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[#21] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 金仔並非無力,只是取向陰柔淡定而己,其sound stage,甜美及柔韌性並非NAD呢類惠州生產的機種可比! ================================================= NAD係大陸生產因成本問題啫,只要有好設計、好QC,我仍舊支持哩個「實而不華」既好聲品牌! ---------------------------------------------- 大哥言之有理,但用一個二三流品牌同一個國宝級的品比較似乎有點...............哈哈 再者,在零部件的支持方面金仔是20年備份,NAD呢?五年都唔知有冇!況且在選擇零部件的數据方面大家亦心裡有數了吧 |
路人茂![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2009-05-05 19:30 | |
[#22] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 以呀茂所知金嗓子是有數的幾間曰本廠到現時為止堅持所有零部件皆為Made in Japan的不論是高價貨或普及板,另外一間為esoteric |
路人茂![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2009-05-05 19:34 |
[#23] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? ACCUPHASE 係一間值得敬重既名牌。 |
孟波![]() 218.xxx.xxx.240 |
2009-05-05 19:37 |
[#24] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 茂哥亦講得岩,NAD的確唔係Accuphase同一檔次! |
iloveu![]() 218.xxx.xxx.59 |
2009-05-05 20:03 |
[#25] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? power amp , 250W W or 300W, no one consider 力感 ? they are 250W or 300W ? most people consider 音色 how about 100W or 150 W ? we consider 力感 or 音色 ? how about the price ?? moreover, the cheap one has no 音色 ? the market has different products it is not a one side story. you make your conclusion as a buyer ! |
hifi oldman![]() 222.xxx.xxx.223 |
2009-05-05 20:28 |
[#26] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Mr. oldman, 不如咁啦,呀茂用緊金仔P800每邊400W你搵部同等輸出的NAD或以閣下認為一定比部P800的NAD後級來呀茂寒舍度推下呀茂對垃圾Wilson Benesch ARC邊部無論在氣勢音色都贏既在下定論啦,又或者呀茂用部金仔P1000後級每邊100瓦的同你的NAD比下睇下邊套表現最好? |
路人茂![]() 218.xxx.xxx.213 |
2009-05-05 20:56 |
[#27] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 呀茂 firstly, I have not NAD amp ! secondly, i don't think you understand the question. |
hifi oldman![]() 222.xxx.xxx.223 |
2009-05-05 21:04 |
[#28] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Mr. Oldman 如果閣下係講《性價比》,咁呀茂會買山靈,起碼唔係OEM! |
路人茂![]() 218.xxx.xxx.213 |
2009-05-05 21:19 |
[#29] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? this thread setfootin ask 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? if setfootin expect to buy the top model of Accuphase amp or willing to spend such money or has no worry he won't ask such question ?? 不計money, you can buy over one million for a power amp , you don't worry anything, just音色 ?? just like someone in R33, like to buy top model of Avalon with Rowland amp and always mention that they are very good performance ! he had already disappeared within a year. everyone knows ? 亞媽是女人 ! playing hifi is an art, not only buying just spending money expect max performance within a buget ! that is all i know ! |
hifi oldman![]() 222.xxx.xxx.223 |
2009-05-05 21:50 |
[#30] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 牛點解用來耕田?因為佢真係得舖牛力! 今日聽過部A65,都係A類60W,但已經唔可以用力水衝量佢既質數咁膚淺! |
klau![]() 219.xxx.xxx.221 |
2009-05-05 23:15 |
[#31] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Not just Accuphase, all Japanese amps are not powerful enough in comparing to the similar output power amps made in US and UK or Europe or event China. Because Japs simply do not know how to design an amp with high power still sounds good in tonality, they just sacrifice power to trade for delicate sounds. |
quarch![]() 210.xxx.xxx.199 |
2009-05-06 01:29 |
