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[#66] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 不知道消磁環有沒同樣的效果? |
kmg 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.33 |
2009-03-24 09:45 | |
[#67] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I think it should be 磁環 not 消磁環... right..? 磁環 serves different purpose compared with copper shield.. |
hiphopzz 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.228 |
2009-03-24 12:07 |
[#68] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 磁環套在音響器才電源線上有一定效果,未必好聲.用在電視機或DVD機就幾吾錯.這個是玩了多年的Audioquest磁環. |
cyc04 正式會員 96.xxx.xxx.96 |
2009-03-24 12:43 |
[#69] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I bought one 3" red copper tube. I try it on my CDP and amp respectively. Honestly, there is no obvious different. |
成龍大哥 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.127 |
2009-03-24 20:13 |
[#70] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Are yours 3" length, or in diameter ? Are you using unshielded powercord ? |
diytfy 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.164 |
2009-03-24 20:29 |
[#71] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 我去左五金鋪找到銅水喉接環兩隻,紅銅無(牙)$20 黃銅有(牙)$25都幾貴,直徑1.2吋可FOR細IEC插,1.5吋FOR圓IEC插...good 明顯背景靜左&立體感強左^__^ |
as300b 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.146 |
2009-03-24 20:47 |
[#72] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 睇相.. |
as300b 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.146 |
2009-03-24 20:48 |
[#73] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 3" long. diameter is 4.1cm. I bought it from 五金鋪. It is ready made and cost $26. |
成龍大哥 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.132 |
2009-03-24 20:50 |
[#74] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Pioneer plasma TV comes with a ferrite core that is to be attached to the power cord to improve the TV pic quality. |
Krell 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.150 |
2009-03-24 21:23 |
[#75] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 磁環我的經驗是 對音色的影響不大,中頻比較有力,層次也豐富一點 差異不算大,但起碼暫時沒發現什麼負面的影響 而我本身也裝了很多 |
kmg 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.33 |
2009-03-24 21:48 |
[#76] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Can I use the cheapest Aluminum Foil Paper for the same purpose? I think most chings can find some at home..... |
snitch 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.82 |
2009-03-24 23:02 |
[#77] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 oh..... 磁環 at powercord cannot give me positive result so far... >.< |
hiphopzz 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.8 |
2009-03-24 23:12 |
[#78] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Photo upload testing only. |
cooler 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.208 |
2009-03-25 00:14 |
[#79] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Tried using aluminium foil paper to wrap the plug of cdp power cord for comparsion about 2 hrs, with the foil paper, the high frequency is "cut" a bit resulting in a bit less 3D, the "ding ding" sound not as good as without using it. As such, the human voice (mid range) is more lovely. To me, it's just a matter of taste preference as to mid range or high range. |
jsn 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.113 |
2009-03-25 01:23 |
[#80] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 will try using metal ring later..... |
jsn 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.113 |
2009-03-25 01:25 |
[#81] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 thanks jsn hing for the testing report. i will try getting some copper or stainless steel rings in MK at coming weekend and test.... |
snitch 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.82 |
2009-03-25 11:40 |
[#82] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I don't think stainless steel will work, better get some copper (紅銅) instead. In my system, I can hear more details and deeper soundstage but it may sound too clean for some people's system but nevertheless worth a try. At least it doesn't seems to do any harm on my system so they are staying. |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.143 |
2009-03-25 13:15 |
[#83] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Yes, stainless steel sounds a bit cold, and red copper sounds warm. However it's a matter of mix and match. It's worth to note that stainless steel screws are used on Oyaide power plugs. |
cyc04 正式會員 96.xxx.xxx.96 |
2009-03-25 13:22 |
[#84] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I will try using 紅銅&黃銅 wing sound different tonight then report to all members. As before only try the 黃銅 wing. |
as300b 正式會員 118.xxx.xxx.98 |
2009-03-25 13:41 |
[#85] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 柴灣附近發燒友可到柴灣祥利街柴灣邨工廠大廈50號地下東興五金,入門左手地下尚有多個黃銅的,唔使$20。 |
hyde27 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.57 |
2009-03-25 19:39 |