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[#4703] 單端胆機同好會 205Dx2 102Dx2 211x6 5U4x4 313x2 300B x4 6X5x2 6J7x2 EL-6Cx8 (300B附件需另行购买:300Bx2) 用了好多,好多胆。 相信是多级放大和多牛設計。现代音響設計理念是簡約。放大級數儘量減少。 有些胆,例如211 相信也是整流作用。 最後修改時間: 2024-11-27 19:21:16 |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 182.xxx.xxx.158 |
2024-11-27 19:07 | |
[#4704] 單端胆機同好會 Built like a Christmas Tree................... Santa Claus is coming to town. |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-11-27 19:14 |
[#4705] 單端胆機同好會 205Dx2 102Dx2 211x6 5U4x4 313x2 300B x4 6X5x2 6J7x2 EL-6Cx8 (300B附件需另行购买:300Bx2) 可能是 6J7 牛推102D 牛推 205D,再牛推300B 再牛推211,再推4212.牛出到叭喇。 可能估計小了也說不定。 那麼多放大級都只是一臺"后級" 如果把前怎及放大級數也考慮在內。只會係更加複雜。更加多啲放大級數。合共可能8到9 級放大 最後修改時間: 2024-11-27 19:36:21 |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 182.xxx.xxx.158 |
2024-11-27 19:24 |
[#4706] 單端胆機同好會 >>205Dx2 102Dx2 211x6 5U4x4 313x2 300B x4 6X5x2 6J7x2 EL-6Cx8 係咪有D胆收埋睇唔到,正面睇冇咁多胆 |
niceday009![]() 218.xxx.xxx.220 |
2024-11-27 20:23 |
[#4707] 單端胆機同好會 More stages it has.... more garbage it going to get. Johnny |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-11-27 21:43 |
[#4708] 單端胆機同好會 William 兄、我买了一塊保護板加了你提供电路、今個星期可能有時間試試 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-11-29 11:32:13 |
Ck2007![]() 223.xxx.xxx.244 |
2024-11-29 11:31 |
[#4709] 單端胆機同好會 部馬7diy前级接膽phono每次开機時交流聲好大、點下支唱臂即時變細好多!唔開phono時只接DAC冇這情況、又試過phono唔熄機、再開前後级情況一樣好大交流聲、點下支唱臂又可以變細聲 ![]() |
Ck2007![]() 223.xxx.xxx.244 |
2024-11-29 21:13 |
[#4710] 單端胆機同好會 To my surprise that the young DIYer Top Gun from Beijing tested the 5A/152M tube in triode mode with eTracer. I got the tested data from him. Then I ran the loadline calculation to verify the operating condition of the one used in my 845 and 300B SE amp. The result matches from my check with oscilloscope (FFT). Glad to learn something new. ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-11-30 00:40:32 |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-11-30 00:39 |
[#4711] 單端胆機同好會 #4709 Ck2007兄,問題應該好快解決。 |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 182.xxx.xxx.6 |
2024-11-30 08:40 |
[#4712] 單端胆機同好會 〉〉〉可能是 6J7 牛推102D 牛推 205D,再牛推300B 再牛推211,再推4212.牛出到叭喇。>>> 假設每一級膽(包括膽座的接點損耗)丟失2%信號(每個人心目中的數字不一樣,衹是假設)。 每一級牛。又丟失2%(理論上這個數字是更加大,可以參照insertion loss) 0.98 成12 次= 0.784=只剩下78.4% 現今音響的主流是,減小放大級數,由音源到喇叭。電容或者變壓器。都是可以用的。,但不要過多。合理就可以。 最後修改時間: 2024-11-30 09:02:45 |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 182.xxx.xxx.6 |
2024-11-30 08:58 |
[#4713] 單端胆機同好會 Audiophile is like a dream for most of us. |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-11-30 09:48 |
[#4714] 單端胆機同好會 Hi CK2007, What is the type of cartridge you are using? MM or MC? Usually the MC cartridge would have much lower noise due to low impedance. You may check if the tone arm grounding wire is secured to the chassis. Johnny |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-11-30 11:21 |
[#4715] 單端胆機同好會 Grado MI cartridge specs= MM cartridge high output 47k impredance 補充 前级開機後、第一次轉到phono 輸入都會有pop一聲、之後點轉都唔會有、跟phono大電流聲可能同一問題引起 最後修改時間: 2024-11-30 14:03:28 |
Ck2007![]() 182.xxx.xxx.197 |
2024-11-30 14:02 |
[#4716] 單端胆機同好會 https://www.atelier13-usa.com/authorised-amplifier-brands/th%C3%B6ress-se-300b-mono THÖRESS SE-300B MONOBLOCK The amplifier is entirely based on SINGLE-ENDED ZERO-FEEDBACK schematics, decidedly ignoring the fact that many music lovers persistently believe in the myth that balanced technology (and the associated cable configuration with XLR connectors) is generally superior over single-ended concepts. Readers who want to learn more about our view on balanced techniques and our general design approach are encouraged to read the paper (THÖRESS - Behind the Curtain) available as download on the ABOUT button of our website. The 300B power tube is excited by an extraordinary single-stage driver employing two EL822/CV2382 power pentodes operated in triode mode with high idle current and works into a tape wound cut core (C-core) output transformer (OPT) which is built in-house to the highest possible standards to ensure ultimate performance. The driver stage is so powerful that it could (theoretically) drive a loudspeaker load with very low distortion on its own whereas the OPT allows for precise matching of a 4, 8 or 16 ohm loudspeaker load to the power tube by way of jumpers soldered to its secondary terminals. ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-12-08 17:55:41 |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-12-08 17:45 |
[#4717] 單端胆機同好會 Thoress SE 300B inside look ![]() |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-12-08 17:49 |
[#4718] 單端胆機同好會 Hi Johhny, What is the unique feature of the Thoress 300B Interstage couple ? 最後修改時間: 2024-12-09 11:41:57 |
niceday009![]() 182.xxx.xxx.5 |
2024-12-09 11:36 |
[#4719] 單端胆機同好會 Hi Niceday009, I just can't find the circuitry of the two CV2382 (EL822) tubes whether it is PSE or PP. My wishful thinking is PP but I maybe wrong. I hope someone would have experience with the Thoress 300B for confirmation. Johnny 最後修改時間: 2024-12-09 17:58:42 |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-12-09 17:57 |
[#4720] 單端胆機同好會 https://positive-feedback.com/high-fidelity/thoress-dual-function-preamplifier-845-mono-amplifier/ It was my mistake that the driver circuit should be PSE configuration as described in the above review. Quote "As drivers for the 845s Reinhard chose two, exceptionally powerful, EL803S pentodes that work here in triode mode. These are NOS tubes, working in parallel—the company's materials speak of a "single control stage consisting of two tubes". It is so powerful that, in theory, it could drive speakers directly. All three are mounted from the top, giving the same visual effect as once in the Nagra VPA amplifiers. " |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-12-09 18:16 |
[#4721] 單端胆機同好會 The EL822 in triode mode has gain of 23, Ra : 1.56K. In PSE mode, the Ra would be 770 ohm. |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-12-09 18:20 |
[#4722] 單端胆機同好會 Zikra Audio 211 SE power amp With all Monolith Nano Core transformer and silver wired. So good. Johnny ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-12-11 04:48:43 |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2024-12-11 04:47 |