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好多發燒友一聽見Belafonte就會諗起經典名著Belafonte at Carnegie Hall,這是一張家喻戶曉、盛名遠播的發燒天碟,除了Belafonte at Carnegie Hall之外,但我比較喜歡Belafonte Returns To Carnegie Hall。
Returns To Carnegie Hall卻有一個特色,即是這個Live Concert除了Belafonte演唱之外,還有不同藝人同台助唱,與At Carnegie Hall裡Belafonte全場獨唱的情況不一樣。
整隻碟錄音非常清晰,非常有節奏感地傳遞到整個Carnegie Hall的每個角落,觸動每個觀眾的心弦。 要注意的是觀眾熱烈的拍掌聲,更非常傳神.我尤其最喜​​愛第十二首-One More Dance.這首歌我大約在二十年前音響展領校過.當時展商用一套昂貴的組合 播放,果種現場感令到我依家仍瀝瀝在目.
其他好歌還包括Old King Cole這首大家耳熟能詳的民曲.錄音非常正,甚麼定位、音場一目了然然Belafonte彷彿站在舞台正中,樂隊則在後台稍左的地方。 這首曲錄音水平最高,堪稱是整張CD中最具代表性的一首傳世名曲。
01.Jump Down Spin Around - Harry Belafonte and the Belafonte Folk Singers
02.Suzanne - Harry Belafonte
03.A Little Lyric Of Great Importance - Harry Belafonte and the Belafonte Folk Singers
04.Chickens - Harry Belafonte and the Belafonte Folk Singers
05.Vaichazkem - The Chad Mitchell Trio
06.I Do Adore Her - The Chad Mitchell Trio
07.The Ballad Of Sigmund Freud - The Chad Mitchell Trio
08.I’ve Been Driving On Bald Mountain - Odetta
09.Water Boy - Odetta
10.A Hole In The Bucket - Harry Belafonte and Odetta
11.The Click Song - Miriam Makeba and The Belafonte Folk Singers
12.One More Dance - Harry Belafonte and Miriam Makeba
13.The Ox Drivers - Belafonte Folk Singers
14.The Red Rosy Bush - Belafonte Folk Singers
15.Didn’t It Rain - Belafonte Folk Singers
16.Hene Ma Tov - Harry Belafonte and the Belafonte Folk Singers
17.I Know Where I’m Going - Harry Belafonte and the Belafonte Folk Singers
18.Old King Cole - Harry Belafonte and the Belafonte Folk Singers
19.La Bamba - Harry Belafonte and the Belafonte Folk Singers


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2019-09-26 00:16
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