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[#14] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 10:17
[#15] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    

Zimerman was my favorite pianist. In Debussy, his approach was totally different from those from older generation. While Gieseking's Debussy was dreamy, atmospheric and hammerless, Zimerman's playing was more modern, clean and dynamic. But despite the difference, both were regarded as the greatest Debussy player of their time.

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 10:17
[#16] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 10:21
[#17] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    
The greatest Mahler bargain ever (~200 for full set, chepest place is Central Pro Sound), not one loser among them. Recording is German Radio, garanteed excellence.

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 11:29
[#18] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    
Listening now

Schumann: Kinderszenen/Carnaval/Faschingsschwank aus Wien
Piano: Daniel Barenboim

Light and cheerful music, really cheer me up after the boring morning session.

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 13:29
[#19] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
zimerman is my favourite too. i remember his concert showed that everything was prepared in the most thoughtful manner, yet the playing was full of surprises and the music utterly convincing. i'm not sure if you agree, but i think he has become bolder in his phrasing since the debussy recordings.

the other artiste i can think of with a similar approach is perahia, but there were more similarities between zimerman and perahia in the past than they are now.

as to the bruckner recordings, why wouldn't anybody mention Celibidache's?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 13:32
[#20] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
Perahia and Zimerman are two piano giant of our generation, but they cannot be more different.

Perahia play in a natural, spontaeous fashion, his tempo will neither be too fast or too slow, he let the music speak for itself, he let music flow, as a result his best moment are in baroque, classical or early romantic piano works like Bach, Scaletti, Mozart or Beethoven.

Zimerman play in romatic style, his tempo are usually slow but his tempo change deliberately, his playing is inspired, thoughful most of the time yet he may be exciting when music call for it. He excel in romantic to late romantic piano works like Chopin, Ravel, Debussy.

Perahia can be regarded as Rubinstein of our generation while Zimerman can be reagrded as Richter of our generation.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 15:59
[#21] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    

It is great to share my thoughts with people who listen to music here! Yes, Perahia, Zimerman and Richter are all wonderful musicians and I enjoy their recordings tremendously.

Perahia has this exceptional ability that makes all music he plays sound so natural. He plays with very strict discipline and structure, and build the tension and claimx as it should be. Yes, all of his recent Bach recordings are my favourites, but his earlier recordings of Brahms, Schumann, Liszt and Frank are also wonderful.

I have more reflection on Zimerman, as he came to HK just recently (were you there?). His playing has become a lot more scrupted comparing to about 10 yrs ago. His tempo is not fast, but they do not sound slow at all. He allows room for the music to unfold. I've never heard him play Bach, Scaletti, but his Beethoven and Schubert are as convincing as his Ravel and Debussy. Just when I thought he was already a very complete musician, he just moved on to the next level. Full of suprirses.

Richter is another giant figure. His phrasing is always direct and straightforward, sometimes provoking, but his sound - what a big, solid and penetrating sound. I suspect he has been like that throughout his career (from his 1930s' Pictures to his late recordings).

Rubenstein, I just wish I could listen to more of Rubenstein. It would be great if you can enlighten me.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 20:11
[#22] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
lp 借左邊個邊個, 好在重有 cd

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 20:27
[#23] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
It's indeed a pleasure to know people listen to great stuff!
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 20:57
[#24] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
細個呢隻碟既最終章鈸鼓齊鳴幫我炸平隔里左右不知幾何.... :-)

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 21:09
[#25] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
Water music suite - Handel
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 22:40
[#26] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
Mahler 1st conducted by Gary Bertini!
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 22:49
[#27] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
Did the Schumann you mentioned issued on CD?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-14 23:41
[#28] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
My listening seeion last night start with something modern:

POULENC: Organ Concerto / Concert Champetre
Poulenc, Francis
Casadesus, Jean-Claude
Lille National Orchestra
Chojnacka, Elisabeth; Lefebvre, Philippe
Label: Naxos

Poulenc's music is light, resembling famous organ concerto by Handel in its conception but modern in its blood. Although I found modern music very difficult to accept, this one is definitely an exception, moreover, no complaint received so far either from my wife or from neighbour in my late night listening session ( after midnight).

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-15 09:30
[#29] What are you listening to? ( classical musi    
As an encore, I run through half disc of Horowitz in Moscow. I think everyone would be quite familiar with this disc.

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-15 09:33
[#30] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    



個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-15 09:37
[#31] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    
I listened to Schumann too (after Mahler) - Richter's recording of the Schumann Fantasie on EMI.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-15 10:07
[#32] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    
Listened to the quartet #6, 9, 8 last night.

The bargain REGIS Shostakovich cycle by the Shostakovich is probably the best, right next to the Borodin quartet.

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-15 10:07
[#33] What are you listening to? ( classical mus    

講真當年靚仔時代根本係主要聽 orchestral music, 小品唔會買, 只係聽雷明話此碟乃天籟之音, 就去買左, 初時都不懂欣賞, 點知越聽越有味, 放棄左 LP 之後都特登去買番 CD 聽.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-11-15 10:17
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