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[#11] RCA amps and equipment push push, I have a pair of MONO MI RCA Amps, each use a pair of 6L6, I'll post them after I dick them out from my store room. |
cold327![]() 113.xxx.xxx.154 |
2010-04-19 15:53 | |
[#12] RCA amps and equipment RCA MI-9335? |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.38 |
2010-04-19 16:11 |
[#13] RCA amps and equipment I have a pair of RCA pre-amp also! First of all let me dip them out and post some photos. May need your help later. |
lancomegirl![]() 210.xxx.xxx.27 |
2010-04-19 18:53 |
[#14] RCA amps and equipment I also have a pair of MI-9289B, but I have yet to be able to make it sing. The high freq seems non-existent. I'll post the manual for all chings later, (when I have the time to scan it) so that you can suggest what modificaiton I can do. Here are some photos in the meantime. A theatre-amp using 4x6550, 2x0D3, 1x6l6GC, 1c 6SN7GT, 1x 12AY7 giving 200 watt output ![]() |
munhon![]() 218.xxx.xxx.16 |
2010-04-19 20:26 |
[#15] RCA amps and equipment More photo ![]() |
munhon![]() 218.xxx.xxx.16 |
2010-04-19 20:26 |
[#16] RCA amps and equipment One last photo ![]() |
munhon![]() 218.xxx.xxx.16 |
2010-04-19 20:27 |
[#17] RCA amps and equipment Hi Pilotrol ching, many thanks for the info, will call Dai Chu tomorrow. |
munhon![]() 218.xxx.xxx.16 |
2010-04-19 20:29 |
[#18] RCA amps and equipment 小弟研究RCA音響體系歷史也有好一段日子,但說來慚愧,雖然小弟於二次大戰後RCA的音響體系發展勉強算得上是有一點心得,可是到今天唯止還有很多早期RCA的體系資料和發展歷史依然是一知對解...! 事實上RCA的音響體系可細分為很多不同用途系列,例如Broadcast Studio用的BA、BN、BE、BQ、OP、BC、Type系列,家庭High Fidelity的SV、SP、SVP系列、電影及PA用的PG、PK、PL系列、揚聲器的LS、LC系列等等。以上系列型號RCA內部Stock Identication都會以MI型號區分,例如RCA BA-2C的MI型號為MI-11226-B,而BA-13A就是MI-11233。 在選擇RCA音響器材時要較為小心,因為很多放大器編入PG系列的本身並非是Hi-Fi或Studio用途,所以輸出牛的頻寬設定是比較窄,一般去到一萬週左右就Roll off,由於是先天規格所限因些未必一定有得改。一般BA series由於是專業錄音和電台廣播用,所以一般增益比較高再加上阻抗未必與一般民用Hi-Fi相配,因些需要作適量修改才可以作一般使用。事實上電影及PA用的PG系列的情況也和BA系列差不多。 小弟建議有興趣接觸RCA系列放大器的朋友可先由Hi-Fi用的SP系列如SP-10和SP-20入手,因為在接駁、增益和阻抗匹配上一般並不會遇上太大困難,另外聲音質素也有一定保證。 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2010-04-19 22:59:46 |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.248 |
2010-04-19 22:54 |
[#19] RCA amps and equipment Thx for the info, I'm learning..... Where did you buy your RCAs? They are in very good condition |
munhon![]() 218.xxx.xxx.244 |
2010-04-20 09:06 |
[#20] RCA amps and equipment I purchased my RCA gears from my US dealers and Ebay. Unfortunately, there are not too many local dealers carry RCA gears in their shops....! As what I know only Choice Hi-Fi in central has some RCA gears in stock. 最後修改時間: 2010-04-20 10:52:12 |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.101 |
2010-04-20 10:48 |
[#21] RCA amps and equipment now im setting up a pair of MI -9355 845 triod push pull amp |
gaswong![]() 203.xxx.xxx.18 |
2010-04-20 12:40 |
[#22] RCA amps and equipment Hi Pilotrol, I'm buying off ebay as well. Not many on the market recently. Gaswong, Let us know how it sounds!!! 最後修改時間: 2010-04-20 14:17:34 |
munhon![]() 202.xxx.xxx.100 |
2010-04-20 14:06 |
[#23] RCA amps and equipment Robert is one of my US dealers and I knew him for almost 10 years. He had many vintage profession recording gears on hand, but he is no longer selling his gears at cheap price. Please don't fool around by the price list on his web-site (he is not good at computer, so he never update his price)! If you are interested of specific gear, you can email him and ask him to provide quotation for you. Not surprise me that the price he quotes will be more than double on his list price on web-site. Please understand that he is selling used gears for living, please don't blame him for the price increase without notice. 最後修改時間: 2010-04-20 14:37:57 |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.101 |
2010-04-20 14:35 |
[#24] RCA amps and equipment I contacted Robert, he responded with some prices and when asked for some photos, he did not respond. I wasn't sure if i should trust him. Now that you have dealt with him before. I feel more comfortable. |
munhon![]() 218.xxx.xxx.244 |
2010-04-20 14:47 |
[#25] RCA amps and equipment Dear Gaswong Hing My friend also have a pair of RCA MI-9355, but this amplifier has very low gain, so it cannot be matched with normal preamp, but RCA professional preamp with high output gain only...! Another option is you have to add a voltage amplifier in order to reach the reasonable gain. Best regards Alan 最後修改時間: 2010-04-20 14:50:11 |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.101 |
2010-04-20 14:49 |
[#26] RCA amps and equipment Robert is not good at computer, but he is also not a good at typing. If you want fast response, you better to call him directly. Robert is a honest old man, but he doesn't have much patience with clients! 最後修改時間: 2010-04-20 14:59:37 |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.101 |
2010-04-20 14:57 |
[#27] RCA amps and equipment Hi Pilotrol, I see...., I'll call him soon. Thx for the tip. How do yo arrange payment? bank wire? |
munhon![]() 202.xxx.xxx.100 |
2010-04-20 18:04 |
[#28] RCA amps and equipment I think you better ask Robert about the payment terms. |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.101 |
2010-04-20 18:31 |
[#29] RCA amps and equipment For the fans of RCA who want to buy RCA equipments from Robert can try the web site as follows: http://robertvandyke.com/ 最後修改時間: 2010-04-20 20:03:50 |
Pilotrol![]() 221.xxx.xxx.101 |
2010-04-20 20:02 |
[#30] RCA amps and equipment yes you are right! thats why i have a pair of rca mi 4256 2a3 pp amp to push the mi 9355 |
gaswong![]() 218.xxx.xxx.4 |
2010-04-21 08:26 |