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[#1] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 如500W, 係咪accuphase amp 無咁好力水? thanks |
setfootin![]() 220.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-05-05 10:06 | |
[#2] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 點會冇!? |
sunboy![]() 219.xxx.xxx.158 |
2009-05-05 10:07 |
[#3] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 例如 8Ω 無500W |
setfootin![]() 220.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-05-05 10:21 |
[#4] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 好力水 depends on the topology of the circuit design for supply of current and voltage class a amplifier is hard to design to output 200w as it would require very huge heatsink and good ventilation otherwise it will be a time bomb. other factors to consider are the slew rate, rise time, noise, damping factor. check this out: http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/amplifier/amp_1.html |
cpu8088![]() 115.xxx.xxx.214 |
2009-05-05 10:26 |
[#5] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 呢到加埋只得8Ω 6000W.output夠唔夠用? ![]() |
simonix![]() 222.xxx.xxx.254 |
2009-05-05 10:30 |
[#6] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? simonix: hahaa.. need to listen inside the hall! |
setfootin![]() 220.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-05-05 10:32 |
[#7] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? setfootin兄, 你所指既500W係咪CLASS D? 金仔既新AMP只有CLASS A / CLASS AB, 所以唔會有咁大既數值. 舊既金仔pwr amp, P800 已經係CLASS AB 400W X 2 @8ohm M-1000 class AB MONO 1000W X 2 @ 8ohm |
racewong![]() 210.xxx.xxx.2 |
2009-05-05 10:41 |
[#8] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? compare 100w to 200w or 250w to 500w the power is just doubled and result in 3db increase in sound only. not much at all. check spl calculator http://myhometheater.homestead.com/index.html |
cpu8088![]() 115.xxx.xxx.214 |
2009-05-05 10:48 |
[#9] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? accuphase p-1000 only 8Ω 125w |
setfootin![]() 220.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-05-05 11:07 |
[#10] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Thanks all, jeff rowland 8Ω 500w (501) and v-5xe power amplifier 8Ω 150w , how to compare the output and current between them? |
setfootin![]() 220.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-05-05 11:14 |
[#11] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? cpu8088 >compare 100w to 200w or 250w to 500w the power is just doubled and result in 3db increase in sound only. not much at all. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 100w $$$ 200w $$$$$$$$$$$$ 500w $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
parker75![]() 210.xxx.xxx.156 |
2009-05-05 11:26 |
[#12] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? The lower an amp’s power, the better it sounds, to the point where almost no power – from a flea-sized 2W or 3 W single-ended triode (SET) amp --- sounds best of all. With solid state, too, it is easier and far cheaper to produce a great sounding small amp than it is to manufacture a 200-300W behemoth. Of course, it might be easier to sell that expensive 200-300W beast with weight increase by added heat sink, case and chassis. You can have great amplifier sound for a reasonable sum of money, but you cannot have a lot of it. Think small. Save big. |
cpu8088![]() 115.xxx.xxx.214 |
2009-05-05 11:29 |
[#13] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? cpu8088: thanks, i knew about it "think small and save big" , like buying a super car, it doesnt mean that i will drive fast, it's not "value in exchange". 係"追求"問題 |
setfootin![]() 220.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-05-05 12:55 |
[#14] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? "jeff rowland 8Ω 500w (501) and v-5xe power amplifier 8Ω 150w , how to compare the output and current between them? " Hi Setfootin, Interestingly enough, I used to have the Rowland 501 and now an Accuphase A60. As I have reported a couple of times, the A60 actually sounds a whole lot more powerful than the 501 and is (perceived to be) able to control the speakers much better. What's more interesting is that, according to the meter on the A60, I have never used more than 30W (and that was with a full blown winds orchestra + organ played really loud!). At normal to high level listening, it seldom goes beyond 3 watts. Does it mean that: 1. Brands like Accuphase tend to show lower than actual spec? (Could be true, a couple of Euro mags have tested them and reported 1.5 to 2 times rated output before distortion) 2. One must also consider the ability to deliver current? 3. Different voicing can provide a different sense of perceived "power"? I don't know the answer, but I probably don't need the answer either, as long as it "sounds good", be it a 2W SET amp or 1000W monster amp. |
accudude![]() 203.xxx.xxx.158 |
2009-05-05 14:38 |
[#15] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? i agree that Accuphase amp 無力感 you can compare with the same/ similar power of Nad, no one says, Nad is 無力 ?? |
hifi oldman![]() 222.xxx.xxx.223 |
2009-05-05 18:26 |
[#16] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? "i agree that Accuphase amp 無力感" ??? I am actually saying that Accuphase sounds much more powerful than the 500W Rowland. |
accudude![]() 203.xxx.xxx.158 |
2009-05-05 18:55 |
[#17] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? i agree that Accuphase amp 無力感 you can compare with the same/ similar power of Nad, no one says, Nad is 無力 ?? ------------------------------------- 呀茂絕不同意金仔冇力呢個言論,只是每間廠在設計擴大器時的性格取向分別而己! Oldman 大哥,請教閣下可有聽過Mark Levinson No.20.5去推B&W801嗎?呀茂試過,効果是泥牛入海!唔通你會話No.20.5係冇力咩? 當我用Krell KSA-100去推801時就虎虎生威!咁唔通KSA-100就大力及好過20.5咩? 當呀茂用金仔P800去推801的声就不是Krell那种气吞天下的表現而是斯文淡定,鳥語花香,清泉一道!咁唔通呀茂會話P800係靚過20.5同KSA-100? 非也只是音色取向不同而表現各異而己!金仔並非無力,只是取向陰柔淡定而己,其sound stage,甜美及柔韌性並非NAD呢類惠州生產的機種可比! |
路人茂![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2009-05-05 18:59 |
[#18] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 用 nad 同 accuphase 比? 覺得accuphase比較無力?咪攪笑啦... |
Tung05![]() 116.xxx.xxx.94 |
2009-05-05 19:10 |
[#19] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Accuphase既力唔係坦克車果種,係比較斯文、有文化果種。可能係咁,會比人錯覺以為水力不足。 |
iloveu![]() 218.xxx.xxx.59 |
2009-05-05 19:17 |
[#20] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 金仔並非無力,只是取向陰柔淡定而己,其sound stage,甜美及柔韌性並非NAD呢類惠州生產的機種可比! ================================================= NAD係大陸生產因成本問題啫,只要有好設計、好QC,我仍舊支持哩個「實而不華」既好聲品牌! |
iloveu![]() 218.xxx.xxx.59 |
2009-05-05 19:21 |