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[#9] 輕微碰撞    
thanks olddude
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-08 19:55
[#8] 輕微碰撞    
In theory, you have to report any accident to your insurance company. You definitely have to report to your insurance company if you need to claim against the other party's insurance or the other party is going to claim against you. If it was me and I expect to settle between ourselves, I would not report it to the insurance. Once you report to them, the record will stuck with you forever.

As for reporting to the police, typically, they would encourage you to settle. As long as you can settle before the investigation is completed (which usually take a while), you should still be able to file a cancellation (both parties have to do it). Then again, it depends on the investigating officer.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-08 17:06
[#7] 輕微碰撞    
May I also report it to my insurance company because the time limit is more tight (may be within about 24 hrs!). Could I also cancel it if the 2 parties settle it afterwards ?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-07 16:28
[#6] 輕微碰撞    
If the damages are serious and the money involved is substantial, one way is to call the police to file a report. In that case, both parties have to go to the traffic accident section to file statements. The two parties can still work on the compensation and once it is settled, then both party have to go to the traffic accident section to file a cancellation of the case.

Another way is to draft a written statement stating such and such is willing to compensate the other party for the accident occurred at where and when, and involving which cars. Of course, don't forget the phone numbers and addresses, together with the HKID card numbers. Get an estimate for the repair ASAP and ask the paying party to cough up with the cash immediately. You have a few days (I forget whether it is 7, 10 or 14 days) to file a report with the police after the fact. If the other party refuse to pay up then you can still go to file an accident report with the police in order to make a claim within the stated period. Important thing is not to let the other party drag on over the time limit to file a report.

If you file a report after the fact, the settle agreement is not important if the investigating officer doesn't ask. Of course, the officer might ask you why you didn't call the police or took so long to file a report. However, you do have to account for what had happened in the accident.

最後修改時間: 2011-08-06 01:22:09
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-06 01:14
[#5] 輕微碰撞    
我幾年前比架的士撞咗, 只前bumper有微損, 當時佢賠$700比我, 佢又有現成的和解書(寫明發生輕微交通意外,無人受傷,現雙方同意,不再追究), 填上雙方姓名,ID及車牌, 日期, 時間, 地點, 最後雙方簽名.

因當時沒有警察到場, 後期有啲人話最好當日去警署備案.
(想問吓如果去警署備案, 是否只將碰撞與和解經過話比警察知呢?)

又如果銀碼太大, 又或要去車房打價, 大家都要離開現場, 情况又會比較覆雜和困難, 如何處理好呢 ?!

最後修改時間: 2011-08-06 00:03:37
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-06 00:00
[#4] 輕微碰撞    
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-05 12:55
[#3] 輕微碰撞    
Usually, you should negotiate with the other party about the compensation, even the police would suggest that if the accident was just minor fender-bender. If both parties cannot work out a solution and the other party is going to file a report or going to claim your insurance, you better go to the Traffic Division to file a report as well. I only know that the one for HK Island is in Shau Kei Wan. You can look up the HK police web site for the other areas:


最後修改時間: 2011-08-05 11:27:02
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-05 11:21
[#2] 輕微碰撞    
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-05 10:21
[#1] 輕微碰撞    
當自已啱 (只是收定料):

如果唔報警, 適當程序應該做啲咩呢 ?
(備案好啲嗎 ?)
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-04 22:04
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