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[#41] What are you listening to? ( classical mus chankaiming: MOST classical listeners do NOT take to Shostakovich or Prokofiev. Their second-hand value are much cheaper than violin works etc! MOST do not like Bruckner either! Even more do not like the Sibelius symphonies! |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.9 |
2006-11-15 12:16 | |
[#42] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Bartok都好蝦人聽.... 但once你咬得入,就會覺得好過癮。 |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.114 |
2006-11-15 12:25 |
[#43] What are you listening to? ( classical mus "但once你咬得入,就會覺得好過癮。" 同意同意.. |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 12:26 |
[#44] What are you listening to? ( classical mus >>> Bartok都好蝦人聽.... any 作品 recommended for 入門級 listener? Thanks. |
honeybee 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.19 |
2006-11-15 12:28 |
[#45] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Bartok 最 popular 都怕且係呢隻 Concerto for Orchestra. |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 12:35 |
[#46] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Prokofiev was my favorite, his 5th symphony, violin concerto, complete piano concerto are full of strange but lovely melody. His ballet music is even more interesting. Bartok was my favorite, his music is like rock and roll, usually have strong and unconventional rthythum. His piano concerto is very exciting. However Shostakovich is more difficult for me, his music is strange, but I cannot really go into his sound world. The only work I enjoy are his concerto, his violin concerto, his Cello concerto and his piano concerto ( which I am listening now) I don't like Sibelius, his music simply does not make sence to me, except his famous violin concerto. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-15 12:38 |
[#47] What are you listening to? ( classical mus I found Bartok's piano concerto and violin concerto to be his greatest work. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-15 12:41 |
[#48] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Fricsay 都好似係巴托門下. |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 12:42 |
[#49] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Another modern composer I found interesting is Kodaly, he incorporate folk tune into his music and present it in a modern fashion. Similiar to Bartok but lack his strong personal character. Kodály: Háry János Suite - Dances of Galánta & Marosszék. Children's Choir Magificat, Budapest, Children's Choir Miraculum, Kecskemet, Budapest Festival Orchestra, Iván Fischer 1 CD | DDD | 00289 462 8242 Int. Release: Jun. 1999 |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-15 12:54 |
[#50] What are you listening to? ( classical mus |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-15 13:03 |
[#51] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Bartok都好蝦人聽... Agree. I got this but seldom to listen. |
pumbaa 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.214 |
2006-11-15 13:46 |
[#52] What are you listening to? ( classical mus I don't know much about Bartok, but I like his Bluebeard's Castle - got the recent recording by Ivan Fisher on Philips. Shall explore more. I am more into the Russians - Prokofiev, Shostakovich, and Schnittke. Schnittke, in particular, is a gem. His music is real fun. He incorporated so many different styles and melodies. The Concerto Grosso no.1 by Gidon Kremer is my all time favourite - he performed it some years ago at the City Hall. Anyone remember that? Sibelius is another one I like (esp symphonies no. 4, 5 and 7), but don't know very much. |
minpin 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.138 |
2006-11-15 14:05 |
[#53] What are you listening to? ( classical mus 早晨.. |
邊個邊個 正式會員 158.xxx.xxx.114 |
2006-11-16 09:15 |
[#54] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Good morning to all, Last night was windy, as a result, my focus last night was on wind music. These light and tuneful music was refreshing after two consecutive night of Bruckner. I started off with Haydn's wind concerto: Haydn: Trumpet Concerto, Horn Concerto No.1, Oboe Concerto in C Major I found haydn to be under-rated, his music were as good as, if not better than Mozart, most importantly he infuse a sense on humor into his music. Trumpet concerto was known to many after being chosen as the title music of BBC, the other wind concerto are equally enjoyable. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-16 09:38 |
[#55] What are you listening to? ( classical mus |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-16 09:46 |
[#56] What are you listening to? ( classical mus The second disc was by Mozart, and was lovely in its own right. WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756-1791) Wind and String Chamber Music THE GAUDIER ENSEMBLE MARIEKE BLANKESTIJN violin IRIS JUDA viola, JANE ATKINS viola (K407) Christoph Marks cello, DOUGLAS BOYD oboe RICHARD HOSFORD bassett horn (K580b), clarinet (K452) NICHOLAS RODWELL clarinet (K580b) ROBIN O'NEILL bassoon, JONATHAN WILLIAMS horn SUSAN TOMES piano Oboe Quartet in F major K370 [17'05] Horn Quintet in E flat major K407 [18'28] Quintet Movement in F major K580b [12'42] Quintet for Piano and Wind in E flat major K452 [24'53] Mozart was always interesting, ever entertaining, and I found his wind music to be fantastic. Mozart's wind concerto was my all time favorite and a perfect candidate for indroducing classical music to beginner. |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-16 09:49 |
[#57] What are you listening to? ( classical mus 我又來隻莫札特 |
lym 正式會員 167.xxx.xxx.10 |
2006-11-16 09:53 |
[#58] What are you listening to? ( classical mus lym: How many LP have you got? seem that you collection is huge! |
chankaiming 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.168 |
2006-11-16 10:24 |
[#59] What are you listening to? ( classical mus chankaiming and minpin, It is joyful to read you2's post because I find our similar taste to music. Meanwhile, I have taken the same view as you toward Perahia and Zimerman, two great pianist of our generation. Zimerman's Debussy is his only record of my collection but it has already told me a lot of his style, approach, etc. However, I am not very interested in his concerto plays... Perahia is truely my beloved musician. A well educated and gentle person who was a friend and fan of Horowitz. Years ago I attended his concert in HK who played Bach English Suite 3, Beethoven Piano Sonata Moonlight and Chopin's. Three different kinds of musical works that he managed very well. Sitting at the quite front left row, I got a pretty clear observation on his fingering and posture. He did not have much body movement or facial expression (closing eyes sometimes) even during the aggressive portion and this reminded me Horowitz who did not have much body movement either. The Suite 3 and Moonlight was very attractive and well balance. I thought he would further explore Beethoven's work in coming his recording. But it turned up that he released several Bach's recordings within a short period and of course very successful. Personally, I don't like strong body movement or facial expression in live playing because it is very distorbing to me. But to some new generation pianist, especially Chinese, it becomes a must as if it helps the interpretation!? |
ocean 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.4 |
2006-11-16 10:48 |
[#60] What are you listening to? ( classical mus Haydn's trumpet concerto is a masterpiece! My favorite trumpeter is Maurice Andre. |
doctorjohn 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.189 |
2006-11-16 11:08 |