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[#1] Oppo 93 HDMI output 的 video 是否不能關掉?    
Panasonic dmp-bdt300 HDMI output 的 video 可關掉.但Oppo 93 的說明書沒有提及此功能.請 Oppo 93 的用家提供意見.Thanks
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-12-29 12:23
[#2] Oppo 93 HDMI output 的 video 是否不能關掉?    
Of course you can, even my old 980 DVD player can do that.

There is a a Pure Audio button on the remote, after pressing it, the video output will shut itself off I think after around 5 seconds.

In fact check page 7 of the manual, look at the remote, the button is on the top left corner.

最後修改時間: 2010-12-31 10:11:54
個人訊息 正式會員
2010-12-31 10:09
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