汽車主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
![]() ![]() |
[#20] 入油未? 短訊 country code from Sweden? ![]() 最後修改時間: 2012-05-09 10:27:16 |
阿c![]() 202.xxx.xxx.26 |
2012-05-09 10:23 | |
[#21] 入油未? i no card from this gas station. walk in cusomter get same discount? |
seanbeer![]() 113.xxx.xxx.66 |
2012-05-09 10:31 |
[#22] 入油未? seanbeer 中石化唔使任何 card walk-in 就得 |
阿C![]() 202.xxx.xxx.245 |
2012-05-09 10:40 |
[#23] 入油未? 中石化平日walk in有$1.5(入滿$330). |
ctlee![]() 59.xxx.xxx.124 |
2012-05-09 11:50 |
[#24] 入油未? 希望ESSO會有DISCOUNT |
jcmbz![]() 220.xxx.xxx.236 |
2012-05-09 12:06 |
[#25] 入油未? Esso 好多時都會跟住中石化減 |
阿C![]() 202.xxx.xxx.245 |
2012-05-09 12:16 |
[#26] 入油未? anyway, i am no where near a SINO pump, wait for ESSO, my tank still from last week -2.3/ liter from Esso |
seanbeer![]() 113.xxx.xxx.66 |
2012-05-09 12:25 |
[#27] 入油未? 琴晚入滿Shell- V Power,架車超順,唔知中石化啲油有無一樣效果? 大家可否分享吓經驗! |
fantan![]() 219.xxx.xxx.241 |
2012-05-09 14:24 |
[#28] 入油未? i personally find esso normal and F1 feel the same and same milage on my 1999 2.0 8v VW engine. |
seanbeer![]() 113.xxx.xxx.66 |
2012-05-09 14:27 |
[#29] 入油未? 個人感覺 入親中石化 都覺得個車頭會好震 所以我極少入中石化 |
阿C![]() 202.xxx.xxx.245 |
2012-05-09 14:56 |
[#30] 入油未? 入親中石冇咁好力,同燒得快,貴果隻未入過. |
damonlaw![]() 59.xxx.xxx.210 |
2012-05-09 15:35 |
[#31] 入油未? 朋友已收到sms esso 10/5 & 11/5, -$2.0 |
CG2![]() 202.xxx.xxx.11 |
2012-05-09 15:57 |
[#32] 入油未? 我都收到 點解又係 country code +46? 同埋我係 16:52 先收到 ![]() 最後修改時間: 2012-05-09 17:07:40 |
阿c![]() 202.xxx.xxx.99 |
2012-05-09 17:06 |
[#33] 入油未? I got my ESSO red card when I purchased a new car from DCH in Nov 2010. How to upgrade to SMILE card? |
philip![]() 124.xxx.xxx.74 |
2012-05-09 17:34 |
[#34] 入油未? red card 同 smiles card 分別係兩個系統 可以同時擁有 邊張著數就用邊張 Smiles card 你 walk-in 入去申請就得, 即刻用到.... |
阿C![]() 202.xxx.xxx.245 |
2012-05-09 17:41 |
[#35] 入油未? 我呢頭入完油果頭就收到sms喇, 頂! |
gallantvrm![]() 42.xxx.xxx.98 |
2012-05-09 17:50 |
[#36] 入油未? 星期6去入油先....YEAH~ |
jcmbz![]() 220.xxx.xxx.236 |
2012-05-09 19:08 |
[#37] 入油未? 星期6去入油先....YEAH~ >> upto May 11 (Fri) only |
阿C![]() 202.xxx.xxx.245 |
2012-05-09 19:35 |
[#38] 入油未? 係喎, 當左明天係星期五...... |
jcmbz![]() 123.xxx.xxx.53 |
2012-05-09 20:57 |
[#39] 入油未? Thanks. Ah C Hing. |
philip![]() 124.xxx.xxx.74 |
2012-05-09 21:45 |