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[#1] Moode Audio 4.0    
Moode Audio is not easy to setup like the Volumio.
I try to share my experience. Here is my setup instruction.

// STEP 1 – Do it in PC

1. Download Raspbian Stretch Lite 2017-11-29

2. Unzip and burn the image to SD Card use the win32diskimager
3. Click the device named "boot" to show its contents
4. Create an empty file named "ssh" in the boot directory
5. Optionally enable WiFi connection
a. Create a file named wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot directory
b. Paste the lines below into the file making approproate substitutions for SSID and PASSWORD
c. Save the file

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


6. Edit the file named cmdline.txt

# Remove the text below from the single line string
quiet init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/init_resize.sh

# Add this text to beginning of the line. Ensure there is a space between this text and the remaining text.

7. Eject SD card

// STEP 2 - Expand the root partition to 3GB in Raspberry Pi

1. Insert the SD Card into a Raspberry Pi and POWER UP.

2. Use PC ssh to Raspberry Pi, check ip address from your router.
Login: pi
Password: raspberry

You may download a SSH client if you don’t have it in PC. https://www.bitvise.com/ssh-client

3. Type in all commons in the Linux terminal

sudo su
cd ~
echo "pi:moodeaudio" | sudo chpasswd
wget http://moodeaudio.org/downloads/prod/rel-stretch-r40.zip
sudo unzip ./rel-stretch-r40.zip

4. Expand the root partition to 3GB.

sudo cp ./rel-stretch/www/command/resizefs.sh ./
sudo chmod 0755 ./resizefs.sh
sudo sed -i "/PART_END=/cPART_END=+3000M" ./resizefs.sh
sudo ./resizefs.sh start
sudo rm ./resizefs.sh
sudo cp ./rel-stretch/boot/config.txt.default /boot/config.txt
sudo reboot

// STEP 3 – Use Moode OS Builder

1. Use PC ssh to Raspberry Pi, check ip address from your router.
Login: pi
Password: moodeaudio

2. Type in the Linux terminal
sudo wget -q http://moodeaudio.org/downloads/mos/mosbuild.sh -O /home/pi/mosbuild.sh
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/mosbuild.sh

3. Start the Builder

sudo ./mosbuild.sh

Finished, it takes about 1 hour to build. Something raspberry pi cannot boot successful, you need to re-plug the power cable.

個人訊息 正式會員
2018-04-08 20:40
[#2] Moode Audio 4.0    
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-04-09 22:57
[#3] Moode Audio 4.0    
Thank you very much. Still learning to use Moodeaudio functions.
個人訊息 會員
2018-04-14 12:03
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