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[#1] 喇叭 suggestions    
My room is 9’x 11’ with a 4’x 6’ bed and so my chair is basically in the middle of the room.

The speakers are about 5 ft apart, 12 inches from the front wall and 20 inches from the side wall.

My head is about 5 ft from the speakers, and 4 ft to the back wall.

Since the speakers are fairly close to the front and side walls, plus the fact that the setup is basically near-field listening, which of these two speakers are more suitable?
Harbeth M30.1 or Focal Diablo? Or something even smaller?

Suggestions anyone? Thx in advance!

個人訊息 正式會員
2017-03-15 12:23
[#2] 喇叭 suggestions    
I will suggest getting a small pair of speaker instead. If your power amp is capable of driving the speaker in full potential within your headroom, you would sure be rewarded already!
Don't be greedy of large speaker,provided you are an expert in room acoustics tuning.
個人訊息 會員
2017-03-16 17:46
[#3] 喇叭 suggestions    
Yes, and thx PP777.
I guess I must come to terms with the size of the room and go for something smaller.
Some other forum members suggested the P3ESR.
Considering the limited distances and space, I think that's a sensible suggestion.
個人訊息 正式會員
2017-03-16 19:00
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