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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
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[#1] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 友人睡房玩hifi,條線貴過架機…但係都唔肯搞間房。其實佢有錢有空間,但唔知點解係都唔肯。有感而發…我都試過電源線或所謂補品帶來改變或改善,但反射聲肯冇得靠補品改。當然香港地地方少,又要過家庭呢關,但我都想知有乜人有D絕頂room treatment,在香港用得著。 1. 可否分享最cost-effective或古怪的Room Treatment方法 2. 事前事後經歷 3. 或者其它 ... 一生與房間格鬥的經歷 謝謝! |
zbigniew821![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2015-06-25 18:27 | |
[#2] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 從來都覺得聆聽環境重要過器材,普通中下價嘢放係四正房間聲音會有板有眼,衰極有個譜。反之貴價名器係唔理想環境開聲如只一百幾十呎或要貼後牆平排擺放,得罪講句唔會好得去邊。無奈居住環境狹窄要擺放room treatment 傢生也諸多不便,而且效果唔會好明顯。 |
stanm![]() 112.xxx.xxx.54 |
2015-06-25 19:23 |
[#3] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 適量既空間處理 吾止聽hi-fi得到改善 因環境嘈音低左 生活都會舒適些 |
billy123![]() 203.xxx.xxx.37 |
2015-06-25 21:59 |
[#4] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 唔係唔知道,係搞唔到...... |
whizmika![]() 203.xxx.xxx.108 |
2015-06-25 22:29 |
[#5] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 音箱與後牆距離之為重要。 有條件的就盡量把音箱搬近皇帝位一點。就算是"走鬼檔"都在所不惜! |
kktube![]() 203.xxx.xxx.110 |
2015-06-25 22:57 |
[#6] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 To be honest, in HK, the background noise in most built up area is a joke for hi fi. I remener one year I went to Sydney n was In a relatives house. At night I turn the TV on the music coming out sounds better than my hi fi at home. The background is so dark you can hear so much. HK is hard for playing hi fi really |
seanbeer![]() 116.xxx.xxx.50 |
2015-06-25 23:02 |
[#7] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 I hope this thread can draw people who have fight against the environment and share their experience la. r33 was always about gears, and still is, with decreasing high hands willing to speak up and share. seanbeer i agree background noises are so important. The best season in HK is winter for me, living in residential area. kktube, do you really 'run ghost'? 'run ghost' so you have the best seat? Can you share your experience or photo? stanm hing, "反之貴價名器係唔理想環境開聲如只一百幾十呎或要貼後牆平排擺放,得罪講句唔會好得去邊" ... any rare cases that succeed? I bought several Japanese books from Japan and we all know they like to put huge horn / speakers at the corner. But they're not concrete houses? I always puzzle when seeing pics here and there with EXPENSIVE equipment placing in an houses with little furnishing. I really don't know how the sound could be. Maybe many will compensate using less 'focused' speaker positioning (less highs) or speaker cable or power cable. Welborne hing if you happen reading this, share your journey la!!! YOURS are so exciting!!! |
zbigniew821![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2015-06-25 23:47 |
[#8] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 要走鬼易,關鍵在音箱下要用平底釘,如soundcare之類。方便滑動。 |
kktube![]() 203.xxx.xxx.110 |
2015-06-26 00:18 |
[#9] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 Zbignew兄,對於一眾空間細、但又捨得買貴價器材和線、又墊釘又搞電搞好多、純為過下瘾。但係,我強烈建議,如果朋友們都注眾音質而不是玩自己⋯⋯不如整番個靚headphone,仲正。冇聲波震動器材,墊嘢都墊少啲。 |
welborne![]() 61.xxx.xxx.122 |
2015-06-26 02:16 |
[#10] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 welborne hing, better share you marvelous treatment la ... (wanna visit some time if possible). btw, do you know the japanese's way of playing (gigantic speakers close to walls)? 最後修改時間: 2015-06-26 03:12:36 |
zbigniew821![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2015-06-26 03:06 |
[#11] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 呢個勁 ![]() |
zbigniew821![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2015-06-26 03:23 |
[#12] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 成日都見到 ![]() |
zbigniew821![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2015-06-26 03:24 |
[#13] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 咁玩 ![]() |
zbigniew821![]() 119.xxx.xxx.89 |
2015-06-26 03:26 |
[#14] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 最大問題也是地方,小弟的bass trap, diffuser 是要走鬼,但唔開机時也要搵位安置 |
tst123![]() 1.xxx.xxx.38 |
2015-06-26 09:09 |
[#15] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 zbigniew821兄一套音響好聲与否因素很多房間是其一,有好嘅環境緊係好啦起碼煩小一樣先,我都耐不耐會家訪吓,有的環境很正黃金比例有的走鬼當,不過又未必環境好就一定好聲最重要都要睇個人! |
009terry![]() 203.xxx.xxx.37 |
2015-06-26 10:07 |
[#16] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 我就試過本來放響客廳聽歌都冇乜野, 有日痕起上黎於棄飯廳, 將d機搬曬過去一於打長黎玩,點知就"奶"左野. 聲音反射好利害, 簡直亂七八糟. 將個環境搞左好耐先叫做定番曬. 又雞蛋隔,又吸音綿, 又簾. |
mentos![]() 203.xxx.xxx.233 |
2015-06-26 10:25 |
[#17] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 其實有無論空間形狀,只要音箱不大,將音箱拉遠離後牆,靠近皇帝位,都有正面效果。萬試萬靈。 效果比音箱只靠牆放、只改善幾個第一反射點(加散射或吸音)都要好多。 所以走吓鬼都唔錯! |
kktube![]() 223.xxx.xxx.61 |
2015-06-26 13:26 |
[#18] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 我有個怪經驗。我套野一set得resloution高,在兩邊balance的環境,喇叭放短邊,12 x 26呎,又或者 14 x15呎,播單支小提琴特別係如Hilary Harn會出事。 Hilary Hahn Bach Partitas for Solo Violin 用headphone聽,隻琴正常,在房聽,隻琴大左好多,用cushion放在耳旁遮住兩邊由喇叭後牆同側牆的反射,就正常同靚聲。 ![]() |
zbigniew821![]() 116.xxx.xxx.72 |
2015-06-26 14:29 |
[#19] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 小弟在聆聽環境都落了很多功夫,得著係搞得好,效果好過買條貴線。 ![]() |
eric668![]() 123.xxx.xxx.148 |
2015-06-26 21:03 |
[#20] 覺搞得房間重要過搞器材的朋友入來吹下水 成本不及買一條貴線。 ![]() |
eric668![]() 123.xxx.xxx.156 |
2015-06-26 21:05 |