[#32] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? all Japanese amps are not powerful enough in comparing to the similar output power amps made in US and UK or Europe or event China. ----------------------------------------- 依...討論到有關國籍問題喎...hehe. 睇黎都有排討論..^^ 小弟只係用過英國 (ALCHEMIST), 大陸(山靈), 日本 (ACCUPHASE), 我又唔覺得ACCUPHASE無力喎. 唔通QUARCH兄之前用日本牌子有不快經驗.?! 可以SHARE一下嗎.? |
racewong![]() 210.xxx.xxx.2 |
2009-05-06 09:42 |
[#33] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 我用緊Accuphase A45,唔覺無力喎。 當然亦要睇返聽者既要求,若硬要同一D輸出二、三百瓦既力王比較當然另作別論啦。 |
iloveu![]() 218.xxx.xxx.220 |
2009-05-06 09:49 |
[#34] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 耳聽為實-呢個世界有樣野是“報大數”我本都覺得Accuphas的力水完全沒問題 |
大兵![]() 218.xxx.xxx.136 |
2009-05-06 10:04 |
[#35] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 有力不代表好野? 有無聽過牛大力..? |
joey19652008![]() 218.xxx.xxx.117 |
2009-05-06 10:11 |
[#36] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 雖然未必一定有答案, 但33係真學到好多嘢. |
setfootin![]() 220.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-05-06 11:33 |
[#37] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 音響這玩意兒,幾十年來都係咁坳來坳去,如:- "JBL差過AR" "Mark"清過"Conrad Johnson" 跟住當然係:- "JBL有力過AR"....... "Conrad Johnson厚過Mark" .... 就算係同牌子,如JBL,都有新舊之爭,派系之爭,"舊JBL勁過新JBL" "新JBL技術成份好過舊JBL"..... 同一時期,又說"乜鋼磁遠好過粉磁....." 從來就是無無謂謂,浪費精力時間,拗贏有獎? Accuphase有無力感,其實N年前已經有人爭論,聽過入門機推小喇叭的人說"無力" 聽過高級(如以前A-100 mono class A)推大喇叭的人說"力拔山河氣蓋世"...... 每發一言論,必須寫明全部條件及情況,否則無意思! 另外每人對"力" 的睇法不同,亦無需見人說無力就challenge唔切的,言言論自由也! |
navyseals![]() 218.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-05-06 12:44 |
[#38] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? In fact, Accuphase power amp. is one the best in the world. NAD is also unbeatable at his price range. Some of the thousand dollors models is better those in the 10-20K price range models of other brands. They both are musical and provide good dynamic. I am not always listen to the big orchastra or drum or heavy metal etc. So, power is not my concern. I believe only small power car or even a bicyle can provide a smooth skillful turn on every corner turns. Imagine a truck to make the turn! Of course, a porsche car can do so, but you need to paid 10 to 20 times of money to gear up all the parts. I believe one more thing, if need to have a good dynamic in a small power amp, big capacitors is very very important. |
jaxx![]() 61.xxx.xxx.253 |
2009-05-06 13:04 |
[#39] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? racewong hing, >>>依...討論到有關國籍問題喎...hehe. 睇黎都有排討論..^^ 小弟只係用過英國 (ALCHEMIST), 大陸(山靈), 日本 (ACCUPHASE), 我又唔覺得ACCUPHASE無力喎. 唔通QUARCH兄之前用日本牌子有不快經驗.?! 可以SHARE一下嗎.?<<< my experience with Japanese HiFi is pleasant in general. I did say Japanese amps sound delicate. But in terms of power, they are not the best. Somehow the output power of amps may relate to the where they are made, as we find most of high-power amps are made in North America such as Krell and Passlabs...while UK used to make a lot of int-amps with 60W output power, and in general, just in general, a UK amp with 60W will be more powerful than a Japanese amp with 60W. This is only my personal observation, please correct me if I was wrong. |
quarch![]() 144.xxx.xxx.62 |
2009-05-06 13:34 |
[#40] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 少年時聽過這對A-100,才明白"力" 的意思! 2Ω負荷:400W 4Ω負荷:200W 8Ω負荷:100W 16Ω負荷:50W Power 係跟Ohm 上的! |
navyseals![]() 218.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-05-06 14:07 |