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![]() ![]() |
[#4803] 單端胆機同好會 Received a pair of new LinLai 845 tubes yesterday. The price is about same as the LinLai 300B's. The bias idle current is same as the cheaper LinLai 845 ones that I have. That means there quality control is very consistent. Sounds good too. ![]() |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-17 23:14 | |
[#4804] 單端胆機同好會 Jonny, Is this 845 having a cross head(十字型而唔係王字型) by looking from the top 最後修改時間: 2025-01-17 23:28:28 |
niceday009![]() 218.xxx.xxx.220 |
2025-01-17 23:25 |
[#4805] 單端胆機同好會 十字型 ![]() |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-17 23:30 |
[#4806] 單端胆機同好會 1981年的Audio Amateur,那個年代。好少人玩膽機,Walt Jung 就教人改 Marantz 7 Walt Jung 在電子界上面好出名,網上搜索一下就知道。而且它 voltage regulator 的文章,也是好值得研究。 ![]() |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 205.xxx.xxx.141 |
2025-01-26 10:21 |
[#4807] 單端胆機同好會 >>1981年的Audio Amateur,那個年代。好少人玩膽機 人類經過數十年原子粒amplifier 洗禮後,才知道三極胆声音之珍貴 最後修改時間: 2025-01-26 14:25:13 |
niceday009 ![]() 218.xxx.xxx.220 |
2025-01-26 14:23 |
[#4808] 單端胆機同好會 恭喜發財,希望各位發燒友找到您們的至愛,單端胆機有其美艷之處,但是我最近經過改良後的全平衡差動推挽給我和一位同好很大的驚喜,正所謂天外有天. |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-29 22:35 |
[#4809] 單端胆機同好會 恭喜發財! ARC 330M power amp https://audioresearch.com/new_website/audio-research-reference-330m-monoblock-power-amplifier/ FB 其中一個視頻有提用ARC 對 ""手焊零件""和4層PCB板的看法。 ![]() |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 182.xxx.xxx.105 |
2025-01-30 19:48 |
[#4810] 單端胆機同好會 #4808 >>但是我最近經過改良後的全平衡差動推挽給我和一位同好很大的驚喜,>> ARC 330M 旗艦後級是 Fully-balanced design. 從字面上去理解。有機會由第一級到 output stage 也是differential 的設計。 再加上是自動bias(CCS). ![]() 最後修改時間: 2025-01-30 20:01:19 |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 182.xxx.xxx.105 |
2025-01-30 19:57 |
[#4811] 單端胆機同好會 Wilson, 但ARC 始終要最少兩級loop feedback, 用四極胆就算用UL都一般用loop NFB Johnny, any schematic to share your latest DIY 最後修改時間: 2025-01-31 00:26:02 |
niceday009![]() 182.xxx.xxx.201 |
2025-01-31 00:24 |
[#4812] 單端胆機同好會 Here's the schematic of my 6SN7 - 2A3 differential balance PP amp. Johnny ![]() |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-31 07:03 |
[#4813] 單端胆機同好會 唔知師兄有冇試過將嗰粒IC LT1086改成一個簡單嘅晶體管加Zener組成嘅恒流源。 |
DY2036![]() 124.xxx.xxx.26 |
2025-01-31 08:23 |
[#4814] 單端胆機同好會 Hello DY2036, I haven't tried using transistor with zener as CCS for far. I believe the LM317 or LM1085 regulator would have much better performance working as CCS. Do you think the transistor with zener is better than the LM317 as CCS??? Johnny |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-31 09:10 |
