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![]() ![]() |
[#113] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 越比人鬧越開心 |
徐福![]() 119.xxx.xxx.234 |
2020-02-28 22:26 | |
[#112] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 身上銅臭對女色都一樣有很大影響 ![]() |
MDLP![]() 119.xxx.xxx.60 |
2020-02-28 21:53 |
[#111] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 為何不食藥? |
254mm![]() 1.xxx.xxx.55 |
2020-02-28 11:25 |
[#110] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Screen out interference |
aheung![]() 219.xxx.xxx.132 |
2020-02-28 11:18 |
[#109] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 重有如果唔用銅環,用含鋁質0既包裝膠袋或膠紙包住電源線的兩頭,都會有d效果,不過應該可能冇銅環咁好. |
李約翰![]() 61.xxx.xxx.231 |
2009-04-22 16:48 |
[#108] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 路過撘訕义開話題吹吹,其實要玩平平地用飲完0既飲品膠樽裝滿水,貼住部cd機四邊放住,裝幾多水,放幾多支樽,d聲都有變化有唔同表現,有排玩. |
李約翰![]() 61.xxx.xxx.231 |
2009-04-22 16:43 |
[#107] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 有新嘢睇 |
hyde27![]() 203.xxx.xxx.123 |
2009-04-20 10:58 |
[#106] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Try try earthing the 銅環 la. Free of charge anyway. |
Parker75![]() 219.xxx.xxx.28 |
2009-04-13 17:46 |
[#105] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 現時已發展到加在 RCA 插上面 http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/tweaks/messages/16/162790.html |
digitalstereo![]() 203.xxx.xxx.141 |
2009-04-13 17:36 |
[#104] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I have just tried one at the CD Player. Result is: It is more faster. Base is more tight. Resolution seems to be improved. But it is thinner, especially for vocals, not so warm as before. High frequency is a little over sharp |
hifisuperfans![]() 219.xxx.xxx.197 |
2009-04-11 22:30 |
[#103] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 經D老友推介下都買咗十個紅銅環返嚟試吓,最先放在CDP尾插及前級尾插,發覺整體是變為呆板,再試將CDP的銅環拿走,淨放在前級一試,嘩!真是利害,發覺比起以前靜咗很多、結像力增強、毛刺邊位圓滑得多、平衡度更好,全無呆板感。 後來再試放在mono block頭尾插一試,發覺泛音及空氣感更略為豐富,整体比淨放在CDP更好。初步個人覺得這銅環是非常正面的,但要分別嘗試放在同器材而有不同效果,以上祇是個體會,希望大家有時間可試下及值得推介給大家。 |
jj3380![]() 210.xxx.xxx.43 |
2009-04-10 20:29 |
[#102] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I bought one piece for $10.5 in wanchai near MTR station. Thomson Road (opposite to Wah Hong Restaurant) Report: first use both end on the amp -- quite good. As good as grounding. Then insert to cdt and transformer: "聲音開始悶了"... Need trial testing and may need to take away few of them. Anyway, fun with low cost!!! ![]() |
moer![]() 218.xxx.xxx.181 |
2009-04-02 13:20 |
[#101] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 插頭, made of metal, should have shielding effect itself.... |
hiphopzz![]() 219.xxx.xxx.158 |
2009-04-02 10:05 |
[#100] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 I bought this MEET tester for HKD $35 from Welfare, it's works! http://www.weclonline.com/tchi/productdetail.asp?id=50124541 |
hercules![]() 219.xxx.xxx.123 |
2009-04-01 20:47 |
[#99] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 禾刀有試銅圈, cover 插頭 真係又幾好. ^_^ . |
ev910![]() 220.xxx.xxx.236 |
2009-04-01 13:50 |
[#98] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 報告!黃銅比紅銅好聲,無今呆板! ![]() |
as300b![]() 118.xxx.xxx.98 |
2009-03-30 13:31 |
[#97] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 電源線的兩頭都加銅環,效果更好。 |
hyde27![]() 219.xxx.xxx.48 |
2009-03-29 21:06 |
[#96] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 Is your 機殼 made of plastic or wood..? Otherwise... no need.... Your metalic 機殼 has shielding effect itself.. ^^ |
hiphopzz![]() 222.xxx.xxx.8 |
2009-03-29 12:20 |
[#95] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 我忽發一想: 假如我剪一些copper foil 跟機殼形狀一樣的貼上,會否收到shielding 效果? 有沒有兄弟試過? |
alman![]() 216.xxx.xxx.174 |
2009-03-29 06:43 |
[#94] 一個銅環原來對音色都有很大影響 試下先!! ![]() |
frankihappy![]() 59.xxx.xxx.230 |
2009-03-28 18:15 |