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[#62] BMW 118i M Sport for driver and front passenger airbags only. |
bianbianbian 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.152 |
2012-07-21 19:12 | |
[#63] BMW 118i M Sport 得兩個咁少咋? |
一一 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.208 |
2012-07-21 20:02 |
[#64] BMW 118i M Sport bianbianbian, #28張相係唔係喺汀九, 機場核心計劃展覽中心外停車場影 ? #33張相係唔係喺赤柱, 聖士提反灣停車場影 ? 最後修改時間: 2012-07-21 21:21:50 |
jwong852 正式會員 220.xxx.xxx.182 |
2012-07-21 21:16 |
[#65] BMW 118i M Sport #28 唔肯定 #33 就係 |
bianbianbian 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.152 |
2012-07-21 22:13 |
[#66] BMW 118i M Sport 一一, it should have 6 air bags, head for driver and front passenger, side air bag for driver and front passenger and curtain air bag for front and back. Sport or M sport have USB and BT function, you just need plug in the iPhone with normal USB cable or just simply using Bluetooth, u can listen song and make call as well. 最後修改時間: 2012-07-22 11:33:28 |
小鬼 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.131 |
2012-07-22 11:26 |
[#67] BMW 118i M Sport 唔該晒小鬼ching, 今日終於約左SALES試車, 走左轉大霧山, 上山果時真係不知不覺得已經上到80km, 因為平時自己揸開jazz上山, 去極都係六, 七十. 因為第一次揸, 唔多夠膽踩得盡, 驚易放難收. 不過整體都幾好. |
一一 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.208 |
2012-07-22 20:38 |
[#68] BMW 118i M Sport 10月交車你加左option? 個人覺得rear cam 同PDC front值得加,因為車頭長過你架Jazz好多, 我就後侮無加black panel display, 依家個dashboard好吉咁 記得去Facebook join 118i個group, 果到d ching 好好,但好毒, 成日有group buy 引你改野 最後修改時間: 2012-07-22 22:01:44 |
小鬼 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.131 |
2012-07-22 21:56 |
[#69] BMW 118i M Sport 118I GROUP D 師兄報料, 該車為六月銷售之冠---190部! |
bianbianbian 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.36 |
2012-07-22 21:59 |
[#70] BMW 118i M Sport fb果度既118i group我joint左啦. 小鬼ching, 係呀. 我加左option啦. 祇係加左前既pdc同埋轉左18吋軨. 其他accessories就等拎左車先買, 但係個後箱防水膠盤同埋車窗太陽檔就想訂左先. 因為無現貸. 咁問小鬼ching, 仲有乜野accessories係值得買架? Thx |
一一 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.208 |
2012-07-22 22:05 |
[#71] BMW 118i M Sport 我卒之都試左架118 m sport ,超爽,不過想試埋alfa先決定,有冇師兄兩架都試過?點比較?thanks. |
rover901 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.104 |
2012-07-23 09:18 |
[#72] BMW 118i M Sport I haven't bought any accessories so far, but I m considering to upgarde the tires, RFT is a bit too bumpy and noisy especially on the rough surface. Many CHing bought the piggyback to boost the power of 118i to 205hp and 295Nm torque. I haven't bought because I found the Sport+ mode is already too crazy, thanks to the 8 speed gearbox and turbo engine. |
小鬼 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.128 |
2012-07-23 14:05 |
[#73] BMW 118i M Sport 最後修改時間: 2012-07-25 23:02:27 |
josephmk 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.148 |
2012-07-25 22:59 |
[#74] BMW 118i M Sport 想問ching, 如果bmw比1.75%但係leasing, 自己係出面搵就1.85%但係hp, 你地會搵邊間呢? leasing就要預先供6期, 即係供3年半, 但係hp就唔駛預供, 就要供足4年. 請各ching比意見. THX |
一一 正式會員 121.xxx.xxx.175 |
2012-07-30 17:07 |
[#75] BMW 118i M Sport Thanks 一一兄, 買左了! |
bianbianbian 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.44 |
2012-07-31 17:27 |
[#76] BMW 118i M Sport 一一 ching, 1. 1.75%, leasing, 先比6期, 即係供3年半 2. 1.85%, hp, 供足4年 我之前部HONDA選了LEASING, 因為最後的利息會少D! 除非好手緊, 否則選LEASING. 最後修改時間: 2012-07-31 17:43:01 |
bianbianbian 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.44 |
2012-07-31 17:40 |
[#77] BMW 118i M Sport 呢幾日諗諗下想加返後波鏡頭, 頭先call個sales問佢, 點知佢話無得加. 因為架車開始做緊. |
一一 正式會員 121.xxx.xxx.242 |
2012-08-06 15:10 |
[#78] BMW 118i M Sport 後波鏡頭係非常有用o既設施, probably a must have, 第日搵 third party 裝喇! |
Ming Sir 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.153 |
2012-08-06 19:15 |
[#79] BMW 118i M Sport 小弟無張後波鏡, 只用佢原裝個圖像顯示, 都覺得好夠用. |
bianbianbian 正式會員 223.xxx.xxx.97 |
2012-08-06 20:21 |
[#80] BMW 118i M Sport 尋日又忍唔住訂左車尾太陽檔同埋車尾膠盆. 不過要九月先有. |
一一 正式會員 121.xxx.xxx.242 |
2012-08-09 09:52 |
[#81] BMW 118i M Sport - - c hing, May I know where to get one? Thanks. ^_^ 最後修改時間: 2012-08-09 14:56:12 |
pixie 正式會員 42.xxx.xxx.154 |
2012-08-09 14:55 |