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[#1] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 想問下呢兩款投影機邊款好同扺? Epson EH-TW8000 Mitsubishi HC7800D 兩款的3D功能是否一樣的? 因為聽人講可以將2D變3D... |
mrpandakid 正式會員 183.xxx.xxx.214 |
2012-01-09 12:02 | |
[#2] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 3D就應該差不多 但前者解像度高好多 |
ireneyu 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.210 |
2012-01-10 14:29 |
[#3] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 如果係呢部低階少少的呢? EH-TW6000 http://www.price.com.hk/product.php?p=135154 |
mrpandakid 正式會員 183.xxx.xxx.214 |
2012-01-11 14:42 |
[#4] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 3D就應該差不多 但前者解像度高好多 Do you know what is the meaning of resolution? Both 1920x1080......... |
LLP 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.141 |
2012-01-12 11:50 |
[#5] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi The coming JVC X30R, X60R & X90R are reasonably priced! http://www.soundstageglobal.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=206&catid=82&Itemid=246 最後修改時間: 2012-01-12 12:13:49 |
CKKeung 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.224 |
2012-01-12 12:12 |
[#6] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 只係知解像度越高越好, 睇多啲細緻啲, 同電腦mon一樣concept 唔該樓上位師兄推介, 但我聽人話投影機對比度好重要 係咪Epson係呢方面強好多?JVC 80000:1,Epson就200000:1.... |
mrpandakid 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.170 |
2012-01-16 12:29 |
[#7] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 如果只計解像度...係強好多... 呢個亦都係佢其中一個selling pt... 當然仲有其他.. |
ireneyu 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.166 |
2012-01-19 16:23 |
[#8] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi TW6000 用個塊係低階D9 Panel, 畫質好一般, 輸3D, DLP既機種比輸有優勢, crosstalk 最小. LCD機種所標示既對比度係以開埋auto iris計, JVC 標既係native contrast ratio. 講黑位就算Epson TW8000 都輸JVC X30 成條街! |
wattpuppy 正式會員 1.xxx.xxx.195 |
2012-01-20 03:48 |
[#9] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi JVC X30要成3萬蚊.... Epson TW8000, 以咁既價錢黎計算唔算抵玩? |
ireneyu 正式會員 183.xxx.xxx.214 |
2012-01-20 17:16 |
[#10] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 門外漢問題.... 開auto iris計同native contrast ratio計即係點...? |
mrpandakid 正式會員 183.xxx.xxx.214 |
2012-01-20 17:44 |
[#11] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 我都想問... 因為JVC貴啲, 但聽師兄咁講又勁啲 真係唔知點揀呢... |
ireneyu 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.110 |
2012-01-23 22:35 |
[#12] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 呢度有佢同PANASONIC另一部機的REVIEW 你可以參考下 http://www.projectorreviews.com/projectors/pt-ae7000_vs_Epson_HC5010/index.php |
ballgortim 正式會員 183.xxx.xxx.214 |
2012-01-27 16:57 |
[#13] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi The problem with contrast is there is no standard when calculating contrast and the problem is most of these so called contrast figures were calculated in their brightest mode, which means accuracy is not their main concern. Once calibration is factored in all these contrast figures will be much lower, so do not base your decision on spec since they cannot be properly compared against each other to begin with. For 3D projection I would vote for Mitsubishi, JVC should not be considered as a prime 3D contender, many forums have posted its issues mainly ghosting. I am not biased since I own an JVC X30 myself. 最後修改時間: 2012-01-27 18:04:55 |
breadvan 正式會員 147.xxx.xxx.211 |
2012-01-27 18:02 |
[#14] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 姐係PANASONIC > EPSON > JVC? |
ireneyu 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.46 |
2012-01-28 02:47 |
[#15] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi 回mrpandakid兄,你指的是對比度(Contrast)...部份投影機用Auto Iris,即因應唔同場境收/放光圈...JVC就強調Native Contrast 個人心水排名: 3D Epson > Panasonic > JVC 2D JVC > Panasonic > Epson 申報利益,本人為JVC X30用家! |
LLP 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.143 |
2012-02-15 16:55 |
[#16] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi Lcd 對焦有問題 |
potak 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-11-14 11:08 |
[#17] 3D投影機款式比較...Epson VS Mitsubishi Lcd 對焦有乜問題? 願聞其詳! |
wattpuppy 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.143 |
2012-11-14 17:42 |
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