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[#41] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
請問x100和x101有物分別, 邊隻正d?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-06 00:42
[#42] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-06 15:05
[#43] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-06 20:31
[#44] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Pilot SP-216A has rich body and mid-range, slightly tighten bass if compared to SP-215. However, I don't think this preamp sound fast or very dynamic. The smoothness and mellow tone is still the selling point of this preamp.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-06 22:35
[#45] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Many years ago, I A/B tested the Fisher 400CX-2 with AR Reference preamp in my friend Steven’s home. The Fisher 400CX-2 easily defected his AR preamps but also his friend’s Matisse Fantasy Golden Edition under A/B test. They were extremely surprised that both most expensive modern preamps also could not even come close to the performance of Fisher 400CX-2 in reproduction of violin and female voice. Finally, I forced to leave my Fisher 400CX-2 (later version in silver colour) in my friend’s home and this guy never return this preamp to me again…! (I still have my early version 400CX-2 in golden brown!). Few years ago, He told me that his Fisher 400CX-2 also defected his friend Hovland HF-100…! (May be he already forgets the Fisher 400CX-2 is mine…!)

Few months ago, I have A/B test Pilot SP-210 VS Herron VTSP-1 in my friend’s Charles home. Surely, his Herron VTSP-1 has much more details than Pilot SP-210. However, the Pilot SP-210 sounds much warmer, sweeter, smoother, mellow, musical, emotional with rich body and mid-range than Herron VTSP-1 under A/B test. Surprise me that this entry level Pilot preamp can easily defect the Herron under A/B test. I forced to leave my Pilot SP-210 in Charles home and finally the preamp sold to him again…! (I completely cannot resist his hospitality! He is a very warm and lovely Hi-fi friend of mine!)

Well! Believe more stories out there! Anyone want to share your story when Pilot and Fisher VS modern gears?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-09 15:04
[#46] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Hi Alan,

I quite like the Fisher 80C + Pilot232. However,
as the Fisher (pre) & Pilot (pwramp) have extreme characters of their owns, would you think above combo is a mis-matched, or the SP210/215 a better bet for 232?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-09 16:30
[#47] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    

Did you compare a Pilot 690-A with Pilot 216-A. The 690-A is far more expensive than 216-A.


個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-09 16:42
[#48] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    

As I saw before FA690 came with no cabinet, I think my Pilot Model FA690 is a console version of Pilot 690-A. Is it correct?


個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-09 16:48
[#49] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Just found this web site regarding FA690 & 690-A


Posted by DeKay (A) on January 28, 2002 at 12:18:36

I just received these units from an Ebay purchase. Unfortunately the 690A preamp/tuner was damaged in transit (the left front top corner was pushed in 1" which broke the glass, snapped the tuner pot and misaligned the tuner pully system). I am going to keep it anyway as I figure that I can repair all except the glass fairly easily. The faceplate was not attached, so this will just involve straightening the chassis/pully's and repairing the pot's shaft.
I have searched the forums and online and cannot come up with schematics for either of these pieces, any ideas? The 690A looks to be slightly different from the FA690 in that, off the bat, it has as couple of additional slide switches on the front panel. I have never seen the inside of a FA690, so do not know how different these models really are.

The 232 looks to be the same as the SA232 if my memory serves me correctly (going back some 30 years here). Both of these units are from a console (no tube cage and top cover).

I am not very knowledgable @ this point, but plan on restoring both of the units as a learning project. I can solder and will be teaching myself to read schematics. I won't be doing anything (other than cosmetics and cleaning) until I pick up a Variac as well as the schematics. I do have a set of schematics for the Pilot 240 (thanks Les:-) and will compare the 232 to the 240 in the meantime. Perhaps they use similar circuits?

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-09 16:50
[#50] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Dear John

I also owned a piece of Pilot FA-690. This preamp sounds very similar to Pilot SP-210 with very rich body and warm sound, but slightly ;ess details, smoothness and solid than Pilot SP-216.

Pilot FA-690 is early period product intoduced in 1958 and FA-690A is required model introduced in 1959. Pilot has added the two additional functions on FA-690A.

Best regards
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 09:10
[#51] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Dear rsbn589

Fisher 80-C first introduced by Fisher in 1955, it is second generation self preamp but also top of the line preamp during mid-50’s until it replaced by Fisher 90-C in 1957. Personally, I like the tone of Fisher 80-C rather than Fisher 90-C, as it has slightly smoother and emotional tone in my limited understanding (slightly high plate voltage than Fisher 80-C). Pilot SP-210 is entry level stereo preamp introduced by Pilot in 1958, this preamplifier required power supply from Pilot SA-232 or SA-260. No question it is one of the very best buy stereo preamp on the vintage market today.

The goody of Fisher 80-C included rich body, realistic, forward, emotional, outstanding thickness of mid with very presence tone. You can feel that you are sitting very close to the musician when music is playing with this preamp. Honestly speaker, Fisher 80-C does not have rich harmonic extension, relax, extension of both end and outstanding purity if compared to early period Fisher 50-C. However, it has much better presence and forward mid/mid-low than Fisher 50-C, but also with much better control of bass too. Fisher 80-C is extremely good on expression sadness emotion and it can play much outstanding violin music with very emotional sadness tone. It is more suitable to reproduced male voice than Fisher 50-C or Fisher 400CX-2 as well. Sure the Fisher 80-C is a very advance preamp, but it is not as user friendly as Pilot SP-210 and Fisher 400CX-2 in my limited understanding. Tone control on Fisher 80-C must be applied if you want to maximize its performance and tone balance.

