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[#81] What are you listening to? ( classical mus I bought this one some months ago. http://www.amazon.com/Brahms-Chopin-Franck-Cello-Sonatas/dp/B0002XV306/sr=1-3/qid=1163738427/ref=sr_1_3/102-7278782-6690515?ie=UTF8&s=music |
erictang 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.198 |
2006-11-17 12:41 | |
[#82] What are you listening to? ( classical mus minpin: Gulda's cycle is also available on DECCA, less than $40 per CD at Central Pro Sound. Saw them there yesterday. |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.80 |
2006-11-17 13:29 |
[#83] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Not to be missed: http://www.thephiladelphiaorchestra.com/ A few pieces are available for download for free. And they are also selling FLAC now. CD is so 20th Century =P |
wslam 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.218 |
2006-11-17 13:45 |
[#84] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Backspace - it must have been repackaged into what erictang hing has posted DJ - thank you, yes i saw the decca set at central pro too, but i thought it it a set for concertos and not the complete sonatas? maybe i got that wrong. |
minpin 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.2 |
2006-11-17 14:13 |
[#85] What are you listening to? ( classical mus minpin: No. There are different boxes!. 2 of them have the complete sonatas, and one also the concerti, which are excellent. Indeed a much under-rated pianist. |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.80 |
2006-11-17 14:18 |
[#86] What are you listening to? ( classical mus minpin: OK, finally got this sorted out and learned a lot about Gulda! Gulda recorded the Beethoven cycle 2 times. The first cycle was by Decca in the 50's, in MONO, this one is easily available: http://www.amazon.co.uk/plays-Beethoven-Vienna-Philharmonic-Orchestra/dp/B0009A41ZQ This one has some interesting fillers. The Ricci/Gulda sonatas particularly intrigue me. The piano concerto #1 with Bohm must be good too. The second cycle was by the label Amadeo in 1967, in STEREO, and now reissued by BOTH Brilliant Classics AND Universal. The Brilliant Classics probably can be found in Shun Cheong Mong Kok: http://www.amazon.com/Beethoven-Piano-Sonatas-Complete-Set/dp/B000CEWWBY The UNIVERSAL issue, hmmm, is very confusing. No info on the internet! No pic. It is a sparse WHITE box, but on the back you see logos of Universal, Decca and Amadeo. It contains all the sonatas + ALL the piano concerti with Horst Stein. This set I have seen in both Pro Sound and HMV. Fueled by curiosity, I have telephone reserved for myself a set in Pro Sound. They may not have another set, but you can ask for my set to at least see what it looks like. Should you want it, you can have priority. Check HMV central too! Of course, if one only wants the sonatas, Brilliant Classics is a better buy. |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.80 |
2006-11-17 15:34 |
[#87] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Beethoven's piano sonata have been the subject of interest of all major pianist, and they all put their individual stamp on it. Kempff was not as muscular as Emil Gilels or Gulda, but he is lyrical, poetic, inspirational and he can let the flow naturally. His tempo was fast in general, bringing a sense of urgency to the music. However, his tonal was glassy and lacking the power to play the vigorous passage of appasionata sonata and the third movement of Moonlight. But in the late piano sonata, he was second to none, especially in the last three Op 109-111, the playing is so natural that it seems that he improvised it on spot. Probably the best late piano sonata I have heard off. Kovacevich have a huge dynamic and emotional range , he played the loud passage very loud and the soft passage very soft and slow, the opening of Op. 10 sonata was a case in point. Unfortunately, his piano tonal did not have the beauty of Emil Gilels or Gulda. However, the demonstrative grade recording give him an edge over the other version. Pollini was a pupil of Michalangeli, and this recording showed what is the best balance between technical finish and senistivity. Every note was played under the accurate control of Pollini, listen to the last movement of Op. 111, there are a passage where a series of chord which have to played with escalating intensity, Pollini were the only one in my collections which can increase the intensity one note after the other until every end (the other pianist were Gulda, Kempff, Solomon). Despite his technical efficiency, his version is too cold and not as natural as kempff. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-17 16:05 |
[#88] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Emil Gilel's played these great work in a relaxed, sensitive manner. Tempo were general slow, even meditative, bringing out the music's details and deep emotion underneath. I called it an old man's view. However, in `Appasionata' `Waldstein' and `Les Adieux' sonata, his playing suddenly speed up and bring out the excitment of the music. His piano tone was beautiful and powerful, and his cycle were as treasurable and any. There were one pitfall, that was it `Pastoral' sonata, where Gilels lose his usual sense of sensitivity and sound boring. Finally was my preference, Gulda played in a urgent, exciting manner. In the early sonata, the urgent flowing tempo revealed its link with mozart. In the middle period sonata, these graceful yet tasteful playing made the music soudn right. But the best of all was the `Appasionata' sonata and other sonatas coming from the `Storm' period of Beethoven. Appasionata was the fastest playing I have heard of, yet every gesture was handsomely presented. The Late sonatas were equally fine, comparable to Pollini but still lack the last ounce of poetry and inspirational quality by Kempff. Good recording except a hint of hardness on loud passage. Other recordings that fans of these sonatas should not miss include `Appasionata' Sonata by Richter on RCA and `Tempest' Sonata By Richter on EMI. Richter played the three notes opening of `Tempest' sonata like something inevitable is going to happen, and then he played the turbulent fast passage like a rainstorm. Despite poor recording, this is the first choice for `Tempest Sonata. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-17 16:07 |
[#89] What are you listening to? ( classical mus chankaiming兄: "阿勞"又如何? |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.114 |
2006-11-17 16:14 |
[#90] What are you listening to? ( classical mus I have only one sonata played by Arrau, which is Waldstein Sonata. His playing was thoughful and heavy, similiar to Emil Gilel in style but with more gravity. His playing can be compared to late Klemperer in Beethoven's symphony. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-17 17:00 |
[#91] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Kovacevich |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-17 17:01 |
[#92] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Kempff |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-17 17:02 |
[#93] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Richter |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-17 17:04 |
[#94] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Solomon |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-17 17:04 |
[#95] What are you listening to? ( classical mus 聽過"阿勞"彈舒伯特好蒼茫一片好利害。 |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.36 |
2006-11-17 17:11 |
[#96] What are you listening to? ( classical mus For Beethoven Piano Sonata, does anyone know the one by Rudolf Buchbinder under Teldec? I've listend to his playing of last movement of moonlight sonata long time ago in City Hall. Since then, I began to relaize 'dynamic range' of Beethoven Sonata. Another 'dynamic range' piece I like is the last movement of Beethoven Sonata no.1 |
erictang 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.198 |
2006-11-17 17:20 |
[#97] What are you listening to? ( classical mus 爆緊 Massenet: Le Carillon / Richard Bonynge |
erictang 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.198 |
2006-11-17 17:30 |
[#98] What are you listening to? ( classical mus erictang, On leave today? Have you moved to your new home? |
albertino 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.226 |
2006-11-17 17:50 |
[#99] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Hello Albert, Yes, just moved on Monday. As of today, nearly unpack all the boxes but some of the floor is still covered. Just place/connect the turntable to play, no 'tuning' yet...etc yet. The cat is having a sweet dream while listening to 'La Traviata' Kleiber/Cotrubas/Domingo/Milnes under DG label |
erictang 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.198 |
2006-11-17 18:36 |
[#100] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Hi Albert, The picture again. See if you can see it. |
erictang 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.198 |
2006-11-17 18:57 |