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[#5966] Naim 同好會 我上年係度請教大家有冇路數買到 SL2 個海綿綱,最後經朋友幫手係大陸搞左個八成似。 |
Dlbf 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.17 |
2019-10-22 20:04 | |
[#5967] Naim 同好會 Deleted 最後修改時間: 2019-10-22 20:05:10 |
Dlbf 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.17 |
2019-10-22 20:04 |
[#5968] NAIM 同好會 #5961 < I currently run both CDX2 and CDS3 with PS555 in my setup. The followings are my experiences on Naim CD players. On a scale from 1 to 10, CD555: 9-9.5 CDS3: 8-8.5 CDX2 with PS555: answers very tremendously CDX2 with XPS2: 7.5 CDX2 without power supply: 6-6.5 CD5XS: 5 CD5si: 3.5 to 4 (this is entry level player. pls don't expect too much) 最後修改時間: 2019-10-24 21:27:35 |
ovator 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.186 |
2019-10-24 21:24 |
[#5969] NAIM 同好會 ovator Ching, Thanks for the comprehensive comparisons. As I don't want to increase the number of boxes (and spend!) after knowing that the PS is so important for CDX2, I've made up my mind to keep the 5si for my good old CDs. After all these years, to the level of my listening standard, CAS has replaced and be the majority of my daily listening, keeping but not buying any physical disc is my direction for the future. Your benchmark is so absolutely useful. |
evan123 正式會員 87.xxx.xxx.189 |
2019-10-26 12:24 |
[#5970] NAIM 同好會 Regardless of the fact that CDX2/CDS3 are in my setup. Similar to you and many modern music lovers, I have also shifted to CAS for majority of my music time primarily because of song selection convenience and overall performance reason. These sources are not expensive at all. Source 1: Macbook(SSD HD) > SPDIF out Source 2: PC > Creative Labs SB0880 X-Fi PCIe sound card > SPDIF out Source 3: ibasso DX50 > Coaxial out NDac/PS555 does a wonderful job as a DAC function. Source 3: I have only tried it for a few days. It sounds surprisingly good given its low price. I am now considering getting either iBasso DX220 or Fiio M11. If any Ching own both, please share your experiences here, esp if you have it connected to Naim DAC. In terms of performance, they are very close. It is difficult to quantitatively articulate the differences at least to my ears. The differences are largely related to sound characters, not absolute "better" performance. For CDX2, yes - an XPS2 (both DR or non-DR) will completely transform the CDX2 to a way better player. It is a Naim ear-opening experience. 最後修改時間: 2019-10-26 13:21:20 |
ovator 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.186 |
2019-10-26 13:06 |
[#5971] NAIM 同好會 Ovator兄: 睇你CAS setup比較最早期的玩法、發揮唔到Ndac+ps555, 雖然Ndac都算老型號、但相信音聲是絕佳! 我建議你花幾百買usb to spdif. 這usb ansync interface是CAS重點, 目前有usb dac 係bulid-in interface. 第二升級player系統、你可試下有DSP升頻訊號輸出dac, 可以升32bit 384khz fit to Ndac 如:Roon; 我用Dac support native DSD可以將讀到格式轉為DSD256輸出效果非常好! |
Ck2007 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.78 |
2019-10-26 14:13 |
