CD機 | MD機 | SACD機 | DAC | CAS | 合拼擴音機 | 前級擴音機 | 後級擴音機 | 接線 | 喇叭線 | 揚聲器 | 耳機 | 耳機擴音機 | LP產品 | 膽機產品 | 開卷式錄音機 | 音響配件 | DIY音響 | 電源 | 家庭影院
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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#2] Accuphase Fans Not only for Accuphase, if you can use the same brand for your amp, CDP, the presentation would have quite a harmony. But before you buy Accuphase, you need to make sure it is the sound you like -- its sound is quite civilized which is a bit neutral but it adds a seductive royal treatment in the midrange. It has substance, but it may not have the appearance (like powerful bass, sharp treble) that some people think a hifi should be. |
Kenny 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.213 |
2006-02-14 20:27 | |
[#3] Accuphase Fans I am not quite agree Accuphase lack of sharp treble and in fact some people even complain their sound is too thin with over-bright treble (this is due to inexperienced wrong matching). Accuphase possess a strong signature (you may call it coloration) that you may either like it or dislike it very much. For those people who like it, it is hard to describ concretely its strength |
123 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.21 |
2006-02-15 14:11 |
[#4] Accuphase Fans . |
bobbychu 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.143 |
2006-02-15 22:01 |
[#5] Accuphase Fans 呢排好多玩"金仔"既高手前輩出薑嬤氻葑o,幾好魽A等我地呢D新手學洁C。。。。。多謝哂 |
bobbychu 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.99 |
2006-02-22 18:29 |
[#6] Accuphase Fans 小第想知依加新金仔(90年代-00年代)班工程師係咪同70/80年代果班同一樣,仲有小第想知新金仔(未聽過)同舊金仔(聲好嬌)聲音取向有什麼分別??? |
AMDOpteron250 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.101 |
2006-02-22 19:19 |
[#8] Accuphase Fans 小弟覺得係唔係同一班工程師唔重要,重要既係金仔對音樂既堅持,執荂C不隨波逐流。。。。。。。 |
bobbychu 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.99 |
2006-02-22 19:40 |
[#9] Accuphase Fans AMDOpteron250 小弟對新舊 Accuphase 的聲音分別是,一代比一代好,成熟,厚潤,如A-30 好過 A-20 同 DP-67 好過 DP65 足足有兩三班. 你話聲好嬌,可能是喇叭問題,可從喇叭方面入手或轉玩電子分音,如轉玩電子分音,保證你一世不會回頭玩成品喇叭. |
Accuphase迷 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.196 |
2006-02-22 22:05 |
[#10] Accuphase Fans Is there any link available for old Accuphase product ? |
$$$ 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.20 |
2006-02-23 11:20 |
[#11] Accuphase Fans Any views on E-308 and E-408? Thanks |
bere 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.45 |
2006-02-23 11:59 |
[#12] Accuphase Fans Bobby兄, 好久冇聯絡! 近來有冇換器材玩啊? |
kyu888 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.20 |
2006-02-23 12:43 |
[#13] Accuphase Fans kyu888 hing 你好。。。。。 |
bobbychu 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.176 |
2006-02-24 01:06 |
[#14] Accuphase Fans I own "金仔"既 transport + DAC before ......2/3 yrs ago .... 一套"金仔"既 transport + DAC 真的發揮得更好..... for example , DP80L + DC81L DP-90 + DC91 DP100 + DC101 Good combo , special for classic music... in japan many Classic fans choose Accuphase CD/DAC .... |
MakiGoto 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.122 |
2006-02-24 15:37 |
[#15] Accuphase Fans 送給各金仔迷! |
chiung1025 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.66 |
2006-02-24 16:05 |
[#16] Accuphase Fans It (E303x) is serving me!!! |
why 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.136 |
2006-02-24 16:08 |
[#17] Accuphase Fans 各金仔迷是否想將圖中之金仔全部擁有呢! 不過可能在此有些朋友已經擁有或曾經擁有或行將擁有了! |
chiung1025 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.66 |
2006-02-24 16:16 |
[#18] Accuphase Fans 睇到流晒口水 |
TaiHung 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.201 |
2006-02-24 17:25 |
[#19] Accuphase Fans A60 I like it |
sm 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.215 |
2006-02-24 18:41 |
[#20] Accuphase Fans 睇到流晒口水 X 2 旗艦型號。。。。。。 |
bobbychu 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.239 |
2006-02-24 20:06 |
[#21] Accuphase Fans Ques to all Accuphase fans with higher model gears ----- Are you using the gears' balanced inputs/outputs for connections? |
Krell 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.54 |
2006-02-26 22:28 |
[#22] Accuphase Fans a must! |
123 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.134 |
2006-02-27 23:23 |