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[#21] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。    

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 15:30
[#22] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。    

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 16:57
[#23] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。    
There are several points regarding the 20 parameters are worth to note.

I do not think there are much difficulties to obtain a good soundstage and image etc.if you have a decent hifi room to play with. A usual starting pint of 30/70 (say 3ft from back wall) with equal triangle and slight toe in with the epaeakers would give you the baseline of these parameters and only further adjustments would be required for improvement. So it seems very difficult to have "沒有音場.....只是得一個大口唱歌" if the space is available.

Also it is hard to have 低傳真度 with most of the decent Hifi components. It is out of my knowledge if any commercial product or a combination of them is 低傳真度 in particulr the big spending with hi-end hifi by C-hing in R33(maybe except the products from china?). Perhaps it is the question of "how high is high"?

Comparing to the live music especially the classical music, I think many recordings are un-natural because in the concert hall, you can hear the mass strings or choirs but it is hardly you can 數人頭. People enjoy high resoultion in order to 數人頭 is a bit over the top.

磨圓高頻、突出中頻、令低頻鬆軟 >>>> The taiwan magazine had a discussion more than 10 years ago to compare the modern hifi components and the older generation upto 80s. they found that the high frequency in the modern components are more extended (some with the benefit of super tweeters)but more glossy sound like 電鍍. The mid has less body and bloom hence thinner and the bass is tighter, therefore the "taste" of the modern "hifi 友" is different but which era of equipment is more correct in terms of 傳真度?

I believe 磨圓高頻、突出中頻、令低頻鬆軟 can be referred to LS3/5A but who could argue that the violin sound and human voice from this little gem are more real than many current speakers. I think for these 2 areas, the 傳真度 of 3/5A is very high.

I tend to agree that 有音色=有傳真度 and it depends on which area of 傳真度 the owner wants when he chooses his hifi components.

Just my 2 cents.

最後修改時間: 2011-06-06 17:56:07
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 17:48
[#24] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。    



初哥玩Hi-FI OR Hi-Fi 玩初哥?

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 17:48
[#25] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。    
音場表現,層次感,解析力,樂器與人聲的質感、空氣感,強弱對比與動態對比,細節再生,空間感.....若再加上整體音樂的連貫性就 very good la! 但又有儿多HIFI友做到,器材升班了但又似是故此失彼,錢花掉但又帶來另一个問題!尋尋覓覓的都是追求上述的表現。不過一般來說器材升班后質感,活生感及整體淡淡定的表現最為明顯.再簡單說能演亦出歌者的真實年紀..如四十幾歲的學友唱出來仍是唱"真情流露"那个年代的聲線,就是你套架生点好聲都要霖霖!
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 19:59
[#26] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。    




個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 20:15
[#27] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
唔洗聽youtube , $25 AM 收音機都聽到好嘢啦

呢D咪就是好音響囉 ,
Hi-end ? 又唔係呃錢, 最緊要老子有耳, 嘵買部老爺走焦飄移前後級, 自已舒服, 邊洗同人比較喎 !

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 21:24
[#28] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
唔係化?!你咁都唔明,音樂背後的情感係軟件問題,軟件無情感套Hi-end 又點可以變出情感!

大佬呀,同人比Hi-End 係錢既問題,吾關〝聽了舒服、就是好音響〞事wor。

最後修改時間: 2011-06-06 21:43:25
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 21:39
[#29] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     

Hi-end 或 以假亂真的糸统play唔到有情感旣軟件 ?

"好音響" 是軟件問題 ?

調較音色好的人=無感情 ?

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 22:44
[#30] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
依話有錢買hi-end 的人聽嘢多數唔舒服

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 22:47
[#31] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
>>>沒有高保真前題說玩音響如何, 跟本就是走在奀路



個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 22:57
[#32] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
又或且, 聽了開心、就是好音響。
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 22:57
[#33] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
唔洗聽youtube , $25 AM 收音機都聽到好嘢啦 >>>>>>>>>>

Without offence, what you are saying is entirely correct. The same debate has been said in the UK hifi magazine in many occasions.

In the mid 80s, the same discussion was written in the hk's hifi magazine comparing SP 11 to another top preamp in the early 80s ( the brands did not specify but I guess it might be CJ P2 or P3). The writer said that the 80's preamp sounds more attractive / seductive in the mid because it's rather limited bandwidth and less transparent. this could be the major reason why Ls3/5a is so good in the mid too.

therefore it is nothing new to hear the $25 radio sounds more musical and real in vocal than many hi-end.

