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[#13] NAIM 同好會 但係我已經對準都係好難插。 |
ncw2889 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.143 |
2005-10-10 19:57 | |
[#14] NAIM 同好會 IOU hing: Is your Flatcap2 power CD 5 and Pre-amp? |
stardust 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.243 |
2005-10-10 20:04 |
[#15] NAIM 同好會 CD5i |
open 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.73 |
2005-10-10 20:19 |
[#16] NAIM 同好會 Stardust Pre-amp 同 Cd5 都係共用Flatcap2架 不過只有Pre-amp係完全由Flatcap2共電 |
IOU 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.162 |
2005-10-10 20:21 |
[#17] NAIM 同好會 Open Welcome |
IOU 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.162 |
2005-10-10 21:29 |
[#18] NAIM 同好會 hi, i have nait 2 (which was just serviced at radar and costed $900!!). I am hunting for a cd3.5 to match. |
mahi 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.11 |
2005-10-10 22:55 |
[#19] NAIM 同好會 Stardust hing, Yours gear is really vintage, i like it!! Would it sound a bit 'slow' when compared with modern gear?? That's my experience with 1541 dac. |
mahi 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.11 |
2005-10-10 22:57 |
[#20] NAIM 同好會 Hello Mahi, Would you please send your contact no. to my email to discuss your experience to re-cap NAIT-2 via RADAR? I have a NAIT-2 ready for re-cap too. Thanks. Morris |
bighead 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.72 |
2005-10-11 01:09 |
[#21] NAIM 同好會 mahi hing: No, exciting rhythm! Never feel slow. It is even faster than series 5. Also, I had compared CD3.5, CD3 and also CDI. CDI is the best amount them and CD3 beat CD3.5. I advise you go CD3 instead of CD3.5. It gives more texture and much musical. Hi bighead, are you still using Linn speaker? |
stardust 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.204 |
2005-10-11 02:17 |
[#22] NAIM 同好會 Stardust: are you using original Linn Kan Stand? I am using NAIT too. I have tried Nait 1 (both green light version and older red light version). I also have tried NAIT 2. I think NAIT 1 is very musical and analogue. It is an amazing little amplifier. And you can just plug in your turntable to play. NAIT 2 has a better extension of high and low. A bit more powerful. But less analog... And with Linn Kan MK1, it becomes crispy, rhythmic and fast. I think using the NACA5 cable is good too. For CD player, I am using Philips CD101 or CD104. Sony CDP-100 is also my favourite. I have bought a pair of QUAD ESL57. Will try it with QUAD II and NAIT 1/2 :) |
powercord 正式會員 86.xxx.xxx.111 |
2005-10-11 05:42 |
[#23] NAIM 同好會 Hello Stardust, Did we meet before? I still have a pair of Linn Tukan but currently, use JMR Twin MK3. "Old" Naim CDP is very dynamic. I'm so surprised that there are many old NAIM fans using CDI, NAIT-1 and NAIT-2. Great!! |
bighead 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.209 |
2005-10-11 11:48 |
[#24] NAIM 同好會 Bighead, my nait 2 did not go through a recap, i think, as that should be more expensive plus parts in hong kong are few. i will ask radar more about what they exactly have done when i pick it up this sat. |
mahi 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.11 |
2005-10-11 12:15 |
