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[#1] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
我想問我而家用oppo93 +Wyred4Sound DAC2去play cd聽,但係我play sacd果陣部oppo93如果用dsd去dac2,部dac2就無聲,係咪既係dac2解唔到sacd呢?thanks everybody?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-26 00:20
[#2] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
Are you output DSD to I2S interface like another ching here did?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-26 00:29
[#3] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
oh,sorry. 我無呀~係咪一定要用i2s先得?
其實我睇來睇去都唔明乜係i2s !)@(*#&!@(*@!#
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-26 22:44
[#4] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
I like wiki, easy to learn about what things are.


I2S, also known as Inter-IC Sound, Integrated Interchip Sound, or IIS, is an electrical serial bus interface standard used for connecting digital audio devices together. It is most commonly used to carry PCM information between the CD transport and the DAC in a CD player. The I2S bus separates clock and data signals, resulting in a very low jitter connection.

By the way, can oppo93 output DSD to coaxial? If a SACD can output DSD on coaxial, that means somebody can copy it with a computer to capture DSD input. I don't think oppo93 can output DSD at all.

最後修改時間: 2011-08-26 23:01:07
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-26 22:55
[#5] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
唔該,我想問用coaxial同i2s既分別係?i2s 少d jitter?

另外,咁係即係oppo93個sacd只係for佢自己解完再出speaker,而唔可以digital out 去dac2解呢?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-26 23:18
[#6] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
I'm not expert of SACD. I think Oppo93 has no I2s external output. there is ching here who has mod to get i2s output from the internal mother board.

I don't think SACD layer audio data cannot output due to copyright protection of SACD. Only the CD layer audio can output digitally.

最後修改時間: 2011-08-26 23:23:32
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-26 23:22
[#7] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
For original Oppo 93, the digital output (Coxial) in limited to 16bit/44KHz even reading SACD.

The poor HDMI interface can provide native DSD or convert the DSD->PCM in high resolution, many modern AV amp can decode DSD directly. But of coz, not a good solution as HDMI and AV amp are not design for audiophile.

Please noted that the Oppo93 HDMI interface cannot plug into the DAC2 I2S HDMI interface. They are in different protocol.

Some people use a HDMI->Coxial converter and then feed to DAC in order to break the 16/44 limit. I have tried before, but the sound is even poor than my AV amp with native DSD.

My solution is buy a old PS3 and then rip the SACD. And then convert DSD->PCM on my PC.
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-10-09 01:07
[#8] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
I am not aware of any high-end processor to accept native DSD. The main issue is that the license fee for sacd decryption is rather expensive; I heard that is like $10K USD + a certain percentage per machine. So high-end audio shops would rather spend this money on sacd/universal players than on really low volume processor. AV amps are sold in huge volume relatively speaking so sacd decryption can be added with little effect on cost.

The other part of the issue is that the license prohibits the transmission of decrypted dsd bitstreams. So sacd/universal players can output either transcoded PCM or encrypted DSD bitstreams.
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-10-09 02:18
[#9] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
impckt ching

can ps3 optical digital output 24/88.2 when readind sacd layer?
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-10-09 08:03
[#10] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
Not all PS3 can read SACD, only the very old version one with cracked firmware able to do so.


I remember some people able to direct output 24/88.2 thru Toslink using PS3. But for me, I only interested in ripping DSD file.
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-10-09 15:19
[#11] Wyred4Sound DAC2 + oppo 93    
thanks and very good information
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-10-09 16:06
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