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[#108] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)    
Since university I have to learnt the curve of the NS10, I never have Yamaha speakers.

My current one is ATC-SCM100ASL. Thought of a while to update.....

We have protools but not my usual DAW setting.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-21 14:35
[#107] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)    
what monitor speakers you using right now...Yamaha? Using pro tools?

最後修改時間: 2011-05-21 10:36:43
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-21 10:33
[#106] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
no, but it is a very very good product.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-21 06:39
[#105] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
Hi Kent,

Have you updated the firmware of your Devialet D-Premier to the newest 5.3 version?

It's said that there will be very obvious sonic improvement:
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-17 22:40
[#104] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
This modular controller for the DSP moduler racks. Later on there is computer and provides software controls with a Mouse and Keyboard.

Good old times.....20 years ago. The DSP still supports up to 24bit/96kHz and you can still see it in almost all top mastering studios.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-17 16:59
[#103] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
hardware controller

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-17 16:57
[#102] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
BW102: Modular system

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-17 16:55
[#101] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-17 16:54
[#100] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-17 16:54
[#99] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
DS1-MK3 has 5 x Sharc DSPs.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-17 10:30
[#98] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
old weiss medea ( ) with sharc processor ( exactly same version sharc processor as accuphase DF 35 digital crossover)

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-16 11:17
[#97] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
powerful sharc processor , same as the one used in weiss medea ( please correct if I am one)

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-16 09:31
[#96] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
It is a pity that the powerhouse project is killed. But it is good to know that you guys have a clear direction! Well, I'm a professional, so now as a customer, I will leave the tough part to professional like you! DIY is just for fun, for me!
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-16 00:39
[#95] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
Hello ackcheng, thanks for your comment.

Powerhouse is Weiss latest product using Sharc, AND it is a product which cannot see its life in public. =....(

Luckily, Weiss has customized clients, especially in audio research field. I am sure you notice the Virtual Haydn project by McGill's Wieslaw Woszczyk.

That was time Daniel and I discuss "WHEN" computer surpasses hardware DSP.

There are 2 types of DIYers - one thinks he/she smarter than all commercial brands. The other is doing something really special but have no interest in commercial direction.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-16 00:12
[#94] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
Thanks Kent for your clarification,

"Daniel doesn't need to try using Sharc, he is consultant of TI of using Sharc in audio applications"

Actually, I noticed that he uses SHARC in his Powerhouse so I thought using this technology in MAN202 would be a natural progression! Well, may be there are something better around the corner!

Using GPU may even be better than CPU for the kind of calculations we need. Something like CUBA can hack the GPU for this purpose! Someone is already working on it at DIY level!

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-15 23:59
[#93] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
> Just some random thoughts only. Hope you don't mind!

Oh no, not at all. Thanks for given me a chance to explain and provide more information too.

Greeting from Nagoya, Japan.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-15 22:18
[#92] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
Dear ackcheng, you mis-understood his point on the "poor quality" DAC.

What he means is nows today people are rating the DAC chipset more than anything else in DA designs. So that even Weiss products do not use the best "specification" DAC chipsets, it will still sell because it will reach the quality standard in our own perspectives, and more often better than other companies using the best "specification" chipset.

We all know how much it costs for a DAC chipset, but solid engineering always more important.

Further about the Sharc DSP. We have those in ALL professional DSP boxes. The best example is SFC2 (sampling rate conversion). It uses Sharc DSP calculates in 40bit fix and floating points.

Few years ago we launched our first software based software "Saracon". Saracon does not only much cheaper (1/5 prices) than SFC2 because lacks of all hardware costs. Saracon calculation is double precision 64bit floating points. It gets rid of AES/EBU standard of max. 24bit (-144dBFS). Therefore Saracon is objectively a better product (PCM to PCM in any rate reaches -180dBFS THD)

Daniel doesn't need to try using Sharc, he is consultant of TI of using Sharc in audio applications. What actually we are looking is similar to Nvidia GPU calculation in graphic card. One of this card can provide floating point calculation better than hundreds of SHARC DSPs, very scary spec. The world fastest company by China is making use of GPU calculation instead of CPU. But this is overkill for audio application.

Intel CPU calculates in 80bit floating points. Since it does not run Windows/Mac OS, the customize Linus has most direct access to resources and execution.

I do concern your comment (but always respectfully) because Daniel is not a business man and does not focus on profits at all. He will be last man to sacrifice quality.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-15 22:16
[#91] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
Just some random thoughts only. Hope you don't mind!
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-15 22:04
[#90] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
With the technology available with Weiss, he should try to use SHARC as the DSP processor instead of intel chip. This will make subsequent processing software alot more powerful. Also make the competitor difficult to catch up. I am afraid that he will sacrifice the quality for profits.... As mentioned in the interview, even if the Dac is of poorer quality, it will sell because of the brand name.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-15 20:11
[#89] Blogs: 數碼音樂重播專欄 (1)     
So many probing questions from the knowledgeable interviewer; a "must read" for any audiophile interested in computer audio IMHO.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-15 06:35
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