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[#1] bubbleupnp dsf/ 24/96+ flac transcode problem    
HI Ching
I have an issue on bubbleupnp and here is the case:
I have setup a bubbleupnp server and working fine. the bubbleupnp player in android can see the library and play normal FLAC. when it plays the DSF it can change to the WAV file by ffmpeg as I choose the max bit rate as original. Here comes the problem:
I want to stream the music when I am not at home so I choose the max bit rate under mobile to be 64K. The bubbleupnp stops from playing the DSF file or FLAC with 16/44.1+ and only show OGG 64K/44.1Khz in tge page when i play the music. i pressed the play button with no effect. It can only play when I change the bitrate back to original
As a DSF file is large and I want to limit the data used when I am outside, using mobile data. please advise if I have missed anything

最後修改時間: 2020-09-28 17:31:13
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-28 17:29
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