[#5972] NAIM 同好會 #5971 < thank you for your info 有玩過 USB > Weiss int 204 > SPDIF/COAXIAL out to Naim DAC/PS555. 亦有玩過 DSD files. 但個人意見係 DSD files 都幾 overrated. 同自己聽嘅音樂種類DSD唔多. 其實Naim 而然, DAC 同 CD player 係兩種唔同動物。難作平衡比較. CDX2/CDS3 嘅Naim PRAT聲. DAC係做唔到.問題係CD player選歌麻煩. Fiio M11/Ibasso DX220 DAP 似符幾唔錯. Roon: 想試.未有時間測試. DSP you mean like Roon Nucleus+ ? 有冇人試過? 最後修改時間: 2019-10-26 14:44:20 |
ovator 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.186 |
2019-10-26 14:36 |
[#5973] NAIM 同好會 usb ansync interface< thanks for the education. Seems about "lowest jitters = best sound" kind of angle, which Paul McGowan from PS audio loves talking about in his interviews with media. 最後修改時間: 2019-10-26 15:18:29 |
ovator 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.186 |
2019-10-26 15:05 |
[#5974] NAIM 同好會 依家高皆player software 都有唔錯DSP function 期中一項rate conversion. 我講緊唔係play DSD file係將所有wav, flac music file 經過realtime process後變成你預設格式輸出、我自己预设output為DSD256 fit to my R2R dac. |
Ck2007 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.218 |
2019-10-26 15:45 |
[#5975] NAIM 同好會 looking at EVGA Nu Audio Sound Card(engineered by Audio Note) into Ndac/555PS 最後修改時間: 2019-10-26 16:45:52 |
ovator 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.186 |
2019-10-26 16:44 |
[#5976] NAIM 同好會 Hi 各位師兄, 想問下nds可唔可以當解碼用, 效果如何呢? 如果將cdx2 數碼駁入nds再出Amp, 會唔會好過cdx2 直出去 Amp? Tks. |
Hifisuper 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.7 |
2019-11-05 10:09 |
[#5977] NAIM 同好會 有無師兄有玩黑膠?如果加 phono 係咪照駁前級 NAC 202? 我見 phono 係 pre amp, 咁其實係咪應該接後級而不是再接前級?但 nap 200 無位接 phono 謝謝各位 |
dttmtong 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.184 |
2019-11-08 15:56 |
[#5978] NAIM 同好會 Dttmtong 兄,如果無phono放大,要買naim stageline 駁nac202, 而後級係照現時接駁唔需要理會。 你用咩唱頭? |
Dlbf 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.29 |
2019-11-08 21:12 |
[#5979] Naim 同好會 剛訂左個 Ortofon 2M Bronze 諗緊用 Stageline 定係買其他牌子 phono 例如 二手 ASR mini丶Rega Fono..... |
dttmtong 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.58 |
2019-11-08 21:30 |
[#5980] NAIM 同好會 長輩教落:玩 Naim 最好著套裝。 |
Dlbf 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.29 |
2019-11-08 22:01 |
[#5981] NAIM 同好會 咁玩 stageline都有好處嘅,起碼少啲線又襯返成套機,不過我 search naim forum 話 stageline 要夾唱頭 |
dttmtong 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.58 |
2019-11-08 22:38 |
[#5982] NAIM 同好會 有幾個config. 買要買對model. N 好似係俾MM頭。E/K/S 係MC.... Capacitance 同 load 不一樣 Phono Specific Input Load Options S= 470Ω//6.8nF, K= 560Ω//1nF, E= 560Ω//6.8nF, N= 47kΩ//470pF Audio Inputs Analogue Input RCA Input Sensitivity K & S 100μV, E 400μV, N 2mV Audio Outputs Gain N 35dB at 1kHz, K & S 60dB at 1kHz |
gcclau 會員 124.xxx.xxx.131 |
2019-11-09 16:51 |
[#5983] NAIM 同好會 Thx, 這個我都知道,我意思係 stageline N 都要夾 MM 頭,否則有人話啲聲 dummy |
dttmtong 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.155 |
2019-11-09 17:12 |
[#5984] NAIM 同好會 試下Goldring 1042,dum 唔dum就唔知,我覺得幾好聲 |
idabao 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.246 |
2019-12-08 22:26 |
[#5985] NAIM 同好會 有事請教,己update 更新Naim Qute2 已連接wifi, 開啟Naim app不能與Qute2連接thx |
Kiukiuso 會員 45.xxx.xxx.80 |
2020-01-01 20:47 |