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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
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[#1] 想d聲甜d 小弟現用兩聲道器材如下: Creek evo 2 CD NAD C372 Quad 12L 想d聲甜d,請問Ching 有冇電源線或者RCA線可以介紹下 Budget $1-1.5k Thanks a lot!! |
happy2gether![]() 203.xxx.xxx.116 |
2011-04-12 23:13 | |
[#2] 想d聲甜d 想甜D、加D糖 |
mc2![]() 183.xxx.xxx.232 |
2011-04-12 23:57 |
[#3] 想d聲甜d 加係隻碟度好D還是加係高音單元好D呢?^ ^ |
長谷村_天![]() 116.xxx.xxx.218 |
2011-04-13 00:02 |
[#4] 想d聲甜d 講笑 請問C hing用甚麼喇叭線呢? 個人印象中,線芯幼線數多而柔軟的純銅喇叭線,聲音會甜潤,但可能高音會差D。 |
mc2![]() 183.xxx.xxx.232 |
2011-04-13 00:09 |
[#5] 想d聲甜d 我自己套mini JVC,就是用平價cordial CLS 225-651喇叭線,即是2X直徑2.5mm粗651條線芯,極幼又柔軟。D聲好潤甜,但高音要煲好耐才好少少,此線高頻伸延一般,適合高頻偏多的機。 我的另外兩套機,都是用cordial喇叭線,型號是CLS 260,此線中低音靚,同樣高頻伸延一般,所以和Qed 25th鍍銀線一齊使用,Qed 25th中高頻靚高頻伸延好,兩者夾起來取長補短,高中低都有齊,且音質唔差,又便宜,從前其中一套機是用金寶8tc,聽了多年聲音都不及現在的玩法。如果買唔到cordial 260,買 Sommer 260都一樣。 |
mc2![]() 183.xxx.xxx.232 |
2011-04-13 00:37 |
[#6] 想d聲甜d 想甜D、加D糖 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 加鍊奶都得 |
MDLP![]() 219.xxx.xxx.37 |
2011-04-13 01:29 |
[#7] 想d聲甜d 加鍊奶都得 順便加D淡奶,滑好多 |
mc2![]() 183.xxx.xxx.232 |
2011-04-13 02:41 |
[#8] 想d聲甜d ching, tube amp could be easier to get you to destiny. but 'too sweet' may not be really good, it would become muddy. best. 最後修改時間: 2011-04-13 07:45:12 |
wonderwoman![]() 116.xxx.xxx.236 |
2011-04-13 07:33 |
[#9] 想d聲甜d 多謝各位Ching 的意見及gag 都有諗過加糖最快最直接但唔知加喺邊? 喇叭線用SFH president II |
happy2gether![]() 203.xxx.xxx.5 |
2011-04-13 10:57 |
[#10] 想d聲甜d 老實講 不如擺位先著手 線材洗左錢但未必交到想要效果 |
MDLP![]() 219.xxx.xxx.82 |
2011-04-13 11:01 |
[#11] 想d聲甜d SFH president II 打孖用, 通透及分析力好, 稍偏高音. |
k.c![]() 119.xxx.xxx.254 |
2011-04-13 11:22 |
[#12] 想d聲甜d 已經行double run 因為Quad recommend 同部amp 都夠力 其實PC IC 同喇叭線邊樣有效d呢? |
happy2gether![]() 203.xxx.xxx.5 |
2011-04-13 12:55 |
[#13] 想d聲甜d 想甜整番部膽機玩吓 |
vt75![]() 75.xxx.xxx.11 |
2011-04-13 13:14 |
[#14] 想d聲甜d 其實PC IC 同喇叭線邊樣有效d呢? start from the longest cable, likely it is the speaker cable, and then the IC..., dun waste more than Hk$500 for the PC why not to try a pair of thsoe OLD..and very OLD Audio-quest midnite..etc..it only cost u HK$ 500, and it is very nice speaker cable..and if u do not like it sell it.. u will not lose any Sweet D.., try those oftron 5N..6N..ec..based cable la.. kind of having a sweeter tonal balance.., again buy used.. Until u know which series of cable give u the sound u like, then move up when you have some spare cash 最後修改時間: 2011-04-13 13:22:51 |
hahayanyan![]() 202.xxx.xxx.21 |
2011-04-13 13:19 |
[#15] 想d聲甜d 可考慮加外置胆buffer,靈活性大. |
interlock![]() 202.xxx.xxx.254 |
2011-04-13 13:21 |
[#16] 想d聲甜d 嘅然夠力,不如喇叭線一高一低接駁,喺jumper埋手,一百幾十蚊經濟好多 |
大海![]() 203.xxx.xxx.174 |
2011-04-13 13:23 |
[#17] 想d聲甜d start from the longest cable, likely it is the speaker cable, and then the IC..., dun waste more than Hk$500 for the PC <<<<<<< 我經驗係 speaker cable > power cable > Interconnect Cable power cable 影響力係好大的. 最後修改時間: 2011-04-13 14:01:46 |
藍晶晶![]() 202.xxx.xxx.242 |
2011-04-13 14:01 |
[#18] 想d聲甜d [#10] 想d聲甜d 老實講 不如擺位先著手 線材洗左錢但未必交到想要效果 ======================== MDLP ..... high hand. agree what you said. |
maonshan![]() 118.xxx.xxx.238 |
2011-04-13 14:06 |
[#19] 想d聲甜d 并非掃興, 想聲租d, 就要較聲, 非擺位可達. |
k.c![]() 119.xxx.xxx.254 |
2011-04-13 14:33 |
[#20] 想d聲甜d PC....i am a starter for Power Cord... learning learning.. hey any cheap Power Cord..used value at less than Hk$1000 but give very tidy, silent, and have least impact on the transparency ... i like to hear some suggestion - which to be used for pre amp and CD positioning of speaker for some very high end speaker shall make the sound much more refine (in related to the room acoustic and based on the same set of cable...etc.. ) to instantly make sound sweet..based upon no changes to the equipment, then start from the cable Quad 12L indeed a very good value little speaker... i missed the Cheap cheap Mission speaker at more than 20 yrs ago.. it really can sing..haha it was 760i ...i forget.. 最後修改時間: 2011-04-13 14:38:14 |
hahayanyan![]() 202.xxx.xxx.33 |
2011-04-13 14:33 |