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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
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[#1] 黑膠味 小弟剛玩黑膠...在hifi shop聽黑膠系統真的很有黑膠味和analog, 密度好高..不知道點解自己系統聽到好似放CD咁..聲音很清..請問各位師兄是不是我的唱頭和唱放的問題..謝謝... 請問如果係唱頭和唱放要升級..有什麼牌子可以介紹令系統的聲音很黑膠聲..謝謝! 現在用緊EAR834P and Ortofon cadenza red..膽前級和後級300B... |
Ec4u![]() 203.xxx.xxx.94 |
2023-02-01 14:53 | |
[#2] 黑膠味 Are you playing those Re-issue NEW vinyl having such experience or those vintage vinyl? What is your current Turntable system? 最後修改時間: 2023-02-01 15:20:25 |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.23 |
2023-02-01 15:19 |
[#3] 黑膠味 新出黑膠都好似CD的高清亦沒有舊膠味道了。 |
anthlai![]() 210.xxx.xxx.146 |
2023-02-01 15:22 |
[#4] 黑膠味 I use TW Acustic Raven one turntable to play vintage disc. |
Ec4u![]() 202.xxx.xxx.186 |
2023-02-01 17:51 |
[#5] 黑膠味 you need to tell us your whole equipment system, including all audio and power cables etc before we can you tell exactly where the problem may be. by the way, 聲音很清可以是LP; 聲音模糊亦可是CD. LP 和 CD 分別主要是CD聲比較硬和機械化. 播放音樂時,音樂整個畫面在CD系統中沒有在LP系統中來得自然, 流暢. 看看#3所說的你己可以知道. 最後修改時間: 2023-02-01 21:57:32 |
homan8577![]() 14.xxx.xxx.76 |
2023-02-01 21:49 |
[#6] 黑膠味 可以試下換MC唱頭,Denon DL-103R係不錯既選項。 |
micromegamah![]() 168.xxx.xxx.88 |
2023-02-01 22:45 |
[#7] 黑膠味 玩得TW Acustic Raven one應該吾會用denon 103 |
八達通![]() 223.xxx.xxx.213 |
2023-02-02 00:11 |
[#8] 黑膠味 #3 Please read the following Stereophile Review measurement page: https://www.stereophile.com/content/ear-834p-phono-preamplifier-measurements The EAR 834P MC input is a bit high for the Ortofon Cadence Red and may overload the 834P MC input. With impedance mismatch at higher side, such as required loading at 100 ohms with setting of 500 ohms at the phono amp, most of the case the system will sound lean, aggressive, edgy and lack of body, in the other way round, at the low side, the system will sound boring, burred, not open, grainy.......... In your case, the EAR834P MC fixed impedance loading at around 500 ohms is a bit high for your Cadence Red, you may try borrowing a step up transformer with multiple impedance selection, feed the EAR834P MM input to see will there be any improvement. If so, you can think about adding a MC Step-up transformer or change your Phono Pre to those with loading impedance selection. I have changed my Phono Pre to the current one because of the similar case to your scenario, one of my MC cartridge required a higher loading impedance that my old one cannot be provided. |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.23 |
2023-02-02 01:20 |
[#9] 黑膠味 #7 For those using the TW Acustic Raven One may not be a veteran audiophile........... :) And for those recommending the Denon DL-103 series.......... I am quite sure he does not have much knowledge for the analog system......... :) |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.23 |
2023-02-02 01:25 |
[#10] 黑膠味 300B power amp…. 樓主用什麼speaker,難以估計。可能LP本身錄音很高清、充滿數碼味。也可能是Cadenza Red是音色比較lean、比較乾淨、比較通清(我印象中Cadenza 系列音色)如果要玩音色,不是追求音準、不是監聽用、又不想換走834,使用Denon DL103算係一個非常便宜的option,不過相信你的揚聲器的決定性角色也不要少覷呀 |
黃思璁![]() 218.xxx.xxx.79 |
2023-07-05 00:01 |
[#11] 黑膠味 樓主是否自己系統CD 和LP 差唔多聲? 定係CD 更加所謂「數碼聲」? 當然可能係LP 系統set up 問題。但如果系統入面有一個好大的樽頸位,主宰影響了聲,有機會播乜都差唔多聲 |
listener![]() 220.xxx.xxx.37 |
2023-07-05 15:23 |
[#12] 黑膠味 103 同103R 係不錯選擇,個人建議樓主先從基本做起,可能係盤,臂,頭調整未完善。 |
epkwokgp![]() 49.xxx.xxx.154 |
2023-07-05 18:18 |
[#13] 黑膠味 每一個配合都巧重要,唔同喇叭分別更大,夾唔夾都可以一天一地, 夾得到,幾千蚊煲熟的喇叭,音色音樂感 ( 清通 ) 靚過兩皮野喇叭尐聲。 音响系統配合上係巧多樹估唔倒。 |
CS168![]() 42.xxx.xxx.175 |
2023-07-05 21:58 |
[#14] 黑膠味 樓主是否用環球復刻嗰批黑膠嚟比較? |
大海![]() 14.xxx.xxx.188 |
2023-07-08 09:18 |
[#15] 黑膠味 #10, 很久沒有看到黄思璁兄回應,哈哈。 |
rcywong![]() 112.xxx.xxx.150 |
2023-07-08 10:18 |
[#16] 黑膠味 原來黃兄也認識另一黃先生。 |
fotheringay![]() 78.xxx.xxx.40 |
2023-07-08 14:58 |
[#17] 黑膠味 因多年前也請教過黄思璁兄有關MC唱頭及昇壓牛的配合。 |
rcywong![]() 203.xxx.xxx.242 |
2023-07-08 16:08 |
[#18] 黑膠味 係呀,師兄,好耐冇見 |
黃思璁![]() 49.xxx.xxx.180 |
2023-07-10 15:45 |
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