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[#21] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
老實講小朋友同BB 每分每妙都要看住!無可能要佢受傷!
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-12 21:42
[#22] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
唯有將對 A-7 加層架上牆 or 放上地櫃!
又或者將對 Adam 放俾我!

最後修改時間: 2009-10-12 21:54:28
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-12 21:53
[#23] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
又或者將對 Adam 放俾我! x2

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-12 23:34
[#24] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
CD架已送了比朋友, 所有cd都入晒膠箱...哈哈.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 09:35
[#25] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
Agree what samyau88 hing said :


Kids now are very smart. You may not believe it but explain to them and they can understand.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 10:37
[#26] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
agree with elo hing

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 10:55
[#27] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
其實問題不單在於有沒有及早教導BB器材不可接觸, 相信大多數父母皆有教導. 反而, 主要問題在於BB在學行的首半年至一年期間, 步伐不穩, 東歪西倒, 一不幸, 在他/她跌倒時誤觸/碰器材而引致的意外..... 當然, 不希望這些事情發生.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 12:41
[#28] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
我細個既時候, 時為七十年代, 家中充滿多種危險物品, 奪命程度比Adam A7絕對有過之而無不及, 現在奇蹟生還, 呢一刻仲聽緊Adam A5 ... 看來上天對我還真不錯的~~~~~~

最後修改時間: 2009-10-13 13:00:45
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 12:58
[#29] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    

>Kids now are very smart. You may not believe it but explain to them and they can understand.

Agree. I have a 2 and a half yrs old. He had learnt when he started crawling that touching electrical wire/sockets were no-no. So far, he still doesn't touch those "forbidden objects" with his curious fingers, touch wood. He also knows that he should not touch daddy's toys. Recently, I got a new SACD player, even though he frowned when I told him he could look but couldn't touch daddy's new toy, so far, he hasn't even attempted to press any buttons.

He loved to play with the remote and that was one thing I had to put it where it was out of reach (I have a Harmony remote and he learnt on his own how to press one button to turn on music). As much as he loves to watch videos/cartoons, he never touches the remote for that unless I ask him to get it for me for watching.

As for learning to walk, it is the responsibility of the adults to prevent the kid going near to where it is dangerous for him. I don't think anyone can 100% kid-proof a home. For the few months it takes a baby to learn to walk, I do believe that letting the kid knows the boundaries together with 100% adult supervision is the best way to protect the kid and valuables.

I guess every baby/kid is different. I may be blessed with a kid who is more willing to listen. Your mileage may varies.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 13:47
[#30] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    

That's the best idea. But make sure the speakers have a strong enough grill to prevent the kid from poking his/her little fingers on the speaker units. I read that a lot of tweeters got damaged by curoius little fingers.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 13:53
[#31] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
香港家居有多大? 廚房吾去得, 廁所吾去得, 飯廳有張飯枱吾去得, 客廳有對喇叭吾去得, BB學緊行, 但屋企到到吾去得, BB可以去邊?

每個家居環境皆不同, 因而家居安全系數不可一概而論, BB (意指2-3歲以下) 在家居承受的風險是由大人來支配的, 不是他/她自己所能決定的. 安全與否, 還需看實際家居情況. 再作出平衡處理.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 14:09
[#32] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
Agree to some of you that, kids and bookshelf speakers with stand are difficult to co-exist. Also, wife and kids like to play /watch TV at living room, and so it is also hard to enjoy your hi-fi when they are there. So, right now, I can only put my hi-fi gears(metronome cdp, and mark 326s) in a bedroom on the window sill. It is a loss (under utilize the gear, but is not bad that, you can at least enjoy the power lights when they are being on, and enjoy the music even if they are watching TV at living room!
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 14:14
[#33] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
>> I read that a lot of tweeters got damaged by curoius little fingers.

A friend's kid poked in my old ProAc R2.5's tweeter during a visit, after I told him a few times gently to keep away from the speakers. All I could do was 笑笑口話"唔緊要喇,細路仔唔識野嘛" >.< Felt like throwing the little xxxx out of the window....
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 14:23
[#34] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    

That's the best idea. But make sure the speakers have a strong enough grill to prevent the kid from poking his/her little fingers on the speaker units. I read that a lot of tweeters got damaged by curoius little fingers.

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 15:47
[#35] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
>A friend's kid poked in my old ProAc R2.5's tweeter during a visit, after I told him a few times gently to keep away from the speakers. All I could do was 笑笑口話"唔緊要喇,細路仔唔識野嘛" >.< Felt like throwing the little xxxx out of the window....

What can you do with such insensitive parents B-(
If the parents didn't restraint their kids from mischief, the least they could do is to offer the cost of repair/replacement. Of course, these days, many parents would even blink an eye when their "treasures" damaged others properties.
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-13 16:58
[#36] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    

Actually, I found that kids have this uncanny attraction to anything that is popping out and have an irresistible urge to push/press it. Try giving a kid something with buttons and see how they would go crazy pressing them. A dome tweeter looks very much like an oversize button ;-)

Oh... they also can't resist poking their little fingers into holes. Some kids also love to put anything they can get their hands on into holes (such as speaker ports).
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-14 02:31
[#37] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
Hi Fi & 小朋友如何共存 ?

Here is my answer:

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-14 18:38
[#38] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
我個仔快八個月, 開始週圍扒.....對書架jmlab都要走了.......真係打算緊放唔放埋部cd盤& amp!
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-14 21:13
[#39] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-14 21:21
[#40] 書架喇叭 & 小朋友如何共存    
小弟用緊大書架喇叭, 膽前d五十幾年歷史既古董膽一支支舉晒出黎, 個B今年3歲. 最大戰績都係整爛左一支整流膽, 聽膠膠試過一次咁多出手按停, 一直相處愉快.

前輩教落, 千祈唔好遮遮掩掩, 攤晒響度由得佢睇, 睇到飽睇到嘔自然唔會有興趣搞. 頭一次個B有本事掂你D架生由得佢掂, 拎拎下D掣, 唔著機睇住佢拎. 玩過, 睇過, 都唔好玩既! 從此你既架生對佢黎講就係舊玩具, 都費乜事理你. 亦唔好下下喝住佢, 費事佢有犯罪既快感. 細路好奇梗有, 試過唔好玩就冇興趣. 呢個過程越細開始越好, 未識爬已經由佢朝夕相對, 唔識咁多玩法就更易玩厭. 前輩兩個女, 俾支845燙過一下手指仔, 以後見親你D玩具到兜路走.

當然喇叭拉出一兩尺又toe in又盛又拆喇叭網, 呢D響細路面前係自殺既行為, 為免小老細變小禽獸, 佢返屋企前要拿拿臨走鬼, 恢服原狀.

以上方法係咪work, 最終都要靠好唔好彩, 個細路咩性格是否十分好動. 做老豆咁過癮, 你玩佢佢玩你, 咁又一日, 仲邊樹會成日得閒開檔? 呢d唔係犧牲, 係興趣轉移 ^^
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-10-14 22:20
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