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[#81] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 thanks jsn hing for the testing report. i will try getting some copper or stainless steel rings in MK at coming weekend and test.... |
snitch 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.82 |
2009-03-25 11:40 | |
[#82] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I don't think stainless steel will work, better get some copper (紅銅) instead. In my system, I can hear more details and deeper soundstage but it may sound too clean for some people's system but nevertheless worth a try. At least it doesn't seems to do any harm on my system so they are staying. |
pakyeahpo 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.143 |
2009-03-25 13:15 |
[#83] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Yes, stainless steel sounds a bit cold, and red copper sounds warm. However it's a matter of mix and match. It's worth to note that stainless steel screws are used on Oyaide power plugs. |
cyc04 正式會員 96.xxx.xxx.96 |
2009-03-25 13:22 |
[#84] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I will try using 紅銅&黃銅 wing sound different tonight then report to all members. As before only try the 黃銅 wing. |
as300b 正式會員 118.xxx.xxx.98 |
2009-03-25 13:41 |
[#85] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 柴灣附近發燒友可到柴灣祥利街柴灣邨工廠大廈50號地下東興五金,入門左手地下尚有多個黃銅的,唔使$20。 |
hyde27 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.57 |
2009-03-25 19:39 |
[#86] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I brought 2 copper tubing 1.5"dia x2" from a hardware store at $16.5@. try it tomorrow. |
lo5boy 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.188 |
2009-03-25 22:54 |
[#87] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 銅環果然有效。下一步是將外部時鐘輸入端子短路,有冇C-Hing有經驗? |
hyde27 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.248 |
2009-03-26 18:47 |
[#88] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 the 1.5"dia 2" copper tube @16.5pcs |
lo5boy 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.188 |
2009-03-27 00:10 |
[#89] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 將外部時鐘輸入端子短路 .......................................... sorry. Can you tell me what you mean..? Thx ^^ |
hiphopzz 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.8 |
2009-03-27 01:33 |
[#90] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 前面介紹銅環的短片將近結尾就提到將外部時鐘輸入端子短路,音響技術有一篇介紹Marantz SA11S2的文章亦介紹過,將外部時鐘輸入端子短路會靚聲啲。 |
hyde27 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.188 |
2009-03-27 08:27 |
[#91] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 common iec plug best fit with tubing of 1.25"dia (1.5"dia also shown) I fit it to my cd player. the effect is not that significant. the power cable (xlo green) is a shielded one! |
lo5boy 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.188 |
2009-03-28 12:40 |
[#92] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 我覺得音色的問題不是很嚴重 最麻煩是它咬細節...D聲就呆左平左 後來反覆試玩的心得 機殼接地和這銅環的感覺很類似 所以也許是因為我的機子都有機殼接地的關係 所以已經不需要再這樣攪了 |
kmg 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.33 |
2009-03-28 18:04 |
[#93] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 五金鋪, $15元個, 今晚試下! |
frankihappy 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.230 |
2009-03-28 18:13 |
[#94] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 試下先!! |
frankihappy 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.230 |
2009-03-28 18:15 |
[#95] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 我忽發一想: 假如我剪一些copper foil 跟機殼形狀一樣的貼上,會否收到shielding 效果? 有沒有兄弟試過? |
alman 正式會員 216.xxx.xxx.174 |
2009-03-29 06:43 |
[#96] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Is your 機殼 made of plastic or wood..? Otherwise... no need.... Your metalic 機殼 has shielding effect itself.. ^^ |
hiphopzz 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.8 |
2009-03-29 12:20 |
[#97] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 電源線的兩頭都加銅環,效果更好。 |
hyde27 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.48 |
2009-03-29 21:06 |
[#98] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 報告!黃銅比紅銅好聲,無今呆板! |
as300b 正式會員 118.xxx.xxx.98 |
2009-03-30 13:31 |
[#99] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 禾刀有試銅圈, cover 插頭 真係又幾好. ^_^ . |
ev910 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.236 |
2009-04-01 13:50 |
[#100] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I bought this MEET tester for HKD $35 from Welfare, it's works! http://www.weclonline.com/tchi/productdetail.asp?id=50124541 |
hercules 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.123 |
2009-04-01 20:47 |