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[#1] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 將一個銅環加於機背的 IEC 位置原來對音色都有很大影響 http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/tweaks/messages/16/162067.html 去片 Marantz Reference Legendary system |
digitalstereo 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.102 |
2009-03-19 16:34 | |
[#2] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 very informative and a cheap but useful way to improve the sonic performance....push!!! |
hk_586 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.82 |
2009-03-19 18:16 |
[#3] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Any C-Hing Knows where can buy that 銅環?我今日試過,果然會響。 |
hyde27 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.125 |
2009-03-20 12:45 |
[#4] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Try some hardware store in Mongkok or wanchai but you ppb need to get those big enough, around 2 inches (depend on yr ppwer plug) in diameter but hard to find. |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.143 |
2009-03-20 13:51 |
[#5] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 "果然會響” Where can I buy the detector? |
ackcheng 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.250 |
2009-03-20 13:53 |
[#6] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Where can I buy the detector? x2 |
eexm 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.218 |
2009-03-20 14:11 |
[#7] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 我用的是十多年前買的類似試電筆的物體,Multi function electrical electronic tester (Non-contact when testing),我量度過CD機,會響,加條地線就冇聲。量度訊號線,冇聲。量度電源線,線體冇聲,但接入CD機及Amp插頭位就會響,應該要Do something. |
hyde27 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.68 |
2009-03-20 14:33 |
[#8] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 You can also use a portable radio tune in AM and adjust the frequeny where there is NO AM station and then you put the radio near the power cord or where you want to test it, you should hear louder noise from the radio. I read the above somewhere on the web, haven't tried though. |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.143 |
2009-03-20 16:09 |
[#9] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 excellent~~ thx.. ^^ |
hiphopzz 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.68 |
2009-03-20 16:51 |
[#10] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 類似試電筆的物體?? 叫咩名? 可以係邊度買到? |
eexm 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.129 |
2009-03-20 22:49 |
[#11] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 >>>>>>加條地線就冇聲 請問地線由機箱連接去哪裏? 怎樣連接? 有何作用? Thanks! |
bigleung 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.126 |
2009-03-20 22:58 |
[#12] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 我在想用金屬隔離網 可不可以達到相同的功效?還是一定要銅圈? |
kmg 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.33 |
2009-03-21 05:27 |
[#13] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 1/"可以係邊度買到?" 可以試吓MK中僑秋XX, 2/"請問地線由機箱連接去哪裏?" 我是將電源插頭的水火兩線抽走,將地線接至機箱。 |
hyde27 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.214 |
2009-03-21 09:11 |
[#14] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 1/圖片右下角擋住部分文字為:Model No:48M 2/我部CD機原裝冇地線 |
hyde27 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.214 |
2009-03-21 09:18 |
[#15] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 其實銅環主要用途係防RF(射頻干擾),但防唔到EMI(電磁干擾). |
tonyhongmk2 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.169 |
2009-03-21 09:36 |
[#16] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 其實所有電線都需要屏蔽,如你電線無,可用銅網包住電線外面,並係入器材的那邊連1水線,跟注駁入係後級的水線ground位(或前,最好成套hifi搵1個位統一水線) 套hifi會靜多! 或去買有錫朴或銅網屏蔽的就當然好喇! |
navyseals 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-03-21 10:00 |
[#17] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Easiky found in Ap Liu St.If I buy, I will choose the one with sensitivity adjustment at Wa Fai $68. There is a Flute clone named Uni-t at $46, Wa Fai price is $60. |
lnchu 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.85 |
2009-03-21 13:59 |
[#18] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 請教各位C-Hing 1/.相中左下角有F字的螺絲(香港行貨是N字)是否用於接地? 2/.電源插頭內有三條接線柱,我的理解為:上-地線;左下-水線;右下連Fuse處-火線。我將機背連出的線接在電源插頭內的上方接線柱,然後插入排蘇,是否正確接地? |
hyde27 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.145 |
2009-03-21 15:09 |
[#19] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 lnchu, Wa Fai's address ? Is it effective ? |
dof 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.141 |
2009-03-21 22:05 |
[#20] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Please read my post. If I buy... I am not going to buy it. Effective? Don't know. Ap Liu St, 華輝...Largest electronics/component shop, you won't miss it. |
lnchu 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.164 |
2009-03-21 22:25 |