taking them out of the shop. Eventually, I selected the cheapest interconnect and the most expansive power cord in the group. I got a full refund for the items I did not take. Everyone is happy.

In your case, I do not know how much your speakers/system cost so I cannot comment on whether placing a HK$80,000 (which I presume represents the price of the speaker cable) as a deposit is a wise move. What I can say is that you are obviously not on good terms with the dealer in view of the fact that he is charging you HK$2,000 as administrative fee.
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 11:25
[#70] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 11:20
[#69] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    

It seem we need more outgoing/soical life.

When we single alone, shopping help relax.

If we go out with friends more, lesser time to being alone, happiness bring from shopping decrease.
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 11:19
[#68] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
其實這只是自身能力和價值觀既issue! 就好似有d 人而家俾成千萬去買個 600呎既市區豪宅一樣, 各取所需啫! : P
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 11:07
[#67] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
Once a dealer agreed to let me on loan a pair of speaker cables for 5 days at a cost $2000. I needed to place a $80,000 (nett of the cable) cheque as guarantee.

Based on above, I'd believe a dealer will be asking for a 2 - 3% lending fee.

Moreover, am I being pathetic if I did pay $2000 on such a loan when someone suggests paying $3000 on a cable is waste of money ?

個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 10:43
[#66] 花費對我來說 3,000 元之內才是合理,超過這價位的線材,實在多餘兼浪費..    
Dear cpu8088,

Your point is well taken. I am citing the 3-day trial period as an example. If the shop is willing to loan you for 5 days, 1 week or even a fortnight, this is even better.

Come to think of it, my trial period concept is indeed very very fair. When you buy a suit, you will of course try on it. Even you know you are size 50, a size 50 suit may not fit you because of the style of cutting. You need to give it a try to match your exact needs.

The problem in the context of buying a cable is that the manufacturers are often promising too much with no subjective standard to verify. People are forced to compare cables by their appearance/packaging and by their price tag.

I am sure most of hi fi fans (not even audiophiles) are willing to pay for a decent pair of interconnects or speaker cables. In the absence of a scientific/accurate way to rate a cable, I firmly believe that home trial is the way to go.

In short, we are prepared to pay but not willing to be ripped off by the shops/cable manufactures.

個人訊息 正式會員
2010-02-11 10:06
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