[#4815] 單端胆機同好會 因爲我覺得呢啲IC系用極高嘅負回輸控制電壓或者電流嘅穩定度,所以輸出會有高頻噪音,反而簡單嘅晶體管恒流電源可能對音效更加有幫助。當然呢個都係我嘅猜想,如果師兄可以試下嘅話我都好想知道係咪真係得出預設嘅結果。 |
DY2036![]() 124.xxx.xxx.26 |
2025-01-31 09:48 |
[#4816] 單端胆機同好會 Walt Jung(#4086 也有提到這個高手) 對不同current source 電路,也包括了LM317 或 transistor 的版本 做了一些測試。有興趣可以研究一下。 https://audioxpress.com/assets/upload/files/Sources_101_P1.pdf https://audioxpress.com/assets/upload/files/Sources_101_P2.pdf 最後修改時間: 2025-01-31 11:00:18 |
WilliamsonAudio![]() 182.xxx.xxx.105 |
2025-01-31 10:58 |
[#4817] 單端胆機同好會 師兄多謝分享,不過大家都知道音響最終都係耳聽為准,數字為輔。 |
DY2036![]() 124.xxx.xxx.26 |
2025-01-31 11:23 |
[#4818] 單端胆機同好會 Hello DY2036, The LM317/LT1085 as CCS in the driver circuit doesn't have any noise issue at all. It's very quiet indeed. Johnny |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-31 16:30 |
[#4819] 單端胆機同好會 #4817 "不過大家都知道音響最終都係耳聽為准,數字為輔" Yes, this is very true. I realize that even the distortion measurement is at very minimal, it happens the amp doesn't sound good at all. It happens with the push pull amp that I experimented recently. Luckily, I found the way to adjust the B+ and idle current of the power stage. Finally, I got it sound right to me. Of course, the distortion figure still kept at minimal level. I would say there are some evils hidden beyond the measurement. Johnny |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-31 16:39 |
[#4820] 單端胆機同好會 其實睇師兄個線路LT1086係作穩壓器輸出,因adj pin接地所以輸出電壓應該等於1.25V,loading resistor 200ohm所以負載電流約莫等於6.25ma(如果冇睇錯嘅話)。其實睇返呢隻IC嘅規格,最低負載電流建議起碼10ma以上,其次佢對高頻嘅ripple rejection唔係太好,所以點解我會建議用一個簡單嘅晶體管加zener恒流源可能效果會更理想,因為呢個亦都係大多數第一級差動放大器會用嘅線路。 ![]() ![]() 最後修改時間: 2025-01-31 23:03:07 |
DY2036![]() 124.xxx.xxx.26 |
2025-01-31 22:52 |
[#4821] 單端胆機同好會 Hi DY2036, Thanks for your advice. Highly appreciated. I have used the LM317 as CCS in tube differential circuit in several line and power amps. There's no problem at all. I would leave it to someone would try using the transistor version. 初三赤口 cheers, Johnny |
johnnykmtang![]() 70.xxx.xxx.22 |
2025-01-31 23:17 |
[#4822] 單端胆機同好會 今日上了Niceday兄家中作客,聽那部經他改裝的LM219配合JBL 1400 array 起初係覺得呢部膽機,點改都唔會有多大的進步,因為原裝lm219,我已聽左兩年了 一開始就黎Hugh Masekela 首The coal train ,用呢首試下樂器同埋鼓聲,好快知道這部機級數去到邊 一開頭樂器非常流暢,不拖泥帶水,聲音開揚 人聲好細緻,好多細節也聽得一清二楚 鼓聲雖未打穿心口,但已經交足功課 一聽就知這部改裝後的版本,變了另一部機 之後再試埋女聲天碟,細節盡顯,慢歌也絕不是一般膽機,給人慢吞吞的感覺,至於咩係慢吞吞,我諗有聽開機的人都明白的 nice兄這部膽機速度感比很多石機更快,但絕不是無餘韻,空氣感充滿整個廳 日本So Look品牌大家都聽得出既清爽及流暢 也像日本某phase開頭牌子膽機的聲底及速度,呢部Nice兄膽機真係好相似 好快就聽左兩小時 臨走之前,唔播音樂,個音量製開到接近11點位置,我特登將耳仔貼住個喇叭單元,喇叭高中音單元靜如深海,係低音低元有少少聲,Nice兄話可以調整得再靜d 聽Nice兄講重點,係全部無負回輸機先做到呢個流暢及速度 如果大家都喜歡這個取向及聲底,真係要聽下呢部機 我而家好想聽Nice兄果部845,期待快啲有得聽 ![]() |
Fairuse![]() 14.xxx.xxx.194 |
2025-02-03 06:42 |