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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
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[#1] Phono upgrade 意見 現有一部 5千元的phono 有 MM MC ,但 沒有升壓牛,所聽MC 唔係好得。 1)加外置牛 eg phasemation T320 or 550 2) 换一部全新eg luxman E-250. 請給意見,一萬元左筆直,Thanks |
Lb1i![]() 49.xxx.xxx.55 |
2024-06-01 12:47 | |
[#2] Phono upgrade 意見 Rega Aria MK3 best buy mc有69db增益 |
009terry![]() 14.xxx.xxx.234 |
2024-06-01 14:20 |
[#3] Phono upgrade 意見 試咗老seafood: Yamaha C4未? |
ckwan2014![]() 174.xxx.xxx.114 |
2024-06-01 14:55 |
[#4] Phono upgrade 意見 多謝二位師兄回覆。 我想問下,如果在一萬元左右,用舊的加一個MC set up 和買一新的phono ,那個比較upgrade 大? Thanks |
Lb1i![]() 218.xxx.xxx.7 |
2024-06-01 17:46 |
[#5] Phono upgrade 意見 小弟建議,帶耳仔去驗貨好啲喎。 |
ckwan2014![]() 174.xxx.xxx.114 |
2024-06-01 19:29 |
[#6] Phono upgrade 意見 You can sell your phono and buy Gold Note PH10 It is sufficient gain for MC cartridge, Also with XLR output. https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/gold-note-ph-10-phonostage/ |
Cityu![]() 14.xxx.xxx.170 |
2024-06-01 19:50 |
[#7] Phono upgrade 意見 師兄用邊款MC頭? |
jimmy4167![]() 124.xxx.xxx.110 |
2024-06-01 22:44 |
[#8] Phono upgrade 意見 #6 I considered PH 10 in deeply, however, I give up because of the screen and operation. #7, 有 DL 103r, sumiko starling, ortofon black. Thanks |
Lb1i![]() 49.xxx.xxx.213 |
2024-06-02 09:11 |
[#9] Phono upgrade 意見 會唔會考慮 Hegel v10? 應該接近你嘅budget.. |
Cityu![]() 125.xxx.xxx.71 |
2024-06-02 10:48 |
[#10] Phono upgrade 意見 好的,上網看看先,Thanks |
Lb1i![]() 112.xxx.xxx.34 |
2024-06-02 14:43 |
[#11] Phono upgrade 意見 現在使用sumiko starling, ortofon black 都應該唔係 hi-fi新手 第一唔排除你而家擁有嘅MM stage 係唔錯嘅, what is it? SUT or active Mc stage better? Sujective, 我嘅經驗, 如果成個phone stage chain within 兩三萬港紙內, 都係各有各好 Example : 1)MC output less than 0.2mv, I shall use a phone stage with almost 70db gain for Mc, as I do not have a SUT for so low output, and those SUT is bloody. Expensive ( good SUT beyond 1:20...with dynamic is.. So ££££) 2) for Mc between 0.2x to 0.4x MV..., sometime SUT, some time phone stage, solidstate or tube, depending do I picky at that moment, different set up.. Different music 3) MC from 0.5mv... Mostly SUT at 1:10.. Not exceeded 1:15, as active stage too much Gain for those higher output MC, I consider 0. 5mv is very high for Mc, I do wish to have a sut at 1:4 with correct. Loading parameters and use with a good and higher gain MM stage (but cannot find it yet) Not hard to find a good vintage SUT for 103r too 視乎心態 and preference.. Within that budget, nothing is a clear Winner for majority Some may prefer A, some may be B and I am A&B within that. Budget, and feel no need to goes beyond too Have fun Vintage Solidstate phono stage, 印象深刻一點有 krell and ayre 唔記得型號但幾好 其實好多都幾好 好抵玩 無論揀邊部phono stage, a lot. Of Loading option 係 better 啲嘅選擇, as right loading can be quite a range, not a single value 如果你嘅聆聽環境 擺位各樣都比較好, sound stage 及hi-fi效果表現出色, 配搭得好調教得好... 可以有天與地嘅分別 Haha 最後修改時間: 2024-06-02 16:40:24 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.47 |
