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[#1] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 一萬蚊一部sacd機同十幾萬甚至過百萬sacd 機播出嚟嘅聲音其實係有咩大分別。 貴機播出嚟的聲音係咪連歌手呼吸聲吞口水聲一些細微嘅弱音都聽得到,平價機就完全出唔到? |
salesleeon![]() 218.xxx.xxx.160 |
2021-10-13 10:17 | |
[#2] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 鬼子佬reviewer常用........ Euphonic PRaT.......pace rhythm and timing 中文可能是丶聴出耳油丶音樂感(包括微動態丶節奏....)丶速度丶彈跳力丶聞歌起舞⋯⋯ 開揚,通透,音場 最後修改時間: 2021-10-13 10:54:23 |
phil.ng![]() 223.xxx.xxx.187 |
2021-10-13 10:45 |
[#3] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 禾曾經上某陳列室,聽過十萬八萬元級CD盤, 分析力音色差過幾千元的大品牌CD盤, 貴!真係為咗買佢牌子同廣告費??? 有時,信自己耳仔好尐。 聽完20分鐘,當佢未煲好擴音機或喇叭未開聲算了。 最後修改時間: 2021-10-13 11:37:13 |
CS168![]() 1.xxx.xxx.217 |
2021-10-13 11:30 |
[#4] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 平價機永遠沒有僥倖,而世上有種耳朵:聽不到的葡萄是酸的 |
maga![]() 165.xxx.xxx.2 |
2021-10-13 11:50 |
[#5] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 買音响系統,真係好似女人買手袋高根鞋, 品牌加名牌加名人廣告效應,比錢係買牌子。 |
CS168![]() 1.xxx.xxx.217 |
2021-10-13 11:51 |
[#6] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 請教一下平價牛扒同貴價牛扒有什麼分別 |
15--16![]() 223.xxx.xxx.95 |
2021-10-13 11:55 |
[#7] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 如果冇極好聆聽空間,唔值得投資超高價器材。 |
hnm![]() 119.xxx.xxx.122 |
2021-10-13 11:57 |
[#8] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 #7.如果冇極好聆聽空間,唔值得投資超高價器材。 >>>同意!! |
CS168![]() 1.xxx.xxx.217 |
2021-10-13 11:59 |
[#9] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 up下 音靚 聲甜 3d感...etc... |
cornercube![]() 119.xxx.xxx.111 |
2021-10-13 12:00 |
[#10] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 從來沒有Hi-end名牌靠名人推廣,反而幾千蚊嘅機就大量利用名人宣傳,如果一部幾千蚊機比十萬元的機好聲,點解佢唔賣十萬蚊?故此,價錢始終由音質決定,而音質由消費者決定,市場定律。明顯地,市場有少數人其耳朵是聽不到的葡萄是酸的。 |
maga![]() 165.xxx.xxx.2 |
2021-10-13 12:03 |
[#11] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 好聲一定貴 但貴不一定好聲 |
phil.ng![]() 223.xxx.xxx.187 |
2021-10-13 12:04 |
[#12] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 我用dCS/EMM lab/Playback Design做參考。Accuphase都好聲但有啲唔同。 1. 通常貴嘢用貴transport 2. 佢哋用programmable IC 再用自己software 解碼 3. 另外再有2X 4X 等等upsampling。因為自己寫software,完全冇難度 4. 唔會係材料省錢。靚靚材料多層線路板,貴貴火牛,貴貴clock chip,重重機殼 5. 全部由SACD發展開始到宜家好有經驗 其中2 3 4 5 唔係有錢搞掂。有人才發展軟件最難。 最後修改時間: 2021-10-13 13:58:33 |
Kenny![]() 14.xxx.xxx.22 |
2021-10-13 13:45 |
[#13] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 香印提子,又名麝香葡萄,一年只有一次?收成,大概是五月尾至十月。其實一開始香印提子成長時是很長,很大束。但農夫??會慢慢修剪,務求把下面提子的養份都推上去,因此收成的提子才能這麼大粒,而且要保留提子的樹枝位,這樣送禮才得體。農夫對待香印提子花盡心思,亦解釋為何香印提子的價格如此高昂。 日本香印提子之所以聞名世界,係因為佢有其它提子冇嘅玫瑰?花香味,而且冇核、香甜?、多汁?、脆皮。糖度甚至可以去到20度以上! 當你食第一口嘅時候已經可以嚐試到果種畢生難忘?嘅花香?味,果汁?係口入面爆發嘅感覺。 |
Phil.ng![]() 45.xxx.xxx.238 |
2021-10-13 14:13 |
[#14] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 師兄,你好叻呀 |
吹吹水![]() 58.xxx.xxx.68 |
2021-10-13 14:47 |
[#15] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 #1 其實好多發燒要求的微弱訊息是誇張了高音推出來的。真既現場表現,企係歌手前面十尺都聽唔到.... 不搞清楚那種效果似真實,好難有一可靠標準分辨好壞。 |
BenYC![]() 219.xxx.xxx.169 |
2021-10-13 14:50 |
[#16] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 #15 × 2 個人認為最好是靚hall內,用兩三隻釣咪 連hall 聲都收錄 |
Phil.ng![]() 45.xxx.xxx.238 |
2021-10-13 15:03 |
[#17] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 #1 I used to have the dCS P8i Mk2 (cost almost $100k HKD for new), nad now using the Pioneer PD-70AE (Cost 17k HKD for new), they are sounding in different timbre without any question, coz they are from different brand, with their own signature sound. The most significant different between the 100K and 17k SACD player in my system is that the 100k dCS make me more involving in music, the vocal is sounding more "Real" and "organic", more musical, better pace and rhythmic, I did audit the Wadax flagship SACD transport with the DAC costing ONE million HKD in my friend's system, comparing to the 100k dCS, it just simply being much more organic, rich of details , lush, but never boring, and never being clinical, over emphasize for details. It is quite hard to evaluate a piece of component unless it is in one's own system or reference system familiar with. |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.149 |
2021-10-13 15:49 |
[#18] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 I guess the better question is why wanna SACD player or buy SACD and have a listen to see if this is one's cup of tea. If I must listen to SACD, I probably would prefer a cheaper ones as the strength of SACD does not really suit my liking. Just my own experience and preference of coz. I have listened to quite a few SACD recordings and somehow it always give me some kind of fake sound stage reproduction. The details is great I supposed but what really bothered me was the imagining being too pin point with clean edge between each point. Kind of reminds me of the earlier days LED TV when the things on the screen just looked like bits and pieces of paper cuts stick together. There is just less blending in of sounds like live music does. Quite distracting and definitely does not resembles true life music presentation if one wants to make their system sounds like real and lively. 最後修改時間: 2021-10-13 16:33:39 |
BenYC![]() 119.xxx.xxx.216 |
2021-10-13 16:24 |
[#19] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 如果冇極好聆聽空間,唔值得投資超高價器材。 >十分認同,冇咁嘅空間根本浪費咗啲靚器材 |
RCA073![]() 14.xxx.xxx.145 |
2021-10-13 16:57 |
[#20] 想請教一下 平價sacd機 同貴價sacd機分別 #18, May I know which SACD player and recording brought you such experience? So far, I am quite enjoy the SACD with good recording, no matter is on a Pioneer Universal Player or a million dollars SACD combo....... |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.149 |
2021-10-13 17:15 |