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[#21] 用假balance output 音質有冇改善????    
Thank you so much why, this forum is so lovely with more people helping each other.

If its not too troublesome, I love to have it, you may email to me at alexmotai@yahoo.com.hk or post it here so I can capture it so as everybody else, thanks.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-10-28 17:37
[#22] 用假balance output 音質有冇改善????    

None of device can be 100% matched, left and right cannot be identical, so as balance channels.
It happens to unbalanced amp too.

But the situation can be remedied by careful circuit design. Technique commonly being used are feedback. Feedback can be in various form.
e.g. feed part of non-inverted signal negatively to inverted signal within a differential pair to achieve better matching, and hence low distortion.

For unbalanced amp, options are less, most of the time, just employ negative feedback. A technique that is known for poor sound.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-10-28 17:46
[#23] 用假balance output 音質有冇改善????    

I'm not going to say balance must be necessary superior, because there are many other factors. Just think the writer has made a conclusion based on some mis-understanding on the technique.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-10-28 18:00
[#24] 用假balance output 音質有冇改善????    
for your case, you have not using balance at all. suggest you should stick with RCA connection.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-10-28 18:03
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