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[#30] What are you listening to? ( classical mus lym: 真係要約番日出黎飲茶兼還碟至得....:-)) 隻舒曼小品真係好正好靚。 |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.114 |
2006-11-15 09:37 | |
[#31] What are you listening to? ( classical mus I listened to Schumann too (after Mahler) - Richter's recording of the Schumann Fantasie on EMI. |
minpin 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.138 |
2006-11-15 10:07 |
[#32] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Listened to the quartet #6, 9, 8 last night. The bargain REGIS Shostakovich cycle by the Shostakovich is probably the best, right next to the Borodin quartet. |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.102 |
2006-11-15 10:07 |
[#33] What are you listening to? ( classical mus "隻舒曼小品真係好正好靚。" 講真當年靚仔時代根本係主要聽 orchestral music, 小品唔會買, 只係聽雷明話此碟乃天籟之音, 就去買左, 初時都不懂欣賞, 點知越聽越有味, 放棄左 LP 之後都特登去買番 CD 聽. |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 10:17 |
[#34] What are you listening to? ( classical mus 3 Shostakovich quartets in a row! this is very heavy. Just the 8th would have exhausted me. I marvel your stamina. |
minpin 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.138 |
2006-11-15 10:42 |
[#35] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Just because it was on the same CD! :-) |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.9 |
2006-11-15 11:14 |
[#36] What are you listening to? ( classical mus lym: I think I have the cello and horn verion of the Schumann you mentioned. Doctor John: I admir on you deep understanding of music, I really cannot understand Shostakovich, although I have a box of his complete symphony and a box of complete string quartet, I listen to it only occasioally. The work I found acceptable was his violin concerto and cello concerto. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-15 11:21 |
[#37] What are you listening to? ( classical mus 我層次低d,聽音樂我好直觀,岩聽就聽,鍾意就聽。 明唔明返而係其次....:-PP |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.114 |
2006-11-15 11:33 |
[#38] What are you listening to? ( classical mus The Secrets of Dvoraks Cello Concerto von Antonin Dvorak (Komponist), Jan Vogler (Künstler), Angelika Kirchschlager (Künstler), New York Philharmonic Orchestra (Künstler) Recent favourite. The first song is really great. 1. Lasst mich allein, Op. 82/1 by Angelika Kirchschlager |
pumbaa 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.214 |
2006-11-15 11:43 |
[#39] What are you listening to? ( classical mus 對音樂我也不「明」, 但有感覺! 心態及心情也有闕, 變遷有時令人納悶。 比如我少時會聽 Schubert Lieder 那類頗沉的作品, 但現在不會。 |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.9 |
2006-11-15 12:08 |
[#40] What are you listening to? ( classical mus yeah....最緊要係音樂可以觸動心靈....:-) |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.114 |
2006-11-15 12:11 |
[#41] What are you listening to? ( classical mus chankaiming: MOST classical listeners do NOT take to Shostakovich or Prokofiev. Their second-hand value are much cheaper than violin works etc! MOST do not like Bruckner either! Even more do not like the Sibelius symphonies! |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.9 |
2006-11-15 12:16 |
[#42] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Bartok都好蝦人聽.... 但once你咬得入,就會覺得好過癮。 |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.114 |
2006-11-15 12:25 |
[#43] What are you listening to? ( classical mus "但once你咬得入,就會覺得好過癮。" 同意同意.. |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 12:26 |
[#44] What are you listening to? ( classical mus >>> Bartok都好蝦人聽.... any 作品 recommended for 入門級 listener? Thanks. |
honeybee 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.19 |
2006-11-15 12:28 |
[#45] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Bartok 最 popular 都怕且係呢隻 Concerto for Orchestra. |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 12:35 |
[#46] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Prokofiev was my favorite, his 5th symphony, violin concerto, complete piano concerto are full of strange but lovely melody. His ballet music is even more interesting. Bartok was my favorite, his music is like rock and roll, usually have strong and unconventional rthythum. His piano concerto is very exciting. However Shostakovich is more difficult for me, his music is strange, but I cannot really go into his sound world. The only work I enjoy are his concerto, his violin concerto, his Cello concerto and his piano concerto ( which I am listening now) I don't like Sibelius, his music simply does not make sence to me, except his famous violin concerto. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-15 12:38 |
[#47] What are you listening to? ( classical mus I found Bartok's piano concerto and violin concerto to be his greatest work. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-15 12:41 |
[#48] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Fricsay 都好似係巴托門下. |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 12:42 |
[#49] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Another modern composer I found interesting is Kodaly, he incorporate folk tune into his music and present it in a modern fashion. Similiar to Bartok but lack his strong personal character. Kodály: Háry János Suite - Dances of Galánta & Marosszék. Children's Choir Magificat, Budapest, Children's Choir Miraculum, Kecskemet, Budapest Festival Orchestra, Iván Fischer 1 CD | DDD | 00289 462 8242 Int. Release: Jun. 1999 |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-15 12:54 |