最後修改時間: 2011-06-06 23:03:16
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 23:00
[#34] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
>>>沒有高保真前題說玩音響如何, 跟本就是走在奀路

一陣又話沒有高保真前題說玩音響如何, 跟本就是走在奀路。


最後修改時間: 2011-06-06 23:11:52
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-06 23:11
[#35] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     
事實上錄音過程中聲音要經過咪高風,咪前級,Ambience Processor,混音器,Limiter、之後再到D/A(以今天digital recording技術計)先至收錄倒聲音,其實錄音音量大小,左右和深度距離的定位完全由錄音師來決定...!每經過一個程序或多或少都會加入不同程度的音染和失真,就算是現場live,咪的收音位置不同都能做成錄音上很大的落差,room acoustic差異也會影響現場重播的基準。實際上就算能做出所謂最完美的重播也只是錄音師的錄音時所定下的基準,並不是現場live的聲音。只懂追求音效,而不懂欣賞和享受音樂,那麼注定音響之路可能是痛苦的!就好像明知一張缺少幾塊拼圖的圖畫卻硬說要把它拼成「完美」一像...!


不少發燒友都忙著爭錢去「Upgrade」自己系統,結局注重物慾多於欣賞和享受音樂。如果你有時間工作,有錢買貴價器材但冇時間聽音樂,有時間花幾小時Set機但實際只聽音樂得+幾分鐘,又或者花咗好多錢買咗好多唱片,但好多張都未聽過...?(以上愚蠢的事小弟年青時都經過過...) 咁我哋就要用心反醒吓究竟我哋為咗吔嘢去玩音響?


個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-07 10:44
[#36] 聽了舒服、就是好音樂。     
If I change the topic. There will be less disagreement. 好音響 is talking about hardware and physics.


I saw many friends has this problem. (and in times, stucked to no progress and wrong tone in the long run)
This is a common wrong conception , a guy played Pioneer in 1970s was happier than now sitting with a Top set of MBL , he COULD NOT (in fact he could if applying emotion) said that the Pioneer compo is a superior gear than the MBL.

Emotion and software knowledge reception is equal to everyone , that include the rich and the poor and those who is (or is not) demanding in gears. There is no way that substandard gears can come closer to music that a more live like systems.

Work on your gears, try if you could listening Belafontine in Carnigie Hall, instead of inside a $25 radio. I'm sure you'll be more close to music

I hope this responsed to mda hing too.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-07 11:26
[#37] 聽了舒服、就是好音樂。     
If I don't know music, I can't play HiFi....??

I wonder how to 利用音響來學懂享受音樂......

I think good music not necessary be good sound....
Good sound can improve music enjoyment.....

But HiFi lover not necessary be music lover...
Of course, it's perfect if you enjoy both...

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-07 12:18
[#38] 聽了舒服、就是好音樂。     
close to music


I do not agree that a top MBL is closer to music than a mid fi or even a $25 radio. You may say it is closer to the absoulte sound (again the term s started using popularly in the 70s by Stereophile and TAS).

You may say that with Belafonte (sorry spelling incorrectly but you know) you are having higher fidelity with MBL but everyone with the same LP/ CD should have the same enjoyment and emotion.

Again the higher fidelity you enjoy is the one produced by Bob Simpson and no-one knows what it was actually like unless you have attended the concert. Even with the top MBL, how many % of the C. Hall can be reproduced? And indeed you are still focusing on the singer which is the most important ingredient in the LP/CD.

Again this was another debate in the hifi magazine many times. If you have only one choice, you want to spend ultra sum for a high end to listen the can music or listening live (say in City Hall). You want to hear the true attack and decay of the piano sound of the Yamaha or the steinway in CD. Of course if a Master like Horowitz playing on CD who is day and night comparing with the normal performer, but for the absolute sound instead of the music enjoyment?

最後修改時間: 2011-06-07 13:04:17
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-07 13:02
[#39] 聽了舒服、就是好音樂。     
mda hing,

It's 100% right that NO ONE can hear the real sounds during live performance. No argue here - not the Canegie hall , not the Beliner Philharmonic hall, or the live jazz corridor.

But there is a sort of "higher fidelity" standards we would like to imitate to make the CAN food more being like the live one. The MBL is just an example , or I could Said JBL or the system in your home if I know what you're playing.

But it's hardly be said as - since no one can hear the real sound acting as the judge as the Lord, than our setups are inferior than a $25 radio.

We may not have listened to a real Berlin Hall , and made a mistake to make my sound just wronly being like HKG cultural centre only , thanks GOD I still can said I'm listening much better than a $25 radio. Of course, you can remain prefering the radio , if we one each I have a choice of the Radio and the MBL. I must say 'thank you sir'
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-07 13:59
[#40] 聽了舒服、就是好音響。     

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-06-07 14:10
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