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[#41] oppo 95 vs 93    
Unless you are using a huge projector, otherwise you cannot tell much difference among Oppo 80/83/93/95. Unless your LCD/plasma are properly calibrated, then you may tell some improvements.

Otherwise, Oppo spends more effort on the audio circuits (the power & analog parts, not the DAC part) so you should hear better when you upgrade from one model to another.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-03-29 21:00
[#42] oppo 95 vs 93    
Thx kenny hing, would the audio through HDMI sounds better?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-03-29 23:52
[#43] oppo 95 vs 93    
I am not familiar with HDMI audio output as mine is a 2-channel setup. Currently, I run a TOSLINK glass fiber from an Oppo to a DAC. In future, a 95 would be linked to my system via XLR outputs for blu-ray or dvd-audio discs or high resolution files from USB. Should be fun..

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-03-29 23:59
[#44] oppo 95 vs 93    
Thx kenny hing,
i currently owned an oppo 93 but i found that the vibration quite serious when playing cd or sacd, is the oppo 95 have better adsorption?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-03-30 14:06
[#45] oppo 95 vs 93    
May I suggest you to consider adding vibrapod/cone on the bottom of your transport, and a layer of sorbothane on the top, so that vibrations can be reduced. I have been using vibrapod/cone/sorbothane for inexpensive DVD/blu-ray players to super expensive ones so I never notice any vibrations.

Or, put a toy on the top so that it is pretty and it dampens the vibrations.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-03-30 21:37
[#46] oppo 95 vs 93    
wah.. so many issue with Oppo93:
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-03-31 13:21
[#47] oppo 95    

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-04-04 14:17
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