FYI, Pilot SP-210 is specially design by Pilot to match up with SA-232 and they are perfectly suit. Pilot SP-210 has very rich body, smooth, mellow and warm tone. Sure SP-210 does not sound details, realistic and with good control as Fisher 80-C in mid and low, but it has slightly smooth and warmer tone, but not as solid as Fisher 80-C in my limited understanding. The Pilot SP-210 is much more user friendly than Fisher 80-C, you can get pretty good sound even you left the tone control in flat. However, the ability emotional expression and flexibility of tone control of Fisher 80-C should be slightly better than SP-210 in my limited understanding. Fisher 80-C also has slightly better clarity of sound stage and powerful in speech of voice than Pilot SP-210. Fisher 80-C + Pilot SA

Honestly, the finally judgment is still depends on your ears. Sure I can offer you a chance to A/B test your Fisher 80-C and Pilot SP-210 in the future if you think the time is ready. Sorry that I will not be available in June and hopefully in July?

Best regards
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 09:59
[#52] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
The goody of Fisher 80-C included rich body, realistic, forward, emotional, outstanding thickness of mid with very presence tone. You can feel that you are sitting very close to the musician when music is playing with this preamp. Honestly speaker, Fisher 80-C does not have rich harmonic extension, relax, extension of both end and outstanding purity if compared to early period Fisher 50-C. However, it has much better presence and forward mid/mid-low than Fisher 50-C, but also with much better control of bass too. Fisher 80-C is extremely good on expression sadness emotion and it can play much outstanding violin music with very emotional sadness tone. It is more suitable to reproduced male voice than Fisher 50-C or Fisher 400CX-2 as well. Sure the Fisher 80-C is a very advance preamp, but it is not as user friendly as Pilot SP-210 and Fisher 400CX-2 in my limited understanding. Tone control on Fisher 80-C must be applied if you want to maximize its performance and tone balance.

分析透切詳盡!! ^___^
至至仍是我最喜愛的tube preamp..

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 10:27
[#53] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
The goody of Fisher 80-C included rich body, realistic, forward, emotional, outstanding thickness of mid with very presence tone. You can feel that you are sitting very close to the musician when music is playing with this preamp.

Says what I have to say about this preamp.

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 10:38
[#54] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
shoould be:至今仍是我最喜愛的tube preamp..

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 10:45
[#55] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
the Fisher 80-C is a very advance preamp, but it is not as user friendly as Pilot SP-210 and Fisher 400CX-2 in my limited understanding. Tone control on Fisher 80-C must be applied if you want to maximize its performance and tone balance.

In other words, it is one of the most versatile preamp for input signal matching and tone control.

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 10:54
[#56] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Fisher 80-C is also one of my favorite Fisher preamp as well and it has very outstanding emotional characteristic (outstanding sadness tone). FYI, the weakness of Fisher 50-C and Fisher 400CX-2 is lack of manhood when reproduce male song. However, Fisher 80-C and 90-C can produce very beautiful and presence of male and female voice. Personally, I feel the tone quality of Fisher 80-C is slight better than Fisher 90-C as it has slightly smoother, comfort and warmer tone, but Fisher 90-C has much flexible on tone control and solidity (as it has function of rumble filter and presence). I’m sure that both preamps are not user friendly at all specially Fisher 90-C. However, both preamp provide extremely flexible on tone control for sure.

The emotional expression of Fisher 50-C and Fisher 400CX-2 is much pleasure and happy, but Fisher 80-C and Fisher 90-C has better ability to present richness of sadness tone. You can feel very different when you are using Fisher 400CX-2 and Fisher 80-C to play the same sadness violin music.

FYI, Many Pilot preamps can also present very outstanding sadness emotion but also very good at reproduction of male voice in slow. Pilot preamp also has very warm, mellow, smooth and gentle tone in slow. However, the disadvantage of Pilot preamp is too gentle in speech and slightly slow in sonic response. Lack of manhood when represent male voice in fast is one of the greatest weakness of Pilot if compared to Fisher 80-C or Fisher 90-C.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 11:11
[#57] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
About 80C, from back view, which tube is for phono stage?

I also had tried setting the loudness balance a step higher and get a better (fuller) sound with increase speed driving 232 (80c+232 run too slow BTW). Thanks for the tips, Alan. Rgds, KY.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 11:33
[#58] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
About 80C, from back view, which tube is for phono stage?

V1 ^___^

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 11:55
[#59] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
Dear rsbn589

The first 12AX7 (V1) at the opposite end of 12AU7.

Best regards
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 11:58
[#60] Fisher and Pilot 古董同好會 ~ Vintage Amplifiers    
When you are using the phono preamp section, beside you set the phono EQ setting to "RIAA". You can also try other alternative setting on phone EQ setting as well, it will slightly affect the sound characteristic and tone balance of your caritage. Just my 2 cents!
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-06-10 12:02
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