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[#21] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 可謂一套HI-FI 器材一點落地?例如一套基本器材CD機,前級,後級計算,只有後級的電源線有搏水線? |
as300b 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.27 |
2009-03-21 23:26 | |
[#22] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 所謂“一點落地”只不過係講機內電路一點接地(機箱),電源插頭有乜理由唔係一點接地?除非你將D機週圍插。 |
山人 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.40 |
2009-03-22 01:00 |
[#23] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 聽電佬講技野要$300~500左右,睇o羊牌子,鴨記有賣. 佢話是電線中a點走到b點時所出現交流電感,銅環如磁環般作用.加上去會乾淨d,但聽小左野. 成套器材只要一點落地就足夠. 題外話: 住村屋的因打雷關係,要特別留意落地.之後唔記得佢講o羊.有無師兄接下文?_? |
740jacky 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.3 |
2009-03-22 03:31 |
[#24] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 線體冇shielding, 會唔會響?? Tks. |
rickymartin 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.166 |
2009-03-22 05:44 |
[#25] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 "我將機背連出的線接在電源插頭內的上方接線柱(E:地線),然後插入排蘇,是否正確接地?" Correct or not ?? Thanks |
rickymartin 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.166 |
2009-03-22 06:08 |
[#26] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 ddd |
1311 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.189 |
2009-03-22 08:41 |
[#27] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 各位師兄,睇完片後覺得是否Marantz的機無地線,所以加條地線才有用? 我地d機已有地線,再加會唔會係多餘? |
heman123 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.181 |
2009-03-22 12:21 |
[#28] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 更正 成套器材只要一部機落地就足夠,但必要睇說明書設計師設定該器材是否需要落地(即跟原廠設定). 銅環五金舖$15/pc,玩下無所謂,但不要亂改器材接地設定 |
740jacky 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.3 |
2009-03-22 15:09 |
[#29] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 銅環五金舖$15/pc,玩下無所謂-- Where can you found? Pls advise us.. thanks. |
bc 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.235 |
2009-03-22 16:26 |
[#30] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 嘿...銅管不好買,人家也不一定幫你切 所以我先來大概實驗一下,現在來分享心得 道具很簡單就是一個可樂罐 用罐頭刀去頭再用剪刀剪開(要小心,切開的邊緣是很鋒利的) 之後就開始測試 [img]http://myweb.hinet.net/home11/dennis1116/can01.jpg[/img] [img]http://myweb.hinet.net/home11/dennis1116/can02.jpg[/img] [img]http://myweb.hinet.net/home11/dennis1116/can03.jpg[/img] 圖片可以看到,可樂罐是大蠻多的...沒辦法像短片一樣合身 測試很簡單...套上去,試聽...移開,再試聽...再套上再試聽 差異其實很微細...但差異也很微妙 音場好像略為縮少,感覺細節少了一點 但是,人聲凝聚變強,毛邊變少, 低頻...尤其是低頻,結實太多...量感不變但層次分明 我認為這是很優的表現,而且它幾近不換錢 當然,這比較適合細節已經足夠又或低頻雖然加強控制的系統 而這個實驗,我只試用在CDP而已 效果已經讓人滿意,我想要去找一下適合的銅管或是鐵管了 |
kmg 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.33 |
2009-03-22 20:49 |
[#31] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 http://myweb.hinet.net/home11/dennis1116/can01.jpg http://myweb.hinet.net/home11/dennis1116/can02.jpg http://myweb.hinet.net/home11/dennis1116/can03.jpg SORRY,不會貼圖 |
kmg 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.33 |
2009-03-22 20:50 |
[#32] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 再加一個在dac...不成,聲音開始悶了 一個在cdp剛剛好 另一邊的可樂罐,我就奪到PC去了,哈 |
kmg 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.33 |
2009-03-22 22:13 |
[#33] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 銅管 is not easy to find especially you need around 2" in diameter in order to cover the IEC plug, not very common but I managed to find a loose end and asked the shop to cut it for me. I use it for my CDP and Pre-amp with good result, the sound is more 3D and separation of instrument is better and as Kmg hing said, the vocal is mroe stand out. Will try to get 2 more to put on my power amp and the power filter. |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.142 |
2009-03-23 09:24 |
[#34] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 pakyeahpo, Can you get two more for me.. thanks. |
bc 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.98 |
2009-03-23 09:56 |
[#35] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Hi bc, I have to search for it because last time they only have a loose one which is around 6 inches long and I asked them to cut for me into 2 smaller pieces. I tried 6 hardware shops and only 1 has this pipe lying on the floor, I don't think they actually stock those, but the left over from their construction work or something, anyway will try if they still have. |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.142 |
2009-03-23 10:16 |
[#36] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 One can also use this 銅片 I think but no idea where to get them. http://www.meiton.com.hk/cgi-bin/product.cgi?part=1 |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.142 |
2009-03-23 10:20 |
[#37] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Try this http://www.artocraft.com.hk/material/g_sheet.htm |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.142 |
2009-03-23 10:21 |
[#38] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Found this in other forums for anyone who is interested. "銅片是在新填地街290-350號稱左近買 原本12x24 1.2mm的碎料$200. 開料每刀$15." |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.142 |
2009-03-23 10:28 |
[#39] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 是否一定要用銅呢? 在超市買的錫紙, 剪一塊來包住個插頭, 是否同樣有效? |
yip683 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.175 |
2009-03-23 10:38 |
[#40] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 http://www.diyhifisupply.com/?q=node/548 |
hercules 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.32 |
2009-03-23 11:04 |