[#25] NAIM 同好會 Stardust, i would love to try a CDI too, but was hold back because i'm afraid i can't get replacement cdm4, and servicing via radar will not be cheap (as they are more interested in selling new gears than servicing old gears which were sold by previous dealers). that's why i think 3.5 may be a good choice for it uses 1205vam which there are still plenty on market. but of course i believe no doubt CDI sounds the best. i have two 16 bit machines, one is 1541 single crown ariston cd player and the other is a DIY non-sampling 1541 dac. i have compared both to more modern gear (18 bit / 20 bit players) but the pace is just slower. maybe naim has done sth so different to the circuit. lovely. |
mahi 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.11 |
2005-10-11 12:28 |
[#26] NAIM 同好會 powercord hing: No, I just put it top on my floor stand speaker.^_^ I've tried FD II but not my cup of tea. My nait 1 was green light version. Bighead hing: We met long time ago. Do you remember the petite? Sorry that the petite was demaged by a devil kid. JMR is a great speaker. It's tweeter impress me alot. Is your Nait 2 drive JMR well? Coz my next target is JMR Offrande. |
stardust 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.243 |
2005-10-11 13:03 |
[#27] NAIM 同好會 hi Iuse 112/150>cd5i>舊 tannoy spk ,the sound sweet,not enough detail.so I bought dyna s1.4 spk.at 10-10-05 a few day. use all din cable.use 2 day exp. sound>3D音場廣闊完全離箱,分析力準,細節多,而清晰,定位準,低音鬆容,有彈性,輪廓線條立體,高音滑如絲。 聽心曲時,舊spk。陳's人聲暖帶甜,而嬌,但沒有磁性吸引力,不耐聽,夜深沉時,鼓皮實硬,鼓聲呯呯聲收得快.得個勁字。 用s1.4,陳's聲暖帶甜及磁性而不嬌,高音及聲場非常立體。原來陳's唱歌非常好聽及舒服,但唱孕郊迭C 聽夜深沉時,鼓皮鬆容有彈性輪廓線條立體,鼓皮震動一下一下餘震清楚,這才是真,真中國鼓聲。 上述就是個人木耳心得分享。 缺點是200尺空間,naim112/150 聽大動態爆彭交響樂時,有有明顯推力不足腳軟情況出現,本人150尺空間,完全控制及沒有推力不足情況出現。因本人購買s1.4時,是攜同naim 112/150.一起去試.實況經驗.當時配搭MF CD PLAYER.好大部,銀色的!音樂不及原廠CD5I 好聽. 現在用 112/150>monitor power cable silver studio line made in west germany. 現想問naim同好,有沒有人用naimspk cable or falt cap.心得分享。好想知道。thx. |
highlander 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.36 |
2005-10-11 13:19 |
[#28] NAIM 同好會 highlander hing: Improvement via adding Flatcap 2 is significant, especially bass control and dynamic range. As your 112 is powered by 150, bass control of course get worse. Why don't you go for NACA 5? Sound more fluent! Remember that 4M sounds better than 3.5M. |
stardust 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.243 |
2005-10-11 13:46 |
[#29] NAIM 同好會 hello, I use flatcap2, cd5, 112/150 org naim din cable, spk cable, no money to buy rack, stack 1 by 1 and put it on floor... 請問有冇人知那裡有MK的蘇頭買呢? 行了旺角新填地街, 很多間都冇... 另請教stardust兄, what is NACA 5? 是naim org spk cable 嗎? 想買naim jumper, where and how much to buy ? |
steamboy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.25 |
2005-10-11 13:58 |
[#30] NAIM 同好會 Stardust. OIC. NAIT-2 drives JMR very well but its presentation is not that flat-earth. I still miss how fast petite can perform but my room did not match. Call Radar to repair your Petite la. Mahi, 16 bit machines are not slow but not "analytical " as modern DAC. If you don't mind, please send your contact no. to me to talk talk. highlander, stardust is right. Naim Power supply(flat-cap is the entry point only) and NACA-5 are your solutions to improve your system. |
bighead 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.98 |
2005-10-11 13:59 |
[#31] NAIM 同好會 我都想買112+150 compo |
夢想飛行 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.23 |
2005-10-11 14:05 |
[#32] NAIM 同好會 steamboy hing: Yes, NACA 5 is naim org spk cable. You can ask Rader about naim cable. I can terminate for you if you trust me. Bighead hing: I had it repaired and put it into my mom's studio. |
stardust 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.243 |
2005-10-11 14:37 |