2024-06-02 16:33 |
[#12] Phono upgrade 意見 #8 I am wondering why the screen and operation bothering you? The display can be switch off automatically after a few second after selection, the single knob selector is quite convenient........ |
blackspin![]() 203.xxx.xxx.181 |
2024-06-02 16:53 |
[#13] Phono upgrade 意見 and it is always nice to have a phonostage with different EQ curve too, such as this gold note, very useful features for old LP Especially for those old columbia LP, 真係聽到有分別 佢仲有一個可以推少少多啲高音嘅功能 真係唔錯, 奄尖嘅時候 用得上 我未聽過, 單從係功能上面真係覺得唔錯 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.47 |
2024-06-02 17:00 |
[#14] Phono upgrade 意見 #12, 我經驗個種screen 係好易壞,而且如果GN 停左 screen supply 成部即時垃圾。我由雅典已經用,由BN to GN, 真係好聲同音樂味。GN turntable 差了了買左,可惜緣份未到。 #11, 其實我有另一部胆的,但當我聽那些年的勁歌金曲,要用石機先可以令我後生返 ^_^, 買了exposure phono 勁下,金句 "石始終係石,胆始終係胆"。貪念令我更想一層樓 :p. 多謝你的分享,暫時我考慮會買SUT,平平地一部,因為未玩過。 |
Lb1i![]() 218.xxx.xxx.195 |
2024-06-02 21:40 |
[#15] Phono upgrade 意見 請問樓主用的EXPOSURE PHONO是VXN還是XM3??因小弟正考慮入手XM3,想請教樓主EXPOSURE嘅PHONO音質和性價比可否分享下?? 最後修改時間: 2024-06-02 22:57:56 |
sj4000![]() 221.xxx.xxx.215 |
2024-06-02 22:55 |
[#16] Phono upgrade 意見 i forget how many Cheap SUT...i had i also DIY a few based on some OLD MicroPhone transformer too , keep using them and i keep one of this Fidelity Research FRT-3 step up transformer match quite well to 103R, i use that mainly for 103R i got it for a few hundred HKD may be the 30ohm setting is ok for your sumiko starling ..or slightly overload your MM stage , may be not but for sure..it is quite ok for 103R at 30ohm setting with about 26db gain or need more gain at 10 ohm setting more than 30db no harm to try for a few or 1k hkd 最後修改時間: 2024-06-03 02:26:45 |
hahayanyan![]() 86.xxx.xxx.47 |
2024-06-03 02:17 |
[#17] Phono upgrade 意見 #16 再次多謝你的分享 #15 我的是最平形号,用mm頭,表現不錯,但low mc 就吾夠聲的感覺。視乎你喜愛什麼音樂,如果小品-,人聲都可以。 Ps 這是我的第二部phono, 上面其他師兄的推介不防考慮一下。 |
Lb1i![]() 49.xxx.xxx.81 |
2024-06-03 08:36 |
[#18] Phono upgrade 意見 借位一問,Gold note PH-10 比 PH-5 除多了一組 input 及用 knot 調校外,其他功能就同 PH-5 相同,但價錢就貴差不多一倍… 唔知聲音表現 PH-10 比 PH-5 會更好嗎? 先謝謝! |
i-walker![]() 86.xxx.xxx.179 |
2024-06-03 16:17 |
[#19] Phono upgrade 意見 I-walker Hing, FYI. https://hifiplus.com/articles/gold-note-ph-5-phono-stage/ |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-06-03 16:28 |
[#20] Phono upgrade 意見 Thanks fotheringay hing! ^^ |
i-walker![]() 86.xxx.xxx.179 |
2024-06-03 16:51 |