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[#21] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
"""trust your ears"""

please enlighten me how and what to hear to determine speakers are hard to drive.

if high current is needed and amp get hot i dont think u use your ear to hear but of course u can use your ears to feel the heat. lol

sensitivity of speakers is one criteria only not the be all end all determinant.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-11 12:15
[#22] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
amps which cannot drive speakers properly are faulty products

a speaker that is hard to drive is also faulty product.

why would a speaker manufacturer design such faulty product and try to grab your money?

最後修改時間: 2011-12-11 12:21:08
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-11 12:20
[#23] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
cpu, you mentioned 'Faulty speakers and amplifiers'. why aren't you have a lengthy meeting with the speaker and amplifier manufacturers and provide them with your measured findings. Get a job there and patent your fix.

Making a complaint in a forum is useless. Are you the one to fix all the problems? If so, please show us how.

We the consumer are talking about listening to music through sound system as a whole, and if the whole system play music which does not sound good enough we reject part or the entire system.

Do you take your measuring equipment to show rooms and measure everything there?? You may tell us which system pass the test with flying colour. We, the consumer should go and listen to such system and decide on your claim.

Oh if you have such test report, please copy and paste the report and the equipment you use and show us your measuring technique in how it is done.

Trust your ears: ---- I only know the bass drum should sound like the real bass drum, all the acoustic instrument sound like what they are. So I guess your measurement technique can outperform listening by a big margin???!!!

最後修改時間: 2011-12-11 13:24:27
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-11 13:23
[#24] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
>>>i have been trying to engage in more technical discussions>>>



個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-12 20:26
[#25] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
cyruschow hing,

You don't make yourself in-depth in technical.

Try to source a speaker over 93dB with norminal 8 Ohm impedance. You may try the full range speaker without any crossover network that it will be no phase-shift problem. I'm using Lowhter speakers have indeed good point source and easy to drive. Other speaker likes Tannoy as well.

最後修改時間: 2011-12-12 20:53:06
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-12 20:50
[#26] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
Professional speaker designer has to do a lot of testings in the factory.

cpu hing, low efficiency speaker requires higher curent amp to drive doesn't mean it is faulty. Some speakers tend to make the curve flatten in terms of overall fQs thus reduces the SPL.

There are also many factors to be considered when making a good speaker.

最後修改時間: 2011-12-12 21:39:13
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-12 21:33
[#27] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
One more curve.

最後修改時間: 2011-12-12 21:35:25
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-12 21:35
[#28] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
Testing flow chart

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-12 21:36
[#29] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-12 23:16
[#30] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
Cyrus Hing

The baseline is you have learnt the fundamentals to give yourself some idea if a speaker is demanding

The remaining parts are a bit technical, for instance
a) the input impedence will vary with freqencies, as the speaker is not a purely resistive load.
b) the amplifier needs to perform well when dealing with different loading conditions at different frequencies.
c) varied phase shifts at different frequencies, meaning part of the amplifier's output will be simply "wasted" as heat energies instead of transforming into sound energies

There are too many technical factors to consider that i prefer to focus on auditioning experience rather than drilling into specs.

Have some auditioning from showrooms, or even better request home visits from Chings who owned your target gears. Live concerts will provide precious experiences in particular for classical music.

最後修改時間: 2011-12-13 08:42:26
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-13 08:39
[#31] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    


The more 多路, the less 易推
The higher the order of the crossover filter, the less 易推
Paper cone more 易推 than plastic cone
海棉边 more 易推 than rubber边
Horn loading more 易推 than bass reflex more 易推 than infinite baffle
The stronger the magnet the more 易推
The bigger the speaker box the more 易推
Please continue.....
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-13 08:54
[#32] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
thanks chings!
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-13 09:29
[#33] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
講實際, 以今時今日普遍既香港超細蚊型樓玩hifi,

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-13 09:54
[#34] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
唔知點解 LS 3/5a 得82db 而用大功率機推唔好聲,反而用7-8 watt 嘅 300B ,2A3 推,好鬼好聲?

最後修改時間: 2011-12-13 15:41:32
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-13 15:39
[#35] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
Technical stuffs are "Rockets Science" to me. I try to share my experience in layman terms.

According to my limited knowledge, the traditional UK LS3/5a has an nominal impedence (>12ohm). They are not "friendly" with famous US brands such as Krell or Mark Lev, that are superb for delivering high current to low impedences (but not working well the other way round). They can easily overload the bass driver, but not having full control on it.

ON the other hand, LS3/5A can work quite well with Tubes, or some UK cheap cheap solid state amp such as Cambridge, AVI and Aura

Basically LS3/5A do not require high power at all due to design constraints.

Some years ago, I did attend an outstanding showcase from LS 3/5A with Jeff Rowland Model 8 amps, and accompanied with active subwoofers. The old Rowlands are very capable to exercise full control on speakers of both high and low input impedences. The sound stage is clean and transparent with the strength of 3/5a mid range fully exploited
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-13 16:29
[#36] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
>用7-8 watt 嘅 300B ,2A3 推,好鬼好聲?

Have you tried low power tube PP amps like
Quad, Radio Craftsmen, Leak....?

300B ,2A3 推 is 'to throat but not reaching lungs' only good for vocal. Just my opinion so don't curse me.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-15 02:43
[#37] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
"""only good for vocal"""

isnt ls3/5a only good for vocal?

i have never heard a pair of ls3/5a can play large scale orchestral music properly. not to mention guitar or kick drum.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-16 05:00
[#38] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    

i have never heard a pair of ls3/5a can play large scale orchestral music properly. not to mention guitar or kick drum.

then you can only blame your limited exposure.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-16 11:32
[#39] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-16 13:55
[#40] 真心求教:點樣喺數字上知道對喇叭易唔易推??    
最近有朋友搬對細喇叭(非3/5a)去我度玩, 二百幾尺廳真係聽乜都唔掂.
百尺樓下應該可以應付, 但也非會比其他喇叭適合.
聽過ma700m2,好似用7" 低音, 由幾拾尺至二百尺都掂.
有朋友在百餘尺地方玩三路15"低音, 表現唔錯.
又見過朋友約50尺房仔玩"57"靜電 ------
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-12-16 14:42
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