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[#65] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 我本身用緊 E470, 之後升左做 P4200 , 由 180w 變 90w 喎!但 E470 係 180w 8ohm / 260w 4ohm, P4200 係 90w 180w 360w 500w / 8>4>2>1 ohm, 推的時侯大力過 470 好多!力感好強,以前 470 以經好好力,但 P4200 連爆的時侯係越爆越興奮個隻,呢個就係電流大的後級。同埋最主要係睇牛同功率管,不只是瓦數 |
jeffreylam98![]() 61.xxx.xxx.57 |
2022-01-19 23:28 | |
[#64] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 以我聽過的 accuphase計,這牌子的「問題」不在夠力否。它的「問題」是甜,嘆。有人很喜歡,有人覺得是重音染。我是後者,所以我零願聽NAD。咸甜喜好,冇分對錯。 |
BenYC![]() 219.xxx.xxx.186 |
2019-12-19 20:31 |
[#63] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 靚聲唔一定大力 |
kk6666![]() 14.xxx.xxx.18 |
2019-12-19 19:29 |
[#62] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 我覺得金仔的力不在爆,而在保持音樂的細節。我用E470,在4ohm有260w已經好夠用。記住,金仔是全頻260w. 咁一定係所謂報細數。我用E470推4ohm 87db的喇叭,一點問題都無。 |
Mouton888![]() 45.xxx.xxx.196 |
2019-12-19 19:25 |
[#61] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Accuphase係買甜,唔係力 |
aheung![]() 219.xxx.xxx.133 |
2019-03-01 09:53 |
[#60] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Kindergarden talk! This is like arguing on should balance sound better than RCA. Go for a Poineer or Sony mini set which can easily give you 400 or 500 Watts at a few thousand dollar. |
123![]() 219.xxx.xxx.89 |
2009-05-10 01:28 |
[#59] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? Just passby.......the true purpose of Sub-woofer is to increase the impact and authority of the lower octave. If ones find the bass impact and bass slam(actually mid bass) is not adequate, he/she should consider to change the speaker or amplifier in whole, adding a sub-woofer and using it with high crossover point with the main speaker just creating a peak at the mid-bass frequency....... |
foxtan![]() 218.xxx.xxx.182 |
2009-05-08 00:22 |
[#58] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 我用緊E450都非常好力 除非閣下聆聽環境有成五佰呎以上喇 如果唔係點會唔夠力 又或者閣下對力嘅有所不同 咁不如加個超底音喇? |
PLAY1422![]() 119.xxx.xxx.254 |
2009-05-08 00:07 |
[#57] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? So, by your opinion which one is better? |
Jameskyc![]() 219.xxx.xxx.89 |
2009-05-07 20:24 |
[#56] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? I have also owned a Krell. It is nowhere near a performance of an Accuphase amplifier. Of course, this is a $$ to $$ comparison that equally price matched gears would be compared. It is very easy to design a gear that has the perfect paper spec. How it performs is totally another matter. |
Kenny![]() 219.xxx.xxx.172 |
2009-05-06 22:08 |
[#55] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 力的表現每個厰都唔同!正如呀茂所說:金嗓子是斯文而柔靭!想有質素而又有气吞天下的感覺?用Krell啦 |
路人茂![]() 218.xxx.xxx.213 |
2009-05-06 21:37 |
[#54] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 有時足料未必等於有力水,Accuphase amp正是一個好例子。 |
nea![]() 202.xxx.xxx.96 |
2009-05-06 21:17 |
[#53] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? I used to have M8000 mono block. 250W per channel. It sounds less powerful that the ML335 that it replaces. But it can control a B&W 803 effortlessly, while ML335 could not control its treble that it sounds very sharp and the overall sound is disintegrated. You can buy a professional amplifier that is small package but outputs 1000W per channel. It sounds powerful too. You can buy a truck with 1000 horsepower. You can buy a Ferrari with 250 horsepower. Apple is not an orange. Not to mention that Accuphase sounds much much better than a Mark Levinson. |
Kenny![]() 219.xxx.xxx.172 |
2009-05-06 20:34 |
[#52] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 咁山靈仲可唔可取呢..... ----------------------- 你一定要呀茂在nad同山靈中挑,呀茂一定要山靈! |
路人茂![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2009-05-06 16:51 |
[#51] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 在目前的情形下:呀茂絕對不會購買國產的音响產品,包括oem牌子在內!因大部份生產商皆是唯利是圖冇左一份對音响的熱誠及執著。這就是為興趣而工作及為生活而工作的分別 |
路人茂![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2009-05-06 16:48 |
[#50] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 咁山靈仲可唔可取呢..... |
no.33![]() 219.xxx.xxx.221 |
2009-05-06 16:46 |
[#49] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 一部机好與坏变壓器佔大部份比重 |
路人茂![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2009-05-06 16:43 |
[#48] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 肉眼睇d零件唔差, 有兩部係燒牛...... |
no.33![]() 219.xxx.xxx.221 |
2009-05-06 16:29 |
[#47] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? 個人經驗, 大陸牌子d機唔襟用, 我用過山靈、原創、羽商等牌子, 全部兩年內壞機. ------------------------------------- 呢個就係国產同外地生產的分別,需知同一數值的零部件價格有一倍以上的差別!國產多用平價零部件! |
路人茂![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2009-05-06 16:17 |
[#46] 點解Accuphase amp 無一般牌子 output power 咁大? the ability of accuphase amp doubling the power when loading impedance lower down half is higher than other brands because they use massive heatsink |
batmanames04![]() 117.xxx.xxx.35 |
2009-05-06 15:54 |