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[#1] Why Do WAV And FLAC Files Sound Different?    

worth reading!
個人訊息 會員
2016-07-13 23:06
[#2] Why Do WAV And FLAC Files Sound Different?    
Chris Connaker who is usually mild mannered, is quite critical of this paper.


個人訊息 正式會員
2016-07-13 23:24
[#3] Why Do WAV And FLAC Files Sound Different?    
I think Chris was saying that as a technical paper, the write-up was below par.
Look at what Theresa quoted what Cookie M and Barry D said. Personally I agree that playing FLAC directly has an inferior sound to playing WAV.
But different persons have different preferences and perceptions. I see little point in arguing heatedly or trying to prove which of the two is better or are being equal. Just take one's own pick will do.
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-07-17 09:04
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